Status: Active-ish

The World of a Disgruntled Rockstar

Day 1

We sat on the bus for what seemed like forever. I was growing quite impatient. Here we were at a rehabilitation camp. Us, a small rock band from a small town in a state people barely knew existed. Finally we were ushered off in a single file line. This should be fun.

It was the first of May in the sunny state of California. My band, Morbid Oktobr, moved here just one year ago. My small band consisted of yours truly, my brother, and my two best friends, who happened to be twins.

I looked around and began doing what I normally do best, people watch. So many celebrities in such a small place. Since the death of DJ AM, the world began to worry about us celebs. Why it took his death for them to realize shit had hit the fan with the majority of the famous genre, I'll never know.

As I looked around I saw people from TV and musical groups. There was Good Charlotte to a band I had never seen before. As I looked at them I let out a soft giggle. And people said I dressed weird? One was in all black and resembled that of a female, but I could tell it was indeed a man. Next to him was another male in very baggy clothing, long black corn rows falling onto his shoulders from underneath a sweatband. The other two next to them looked relatively normal. The corn rowed one caught me staring. I got a look that was either confused or pissed back at me. I only smirked. I enjoy irking people.

A sharp elbow with drew my staring contest from the young man. They all looked around my age. I looked to see my friend Jacki shaking her head at me.

"That's Tokio Hotel. They're from Germany."

I simply nodded and began browsing again. I saw Tom Cruise and Garth Brooks. Slipknot and Keith Urban. Such a variety of people. Simply amazing.

We were ushered into the "dorms". Basically they were shacks we would be staying in for the next four months. Yippie. I called one of the top bunks as my brother took the bottom. I was surprised they let him stay with us, since the rest of us were girls. The twins began unpacking as I walked to the window.

I watched the man with the braids drag a bag into the cabin right across from ours. Fun. I watched as he and the others began horsing around. Throwing pillows at each other and whatnot. A voice came over the loud speaker telling us to go to our first scheduled meeting in a half hour. I looked at the sheet that was handed to me when we first arrived.

"I have AA...anyone else? I peered over my sunglasses. The twins shook their heads.

"No we have our one on ones with our therapists." Jacki said as she made her bed.

"One on ones?" I questioned. I panned the schedule. My eyes landed on the sentence right away. "An hour with Dr. Shore...yippie." I said unenthusiastically.

"I have AA with you. And anger management." My brother smiled.

"WORD! What about you guys?" Me and Age are multitasking." I said with a laugh. Jess giggled with me.

"Me and Jacki aren't as lucky as you guys. We just have anger management with you guys."

I said with a smile. "I'm gunna go look around. See what trouble I can cause."

"Sam...behave. Please?"
AJ seemed to bed me. I smiled wide and left the cabin.

I pushed my sunglasses up as the bright sun hit my face. I let my eyes adjust as I watched what would look like a colony of ants at work. People moving luggage into the cabins proved to be quite funny to me. Especially those who were a tad...moronic.

I watched as the Olsen twins tried to move a giant suitcase up the stairs to their cabin. I had roughly still a half hour before AA. I figured I could get in more people watching.

I went to explore my surroundings when I heard shouting in German. Shrugging I continued on my way. I can't understand the language so why stay and listen.

I stepped off the last step and walked right into someone. My luck. I looked up to see someone with long brown hair. He was carrying either a bass or guitar. By the shape, I'm guessing bass.

"Sorry..." He muttered in a thick German accent. I shrugged and looked up a bit at him.

"Nah my B..." I half smiled and continued on my way. I felt eyes on me, making me quite uncomfortable. I shoved my hands into my pockets. I heard more German words being spoken. Undoubtedly about me. I rolled my eyes and walked to the lake.

I sat there staring out at the water. I hear a bell. 'What is this? High school all over again?' In a huff I stood and walked to AA.

I shoved my way through the door and spotted my brother. I smiled and sat next to him. I surveyed the room and saw numerous people. I saw Good Charlotte next to AJ and the German band next to me. Great. I was so close to the one with the braids and lip ring that our legs were almost tounching.

She walked in the room. She was late. She was the counselor. She wore a disgustingly short dress with pink heels. Gag me with a spoon. The one with braids perked up as she walked in. As did the other guys. Yeah she was going to help those who were here for sex addictions. She introduced herself as Jen. I rolled my eyes as she said it as seductively as she could muster. She was in a room of all guys except for me. Weird enough. I was the only chick in AA.

She went around the room getting introductions. As if she had no idea who we were. She, I mean Jen, started with the Germans next to me. I learned their names were Gustav, Georg, and Bill. The one with braids was next.

"And you are?" Jen's annoying voice cooed.


"Why the fuck are they here?!"
A voice burst. I looked next to AJ to see it was none other than Benji Madden. I should have known. "They aren't even American!" I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up Benji! Who the fuck, besides you, gives a fuck that they are here? Seriously if the world thinks they need help like the rest of us, then leave them the fuck alone!" I yelled I hated him.

"Excuse me, you'll wait your turn..." Jen turned her attention to me.

"Are you serious? I'm next you blonde bimbo! Do you seriously fucking work here dressed like that? What is this a fucking candy store to you? Yeah you're really going to help! Oh and by the way I'm Sammi. I'm from Morbid Oktobr. I'm here for AA and anger management. If you haven't already fucking noticed..." I trailed off fuming. My brother placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down Sam." His hand left my shoulder and rubbed my back. "Deep breaths." I inhaled deeply and began chilling out. He always knew how to keep me calm. Jen recrossed her legs and looked at my brother.

"And you are?" Her voice cooed again. I think I gagged slightly.

"I'm AJ. Her brother and I'm here for the same reasons." AJ said. His voice full of disgust. I let out a giggle. Only Tom heard I guess cause he looked at me with a smile. I smiled back. Finally I noticed how good looking he was. I chewed on the ring on the right side of my bottom lip and he did the same to the ring in the left side of his lip. We both smiled widely and brought our attention back to the whore sitting right across from me.
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Ok so obviously this is going to be written journal style. It is in my point of view so...yeah...lemme know what you think!