Status: Complete :D

Hey Princess

Sweet 16

“Happy sweet 16 sexy!” Cameron's arms wrapped around his girlfriend as she was dancing with her friends. She jumped and turned around to face her loving boyfriend.

“What are you doing here?” Kate had the biggest smile on her face.

“Do you think I would really miss your sweet 16?”

“But I thought you had a concert today in New York?”

“Yeah I did. And it was over a 6 so I came here for your party.”

“AH! I LOVE YOU!” she jumped up in her toes to kiss him. “Where’s Zach?” she said looking at the rest of the band who was already on the dance floor.

“He was right there; he must have gone back outside.” Cameron walked back to the door to find his best friend sitting on the curb. “Dude, why are you out here?”

“I can’t face her. I walked in and I saw her taking a picture with those two guys she is always with. I can’t do it.”

“They are just her friends. Come on Zach get up and get in there. Do it for Kate if you don’t want to do it for yourself.” He grabbed Kate closer to him.

“I can’t do it. I think I’m just going to go. I’ll see you guys later.” Zach got up and took off in the car.

“I’m sorry babe. I tried.” Cam kissed the top of Kate’s head as they walked back into the party.

“Kate!” I waved from the other side of the room. She looked back at Cam then walked over to me alone.


“Why are the guys here?”

“They came for my party.”

“But don’t they…”

“Yeah it got done at 6 so they came here.”

“All but Zach?” I frowned.

“Yeah…sorry.” She hugged me.

“It’s okay. I’d rather him not be here to bring me down and remind me of all the reason we broke up.” I whipped away the tears that were forming in my eyes.

“Breyandra I know you still love him and that you wish he was here but…”

“I will always love him. He was my first love and I can’t take that back but I could care less if he was here. Tonight is about you, not me and Zach. Go have fun with Cam.” I nodded my head in Cameron’s direction on the dance floor where he was waiting for Kate. She smiled and skipped over to him. I walked outside to get some air. I looked down at my phone and hit 1 on my sped dial. Zach’s name lit up my screen with the picture of us kissing. The tears started to run down my face again so I turned my phone off and whipped them away walking back into the party. Tonight he was not going to bring me down. I danced with all my friends and had a great time.

“It’s my birthday come over!” I woke up to a text from Kate.

“Fine let me get dressed.”

“My pool is open so we’ll probably be going in it.”

“Okay. I’ll be over in 15 minutes.” I got out of bed and threw on my bathing suit and walked out the door. When I got to her house I walked into the back yard. She was standing by the pool with her neighbor Brandon who is a year older than us. He is always over her house. They were just about to go in when I walked back there.

“You are so lucky you can wear a bikini. I’m too fat!” Kate said as I took my shirt off.

“Shut up you is not fat! And I am fat; I don’t know how I’m wearing this right now!” I covered my stomach.

“Will the two of you stop?” Brandon yelled from the other end of the pool before jumping in splashing us. We started getting into an all out splash fight.

“HAPPY OFFICAL BIRTHDAY!” the back gate flings open to reveal the five boys’ I’ve grown to know as family. Except one is more distant family that I don’t talk to at all anymore.

“CAMERON!” Kate ran out of the pool and attacked her boyfriend getting him soaked. For that he chased her around the back yard. I froze where I was in the pool as Brandon said hi to the guys. I didn’t know they were coming over and I’m pretty sure Zach wasn’t excepting me to be there too. I got out of the pool and walked away from everything.

(Zach’s POV)

We walked into Kate’s back yard for her birthday. I really didn’t want to be here because being around Kate and Cameron made me sad. I miss what me and Brey use to have. Cam promised me that she wasn’t going to be there though so I foolishly agreed. Sure enough when we got there she was in the pool. But the second she saw me she got out and walked away. Everyone just watched her ran out of the back yard.

“Zach will you chase after her just once!” Kate screamed from the other side of the yard.

“What are you talking about?”

“She left the first time excepting you to follow her or stop her from getting on the plane. But you let her go and never tried once after that. Will you just go after her this time! That’s all she ever wanted you to do.”

“She left on her own. I’ve chased her enough times before that.”

“You were never supposed to stop!” Cameron said grabbing a hold of Kate’s hand looking down at her. “GO!” I gave in and ran after her. She was walking down the street crying.

“Breyandra!” I called running to catch up to her.

“Go away Zach!” she didn’t bother to turn around.

“Will you stop walking away and just talk to me!”

“Oh so now you want to talk, 3 months later.”

“I never stopped loving you Brey.” I grabbed her arm to make her stop walking. She turned to face me but wouldn’t look me in the eyes. Tears where running down her face. “I am still in love with you. I never stopped. I’ve been missing you like crazy! I haven’t been the same since you left that day. The fight we had was stupid but I knew that you were gone for good so I didn’t bother trying to stop you.”

“But it wasn’t over! It was just a fight. We had fight like that a million times before. You decided that day that it was the end. You chose to not stop me from getting on that plane and going home. You chose to stay in California and not come to Jersey for me. You said it was over. Not me.”

“It was a mistake to not chase after you that day. It’s a mistake that I’ve been regretting ever second I spent without you. And when you blocked me and twitter and Facebook I knew there was no way you would ever answer my text or phone calls. But Cameron told me that you still followed me on twitter that you never stopped. So every tweet I ever did after that was to you or about you, I always wrote it with you in mind.”

“That doesn’t change anything! You left me! You let me go!”


“You were there last night?”

“I walked in saw you with them and walked out. I couldn’t take it.”

“You know they are just my friends!”

“I know but it hurts to see you with anyone but me. Where did we go wrong?”

“You tell me. You started the fight that night. I think it was because I was talking to some other guy.”

“Yeah! You were flirting with the guy in the book store.”

“I was being nice, he was flirting with me.”

“I know you Breyandra and I know the way you flirt. You were flirting with him.”

“I was not Zachary! See were doing it again! We can never work out!” She started to walk away again.

“Yes we can!” I grabbed her arm and pulled her into me crashing my lips on her's. She gave into me and wrapped her arms around my neck. My hands were on her waist and at that moment I realized we were standing on a corner and she was only in her bikini. This girl drives me insane. We have so many problems but I love her more than anything. I could never live without her. She is my life. There is no escaping that.