Status: Complete :D

Hey Princess

You've Got A Way

You've got a way with words
You get me smiling even when it hurts
There's no way to measure what your love is worth
I can't believe the way you get through to me
It's in the way you want me
It's in the way you hold me
The way you show me just what love's made of
It's in the way we make love
Oh, how I adore you
Like no one before you
I love you just the way you are

When I woke up Zach was sitting in a chair on the other side of the room attempting to play guitar. He was having issues with the chords. I smiled and just watched him for a little. But Zach looked up at me and put his guitar down and walked over to me.

“Good morning beautiful.” He smiled and kissed my forehead as he sat next to me in the bed.

“Hi.” I smiled back. “Why’d you stop?”

“Because it’s a surprise for you.”

“Aw you’re so cute”

“No, you are.” I scrunched my nose and smiled. Zach laughed a little. “Especially when you do that.” He kissed my nose as I giggled.

“I’m going in the shower.” I jumped up out of bed and headed to the bathroom shutting the door behind me. When I got out the room was empty. I got dressed and started to do my hair. Then I heard the door open. I didn’t bother to look but I should have.

“Hey.” My heart stopped for a few seconds. I wasn’t excepting Kate to walk in the door.

“Holy shit! You just gave me a heart attack!”

“Ha-ha sorry.”

“Where is everyone?”

“They left to pack the van back up.”

“We have to go home soon Kate.”

“I know.”

“It’s going to suck. One more year! That’s all. We just have to get through one more year of school then we can come out to California and be with the guys forever.”

“You guys ready to leave?” Zach came walking back into the room with the rest of the boys behind him.

“Yeah I just have to put all this stuff away.” I said pointing to my make-up and my hair stuff.

“I’ll help you.” Zach started to put everything in my suitcase as I was putting my make-up back into my make-up bag and put it in my purse. Everyone else had left the room quietly.

“How long is this car ride going to be?”

“It should only take like 5 hours to get home from here. Hopefully. It depends on how many times we have to stop this time.” He laughed. Every time we leave a state to go to the next one someone has to always go to the bathroom.

“I can’t wait to sleep in a regular bed again.” Ironically I laid back on the bed.

“I can’t wait to be home again.” Zach laid back next to me.

“I can’t wait till I can call California my home.”

“I can’t for you to be living near me. It’s going to awesome.” He turned over on his side and propped his head on his left hand and had his right hand on my stomach gently rubbing my bare skin, which was showing, with his thumb.

“It honestly doesn’t matter where I live. If I stay in Jersey or come out to Cali I’ll still see you the same amount of time. You’re always on tour. You’re never home. It’s your job to be out on the road.”

“So I’ll take you with me all the time.”

“Zach I’m going to college. “

“Why do you have to go to college?” he pouted.

“Because I need to get a degree so I can get a good job.”

“I’ll take care of you.”

“Zach I’m not letting you take care of me. Honestly going to school will give me something to do while you’re on the road.”

“I hate this.”

“I hate it too but its life. We can’t keep thinking we live in a fairytale. It’s time to get back to reality.”

“Are you guys ready?” Nathan peaked his head in the door.

“Yeah we’ll be down in a second.” Zach said not moving at all.

I got up from the bed, grabbed my suitcase and started to leave the room. Zach ran up behind me and took the suitcase from my hand and grabbed my hand. We walked to the car in silence. We were both still bitter about the conversation but we didn’t let it really bother us.

Nathan was driving and I sat in the passenger seat. Everyone, but Kate, crashed 20 minutes on the road. Lazy butts! I was in control of the music although it was Zach’s iPod that was hooked up to the car. I had my feet on the dash board and was talking with Nathan. Kate was way in the back with her head phone’s in as Cameron used her as a pillow.

“Nathan do you think it’s a good idea for me and Kate to move out here next year to go to college?”

“Why? Do you have second thoughts about it?”

“I don’t know. I mean we would be moving out here to see you guys but I feel like it’s a stupid choice to do because you’ll be on tour or too busy to do anything.”

“You know that no matter what we’ll always make time for you guys.”

“I know but I just feel like it’s a stupid idea. But I want to move out here. I’ve always wanted to move out here.”

“Do you love California?”


“Do you love Zach?”

“Of course I do.”

“And you love hanging out with all of us?”


“Then I don’t see a reason not to move out here.”

“You’re right. I guess I’m just nervous.”

“Well you still have this year to figure everything out.”

“I guess so.” I looked out the window at the ocean as we drove down the highway. It really is so pretty here. I don’t want to second guess myself anymore.
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Sorry it's been so long! This is the one story i had not written while my computer was down and it's been taking me forever to get around to sitting down and typing it all out from the top of my head. But here it is. Hope you like it.