Status: New Layout :))

The (Not Really) Rad Story About the Girls in Their Pursuit to Be Awesome


I GOT MY HAIR LAYERED! Okay, so it was layered before, but you could barely tell. But now, I have like a bunch of layers. And the guy said to get side bangs also... blahh. Oh well, I like it and it looks pretty (: I just have to start straight-ironing my hair every day..... rawr.

School starts in 5 days! Exciting stuff man! I fly home in 3 days (I think) and I shall be going to Seaworld on the day after I get back. I bought books for the plane ride, and they look really good. They're all about death and stuff, except one. Yes, I is mental!

Ummhmm, I bought all my school shirts and all my locker accesories. Fun. I am painting my nails orange! I love orange! And purple. Gah, I hate black though.

That is my short, pathetic update. Goodbye!