The Musso's and Me


I was sat in my room at the Musso’s when Mason walked past “Okay I’ll see you in a bit” he said closing his phone.

He walked in “Can I talk to you?” I nodded “What’s up with you?” he asked “Nothing” I replied and he slammed my door shut.

“Your evil sometimes!” he said seriously “Evil! I’ve done nothing Mason I’ve tried to be your friend but your just not interested in it anymore after all these years you don’t care” I argued.

“Don’t care! You’re the one who’s leaving me behind with your fancy new friends. With their money and nice cars” he snapped “What so now I’m only interested in Miley for that? I couldn’t care less what she does” “I didn’t mean Miley!” he shouted tensing his fist.

“Nothing to say to that?” he said walking towards me “Mason grow up! You’re the one who’s argued with me over nothing. Stop blaming me for everything” I shouted as he stood within inches of me and I could see how angry he was.

“I’m not blaming you for anything you didn’t do!” “Mason tell me what I’ve done?” I asked but he shook his head.

“You couldn’t care less about us anymore, we’re cool when you see us for a few months but when you’ve got us 24/7 we’re not good enough” “Mason I come round everyday, I practically live here I spend all my time with the others but you just don’t want to be around me anymore!” I shouted back throwing a pillow at him.

“We practically lived together and then a few weeks later it’s like you barely know me” I shouted “Why don’t you go tell Joe!” he snapped.

“This has nothing to do with Joe, we’re friends but you treating me like this makes me want to talk to him more seeing as he isn’t a jerk!” I screamed at him and he walked towards me and I backed up until I hit the wall.

“Let him be your best friend see what I care, by the way I’m not going to Trace’s later I’m taking Charlie out” he half smiled already knowing my reaction.

I took a deep breath “Have fun” I smiled back and you could see the look on his face.

“Thanks we will. I might take her out to a movie after wards” “That’ll be nice” I said trying to keep calm. “Yeah I wouldn’t wait up, if you know what I mean!” he said winking.

“I won’t bother being your friend when you end up heart broken again either, go out with her again and see what I care! But don’t you ever rely on me again” I shouted pushing him backwards.

“Guys what’s going on?” I heard Mitchel shout and people running on the stairs.

“Go away!” Mason shouted back as they opened the door “I won’t but next time someone dies don’t bother ringing me I won’t answer and I won’t be there for you!” he said pushing me against the wall I looked back at him shocked and slapped him.

“Enough!” his mom shouted and grabbed hold of him. “Get downstairs now! Both of you.”

“How dare you, both of you. Jessica you do not hit people and Mason you do not talk to people like that. Apologize now!” she shouted.

“Sorry” we both grumbled, “I don’t know what makes two people like you argue like that but it needs sorting out now! Because if it doesn’t your both in trouble!” she shouted as she left the room.

He stood up and walked out too.