Status: New Layout :))

The (Not Really) Rad Story About the Girls in Their Pursuit to Be Awesome

Worst. Summer. Ever.

I am so freaking anxious to go to school! I've never been this anxious before!!! Usually I'm sad summer is ending, but now it's something different. I actually have things to look forward to this year; like meeting the new orchestra teacher from Churchill. My old orchestra teacher (who is the best teacher EVER if I do say so myself) said that I would like him. And he knows what I like- we talked a lot. He was a good teacher-friend-person. And no, he wasn't pedo.

And then I can't wait to see some certain people and all the new people! I also can't wait to see how much everyone had changed over summer, because this is the yer in everyones lives that they go through some puberty-related changes. HAHA WIN, not a single pimple all year :D

Also, I loved my teachers last year so I can't wait to see them and meet my new teachers for next year!!!

And I know this is all I ever talk about on this story, but it's all I CAN talk about. All summer my mom has abused and scolded me and I don't think that I wanna talk about all of that to people who wouldn't care. xD

Yeah so that's it for today, hopefully something exciting soon xD

P.S., Hey Kenny/Angela/WHAT.EVER., I know what song we are doing for next year's talent show. But there will be even more sophisticated choreography than last year, and we will need a bunch of back-up dancers, but since we barely did ANY choreography last year, this stuff is simple. WE HAVE TO DO THIS SONG. THE MESSAGE IS AWESOME. Go to YouTube. It's called Lets Dance To This Song, by Kev Jumba, David Choi, and some other Asian guy I forgot about xD (I'm asian, I have the right to say that!) I encourage anyone who is actually reading this to check it out too. And check out the Funemployed web series the song was made for. Okay, yay :D
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