Sequel: Home Sweet Home?
Status: Complete-ish

Dark Secrets of Thorns and Ice

In the Beginning

Much of the sins we know were born just like humans were. However, instead of being human, they were demons. With the purpose, like every demon, to act as a catalyst and speed up the destruction of the human race, seven demons were given the task to do as they wish to the human race. So long as it was creative and got them dead.

So, nameless, faceless, and aimless, seven demons wandered out into the world and sought creative ways to kill off the human race. Through the short time each of these demons were on Earth, they found the things that would break the humans from the inside out. Their very selves. They were so simple and so stupid and got distracted by the simplest of things that it was much easier to watch them destroy themselves than destroying them.

Starting first was the easiest of all; Wrath. Wrath is one that all humans felt, no matter how humble they may have been. Wrath was something that easily consumed someone. Pure hatred and unadulterated fury were the easiest weapons that a human could use against anyone. Wrath, or so she has been called for thousands of years now, enjoyed her job. The ease of it made her enjoy it all the more. She loved taking the hidden reservoir of hate in people and making it boil until it overflowed and lead to massive deaths.

And to the next; greed. Greed and Wrath were a rather well fitting team. Greed took the secret wants and desires of humans and turned them into the all consuming need for those desires. Of course, though, many people only think of the money. Nay. Greed extended into the very core of a human. It took the want, such as a want for power, and made them go crazy for it. Greed, as well as envy and gluttony, are very similar in that sense. Greed takes the weakness of people's humbleness and throws it into the garbage heap. The things left behind are pure wants. And a human is left only to focus on those wants. Greed, though, did have a taste for the money. He was a very….needy man.

Gluttony, as mentioned, is much like Greed. Gluttony and Greed appeal to the same places in the brain. Gluttony enjoyed watching people starve and crave for things. Gluttony took people's need for food as means of survival and turned it into something that they needed to maintain balance. Watching someone eat themselves to death is a funny sight, no? The thought of watching someone sit there and devour anything and everything put in front of them without a thought of what may happen is very amusing. Especially to a lady like Gluttony.

Envy is much like Greed as well. While Greed took the love of material possessions and made them essential for someone's living. Envy made those wants funnier to observe. She took the want in people to obtain things, which Greed so wonderfully heightened, and made people desperate. She took their need for things and made them kill for them. She had a wonderfully wicked time watching people battle for things like cattle in the old days. It wasn't just material possessions though. While Wrath did her job to just cause anger, Envy took it a step farther. Envy took the little things in life, such as a happy family, and placed thoughts of taking it into people's heads. Like Wrath, she had a high mortality rate.

Need leads to desire. Envy and Greed took the desire that humans had and made them insatiable. Lust took the initiative to put new feelings into a person. Feelings that were so strong that no matter how humble a person you were, you would do things so wicked you would never be able to face your mother again. Lust, a sick excuse for a male, enjoyed taking the little romances of life, a candle lit dinner for example, and turning them into a blood bath driven by the needs of nature.

The most demanding of our great assembly would be Avarice. You know him by the more common name Pride. Pride, you know that thing that makes you think you have to stop acting childish so that you think you're being the "bigger man". Yeah, that one. Pride enjoyed watching the modest compete so much for fame and acceptance that they'd kill so that they were in the spotlight always. And then of course, he liked taking the big cheese and making him even BIGGER.

The last of our seven special guests would be the demon of sloth. Sloth, like most people would think, was the laziest of the bunch. She took the laziness in her and forced it onto other people. She loved to watch people sit and do nothing. She loved taking people's love for indulging in laziness every now and then and making it so they had no will to do…anything. Then again, half of the time, she was too lazy to really do much other than speed up the process rather than actually do anything else.

These seven managed to go through life for a very long time but all good things come to an end. After a long time of destruction, many of the demons, including those seven deadly sins, were locked away by the things that had the power to do so. Angels, witches and such. They had been locked away in cages all around the world, being protected by the things that put them away to ensure their permanent containment. However, seven rather dumb and careless humans managed to set those cages free. Please, enjoy the carnage that comes from the deadliest of sins.