Status: Active

Rum Darling


The Captain paused, considering the idea, before floating from his station in search of his desire. His negligence of the wheel instantly lead to Mr.Gibbs hoisting the Pearl through teal tides. A look of satisfaction broadened his face with accomplishment, as the Captain strode, frenzied, though ever layer of the ship. As crates were vandalized, luminous water bubbled to reach the nose of Captain Sparrow. Trekking though flooded frames, and times isles, until the distressing needle indicated to the Left of Captain Sparrow.

A simple door, bearing a sparkling brass knob. Dents lined the wood with characteristic only time could imprint upon one’s memory. Unable to control his vivid curiosity, Captain Sparrow charged through the door, met with an embrace of breathless tent ion.

Upon a pile of riches sat a Parisian beauty, her ruby lips stinging of rum. Chocolate curls cascaded around her dainty face, outlining her features which Captain Sparrow failed to resist. Sepia pupils followed the Captain as the inspected their surroundings. Dresses in elegant cotton, entwined with lace, with her luscious locks held beneath a bandanna, a glass of green perfection rested in her right hand. Noticing the compass in the palm of the Captain’s tiresome hand, she released the bottle, causing it to disintegrate into shards of Pixie dust in the far corner of the room. Yet, the needle refused to move, seemingly as stubborn at the woman before it’s copper interior.

“Rachel” Spoke Captain Sparrow, as crystalline pupils expanded at the very sight of the female adversary. An expression of exhausted vexation dominated the Captain’s face, as his concern was met with a simple smirk.