End of Everything


Frank's POV:

I LOVED the hotel rooms!

"Gee, can we go and get some coffee? I'm kinda craving some."

Gerard and I were sitting in our room unpacking.
I could almost immediatly see his head perk up and look around.

"COFFEE?! Fuck yeah."

Gerard and I walked out into the hall. We had to get someone else to come with us. They would thank us for inviting them.

First, we walked to Bob and Ace's room to ask them to come, but we heard the bed sqeaking, so we decided to ask them later. We came up to Mikey and Alicia's room.

The door swung open and they ran out, Mikey grabbing my hand and swinging for the door, and Alicia doing to same to Gerard.

"Whoa, let's get someone else to come," I said. They pouted, but then came with us and got Quinn, Ray, and Christa.

I walked to Bob's room and quickly dropped a note outside their door.

Ace and Bob,

We went to get some coffee without you.
Ha, but it is your fault because Bob decided to give you some attention... finally... while we were getting coffee.
So have fun... yeah.


PS~ Ace is mine.

I ran off to find the others.
I jumped on Quinn, sending him to the ground, but then quickly standing up and hiding behind Gerard.

"... FRANK!"
Quinn tackled me, until Ray got mad and impatient, so we walked to the car in silence.

We got to Starbuck's, and it seemed like forever.
Worm had insisted to meet us, because we had given him a vacation. So we met Worm there too, and he was pushing us through the crowd.

We walked inside and there were only about a THOUSAND people in the line. Worm let us sign a few fans' papers and foreheads and places like that.

"Frank, you're such an inspiration. Gerard... all of you, I love you guys! You've saved my life so many times. Thanks."

One fan came up to me like that. I got a hug from her and uttered some incouraging words.

But when we got to the front of the line, we weren't ready for what we saw.