Status: New Layout :))

The (Not Really) Rad Story About the Girls in Their Pursuit to Be Awesome

I'm back!

I've been so busy with school and being bored.

I hate the new orchestra teacher; period.

I have a new boyfriend. Lover. Whatever. I love him in every way possible. I've never felt this way before with anyone else. He's hilarious, and he plans on being president xD

This year is so fun! It's so strict, but everything is... amazing. Least amount of schoolwork EVER.

I really hope that the Long Horns win this Thanksgiving... Our class made a bet with my math teacher (she's a huge Aggie fan). If Long Horns win, we get two free days out on the football field baby! WHOO! But if not... let's just say that I'll be crying, because when I don't get math, I cry. No lie.

Can't wait for Christmas; this year, party's at my house! MWUAHAHAHAHA. Except I'll have to clean. Never mind then.

I have mental problems, I think. I'm a cutter :3 But that's not the point. I'm pretty sure I'm bipolar, because anything sets me off in rage. And I'm always depressed and emo or hyper and peppy. This happens everyday, so no, I'm not PMSing.

Both my mother and younger brother have scoliosis. My mother needs surgery, and my little brother is not allowed to play sports until his spine is fully 15 degrees crooked, so they can do surgery on it.

I'm officially a chocoholic; this year's Halloween was crazy!

Last year I had popular friends. This year I'm keeping on the down-low. I most of those people are b*****s and they can go die in a pit of fire. Ever since I stopped hanging out with them, so I wouldn't get criticized in a joking way (it happened every day), they started getting really mean and criticized in a non-joking way. I ended defending two of my friends, then all of us got thrown on the ground and choked by like, 2 boys and 3 girls. They all got kicked out of the school and have to go to separate ones now. The rest of their little "posse" hates us now, me especially, because I stood up for some "nerds". Well those "nerds" are my REAL friends, and at least I know that THEY'RE not all become strippers when they grow up and sell their bodies on the street because they didn't finish school because they thought that their parents would support them.

"Yeah, I don't care what your old orchestra teacher did; I'm not him! SIT DOWN AND LISTEN UP! YOU CANNOT HOLD EACHOTHER'S INSTRUMENTS, EVEN FOR A SECOND AND YOU'RE HELPING THEM OUT." Mr. Nuemann belted out, eyes bulging from their sockets.

"You suck!" Someone from the crowd exclaims anonymously. Mr. Nuemann (Casey, I mean. It's his first name. All the ACNC *Against Casey Nuemann Club* calls him that, to push his buttons) begins to yell once again, giving everyone who moved the slightest bit or made the slightest noise detention.

*End Flashback*

Now, do you see why I absolutely hate him? Okay, end of discussion/rant.

Oh, and I want to be a pediatrician! Or an oncologist. Or a NICU Specialist. OR MAYBE and OB-GYN. I would also like to be an engineer/inventor. On top of that a scientist of some sort. But there's also my life-long dream of becoming a famous singer. OR A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR.

So I will be telling you my stories of life aspiring these dreams soon. :D