And This Is Me; This Is Us

Verse Six

The next verse, I think.

It is rather obvious what it should be about, but sometimes obvious is good

I remember thinking: ‘I have not felt this nervous since my first day of high school. And that was scary!’

It was a random thought which I had little time to think about, your sister came in seconds later saying everything was ready, but something that I have always remembered.

I took a deep breath, ‘it’s now or never’ I whispered to myself, though that was not strictly true.

I walked down the aisle in a trance. I have no idea how I ever got to the alter. I could feel everyone staring at me. Our whole town was staring at me. I had always thought our town was small, and it was, but it was still to many eyes boring into me for my liking.

When I got to the alter, I looked at you. And smiled. Your eyes still shined. I could do this.

I grabbed your hand, something I was probably not meant to do, but I did anyway. I looked back at the pew. Your mother and mine were both crying, silently into their scraps of lacy handkerchiefs.

The minister cleared his voice, and I turned to look at him, the man that would make us bonded for life by law.

Take me back to the time when we walked down the aisle
Our whole town came and our mamas cried
You said I do and I did too

It’s to short. But too perfect to change.

I guess I will put some of my next idea in this verse.

I want to put some things in about the future. Near and far.

Take me home where we met so many years before
We'll rock our babies on that very front porch
After all this time, you and I
♠ ♠ ♠
two more chapters....

I sorta can't wait till I finish this... Its getting a bit boring. :P