Status: Complete :D

Hey Princess


I wanna put your hand in my pocket because you're allowed
I wanna drive you into the corner and kiss you without a sound
I wanna stay this way forever I'll say it loud
Now you're in, and you can't get out
You make me so hot
Make me wanna drop
It's so ridiculous
I can barely stop
I can hardly breathe
You make me wanna scream
You're so fabulous
You're so good to me baby, baby

(3 month later)

“I love you.” Zach said kissing my hand as he focused on driving. Everyone else was sleeping in the back of the car. We were on our way to Georgia

“I love you too.” I looked at Zach as he smiled stealing a look at me real quick.

We got to the hotel and Zach went to check in while I woke everyone up. Boy was that a mission. They all sleep like rocks. I guess that’s why their rock stars. Kate was the first one I woke up and the easiest, for me at least. All Kate had to do was kiss Cameron and he pretty much sprung up. Zach’s the same way it’s kind of funny. We all got our things as Zach led us to our hotel rooms. Everyone settled down and started planning on where to go for dinner. I just sat there on mine and Zach’s bed alone thinking. Sometimes it was nice to get away from everyone to think. I only had so many chances to be alone on this tour. Next time they should get a tour bus. It’s easier to find a place to be alone.

“There you are.” Zach said walking in the room. I looked up at him and smiled but he knew it was fake. “What’s wrong?”

“I kind of miss my family believe it or not.” I couldn’t wait to leave on tour because I was sick of my family! And now I would love to see them. I’m so odd!

“Well you could fly out to see them and stay there for the week until we get up there for our show.” Zach suggested as he sat down on the bed next to me.

“I can hold out a few more days. I would, however, love to see the other half of my family while we’re in Georgia. It’s Trevor’s 1st birthday soon too.” I smiled remembering the last time I saw him. He is the cutest thing. Him and his bigger sister, Georgia. Yeah my aunt named her the same thing as the state they’re living in.

“Well we have tomorrow off so we can go visit them. Just call and let them know.” He smiled at me. He knows that he’ll never get a chance to meet this half of my family because I barley get to see them myself. It’s hard for them to come up to visit us and it’s hard for us to come down and visit them. We usually see them on Christmas and summer vacation.

“THANK YOU SO MUCH! I LOVE YOU!” I jumped up with joy and attacked Zach. I gave him a quick kiss on the mouth and ran out on the balcony to call my Aunt Jenny. I’m so happy.

“So we set for tomorrow?” Zach asked as I walked back into the room. He was lying back on the bed with a smile on his face. So cute!

“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” I said crawling onto the bed sitting my feet next to Zach as he took my hand and started playing with it.

“Not lately.” He laughed.

“Seriously thank you though. This means everything to me.” I leaned over and kissed him.

“Anything to make you happy.” He gently rubbed my leg and smiled at me. “I can’t wait to see you holding a baby.” He laughed.

“Why?” I looked at him confused.

“Because I bet you would look really hot holding a baby.” He winked as I playfully hit him.

“You’re odd Zach.” I laughed.

“No really, I bet you would look cute holding a baby. You look like you would be an awesome mother and I bet you’re amazing with little kids.”

“You’ve seen me with little kids. You know how I am with them.”

“I know but this is your family so it’s different. And I’ve seen you talk to little kids never play with them so this will be new to me.”

“Well I guess it’s a good thing because I’ll get to see the way you act with little kids too.”

“I’m awesome with little kids.” I laughed at him. For some reason I can’t see him playing with little kids.

“I guess I should warn you now that if Georgia gets me to play with her you won’t see me after that. I’ll be forced to play with her the whole day. But if you get caught with her have fun!” I laughed. Georgia is cute and I love her but I hate having to be attached to her hip playing with her sometimes. I really want to spend some time playing with Trevor and just talking to my Aunt. She is my godmother after all.

“Well that should be fun.” Zach said thinking about it.

“I love you Zachary Porter.” I said lying down next to Zach cuddling up to him.

“I love you too Breyandra Turner.” He said kissing the top of my head as we just laid there.

♠ ♠ ♠
The picture is of my 2 lovely baby cousin's. Georgia is 3 and Trevor is about to turn 1. :D i love them to death. They are the cutest! <3 I miss them dearly!

Anyway! Hope you like it. i know it's been a long time but here you go. I hope to post at least 1 more update before i leave Saturday for Florida