The Musso's and Me


* 3 weeks later *

“Do you have any other family we can contact for you? We’ve left a message with your father but due to the time difference it’s night time there so he won’t get it till morning.” I shook my head every member of my family that lived here was in the room down the corridor. I was alone; she turned to walk out the door.

“Actually, could you ring someone else for me?” she nodded and I gave her a number “Are you sure they’ll answer?” I nodded.

“Okay it’s time to check you over” smiled the second nurse and I nodded not really paying much attention.

6 hours later and I’d spent most of my time looking through the window at my family and being looked at by doctors and nurses. The second person had answered and said to tell me he’d talk to me in the morning and that I should do as I was told and get some sleep.

“Jessica the doctor will be along in a minute to give you something that will help you sleep, if there’s any changes in the night we’ll let you know and we’ll try and contact your father again” as she finished the doctor came and gave me some tablets and within 10 minutes I was asleep.

I heard someone talking in broken Spanish nearby and I rolled over in the bed. I jumped as I felt someone climb in the bed and snake their arm round my waist.

“Go back to sleep J” I looked up to see Mason “What are you doing here?” “You think I’d let you stay here on your own, I got the first flight over after you rang but it took like 12 hours. Are you okay?”

I shook my head “It’s bad Mason, really bad. We were going back home and this car just hit us. Mom was driving and Gran was in the front too. “ I said crying into his shoulder “They said there’s been no change since last night.”

He hugged me close to him and I slowly went back to sleep.

I heard noises next door and 5 minutes later I felt Mason shake his head and I sat up quickly. The nurse started to talk in Spanish and I noticed Mason concentrating so I asked her to speak in English.

“Miss, there’s some bad news unfortunately your grandmother just went into cardiac arrest and has sadly passed away. There’s still no change from your mother” and I started to cry.

“J you’re gonna be fine, your mom will be…” “Mason don’t say it” “Look you know if anything ever happened you have us okay. Have you spoken to your dad?” I shook my head “It was night time and he didn’t have his phone on, I knew you would” “I woke Mitch up and left a message to tell mom & dad where I went and left, he wanted to come but I told him not to” I nodded.

“You didn’t have to, I just wanted to talk to you” he hugged me tight “Well I’m here and I’m not going anywhere till everything’s back to normal” he said kissing the top of my head.

5 hours later and I think we both understood what he said wasn’t going to be possible ever again.
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