And This Is Me; This Is Us


I turn to glance at the clock.

I have 5 hours until you wake up. And still no present or any idea what a present might be. Gift Idea Generators are no good. There is no way I am going to give you a plastic ant hill. But since I have to brilliant ideas, I might as well keep looking through the lists of ideas.

No to inline skates, hip flasks and Amazon gift cards. I might as well give up. I’ve been at it for over an hour, and I have been thinking about what to get you for more than a month.

‘I’m just going to quit. Click that cross in the corner,’ I think, ‘just finish this page, then I’m stopping.’

There is nothing. I look again, in despair. Suddenly I spot something, something I had missed before.

Write a song – click here for some useful formats and ideas

Quickly, I click through and look at the ideas. One catches my eye:

Think of a particularly good or special memory and write about that

One special memory. It was too hard. I had to do more.
♠ ♠ ♠
Im thinking of doing several (up to ten.. Im not quite sure how many yet) rather short chapters, each for a diffrent part of the song.
