Status: Complete :D

Hey Princess

Heaven Can Wait

Here's a song for the nights
I think too much and
Here's a song when imagine us together
Here's a song for when we talk too much
And I forget my words
Heaven can wait up high in the sky
It's you and I
Heaven can wait deep down in your eyes
I'm yours tonight
Lay your heart next to mine
I feel so alive
Tell me you want me to stay, forever
'Cause heaven can wait

I was walking around the cafeteria trying to find my parents after the concert. As I was walking I ran into everyone I knew and stopped to talk to them real fast. But I could have sworn that I saw the boys walking around at one point. I put it out of my mind and kept walking around. Then I found my parents.

“Hi.” I said walking up to them grabbing my coat.

“You guys did great.” My mom said.

“Did you like the Santa?” I said putting my coat on.

“Mommy said that it was some guy that walking in off the street.” My dad laughed.

“It was my vice principle.” I laughed. Then all of a sudden I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and that same person kissed my neck. I was terrified because I didn’t know who it was. Zach was on the other side of the country because he has a show tonight. But however I was wrong.

“Hey.” He whispered into my ear.

“What are you doing here.” I turned around to find that ALL of them were here.

“We came to see you perform babygurl” Michael smiled. “Plus Zach missed you.”

“Aw how cute!” one of my friends said as she walked past. I just laughed.

“I love you.” Zach whispered into my ear. He was very attached to me for some odd reason.

We all got into the cars and went home. My parents left in their car, Cam Nathan and Michael left in a car they rented and Zach and I left in the other rental car. But Zach didn’t take me home.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Someone where we can be alone.” He glanced at me real fast. Then he pulled into the parking lot to the lake that was only down the street from my house. It was the next best thing next to the beach.

“What’s wrong?” I asked knowing.

“I just miss you!” he said turning a little in his seat.

“That’s not all.”

“I just had a bad dream the other night and it’s gotten me shook up.” He kept his focus on his hands.

“What was the dream?” I tried to get him to look up at me.

“That you and I broke up and you had a new boyfriend.” He finally looked up at me.

“Well I’m not going anywhere.” I reached over and grabbed his hands.

“I know.” He started took my left hand and started to draw random pictures in my palm. “I love you Brey. And I never want us to ever be apart.” He looked up at me.

“I love you too Zach.” I leaned over to kiss his check. As I went to go sit back down he cup my face and pushed his lips against mine.

After a while we finally drove back home. Everyone was joking around asking if we got lost. We spent the whole night in my basement watching movies, playing games a joking around. Zach never left my side at all. This dream of his must have really scared him. I wish I knew what exactly happened in this dream of his that is making him act this way. Not that I really mind it but it worries me.
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i just had the hardest time writing it. i don't know why. hopefully i'll get back on track with this story and get back to writing the long chapters we all love.

but for now i hope you guys like this one.