The Musso's and Me


“You drove here? They let you drive here to find me? What made you drive?” he asked, “Maybe some things are just worth it” I replied smiling.

But you couldn’t tell me your leaving?” he looked round at me and his eyes were red from crying.

“Mason I wanted to tell you, we’d been arguing a lot, it felt like you weren’t my friend anymore. I can’t live here if all we’re going to do is argue” “I apologized, I know I was out of line but Madrid really? Am I that bad?” he asked and I shook my head.

“ Your not that bad, I thought if I went everything would go back to normal. We’d be best friends again”

“You never stopped being my best friend, but why let me find out from them?” he asked and I sighed, “I didn’t plan it that way, I wanted to tell you but I just couldn’t. I never thought you’d get this upset” I admitted.

“Yes you did that’s why you couldn’t tell me, how did you find me?” he asked and I half laughed “I saw 2 kids and it reminded me of us at the park and then I asked where the park was.”

He turned until he was sat facing me “What went wrong? You always wanted to study here and we’d live together” he said as I looked away.

“You know everything changed in one night, I wanted to study dance but I don’t know if I can” “You’re a great dancer, you’d get in anywhere” he reassured.

“I’m not that good, I have some auditions here but I’ve not danced since the night mom died. She died picking me up from dance Mason. It’s hard to not think about that” I said as he put his arms round me.

“Please don’t go” he begged “We’ve got to grow up, we can’t be 2 kids forever” I said.

“So what are we doing in the park?” he asked laughing, “You came here I just followed. Please come home” I asked but he shook his head

“I can’t believe I didn’t know you were hiding something” he said as I moved towards him but he moved away.

“I shouted at your mom & everyone was there” I said quietly and he laughed “I’m in trouble when we get back” I added.

“We don’t have to go back” he said quietly “We could go somewhere” he suggested.

“Where?” I asked “Anywhere. Leave the car here, we’ll take mine & just go. Texas, we could go back to Texas. Come on let’s go” he said and I shook my head.

“We can’t just leave. My dad, your family, our friends; we can’t just leave them. We can’t afford to run away” I explained “They’ll understand. I can look after us, I’ll get a job, you can go to college.”

I shook my head “You don’t want that” I replied “I do come on. I can look after us” he grabbed my hand pulling me up.

“Mason. Mason. Stop it! We’re not running away. It’s your cousins wedding next weekend you can’t miss that. We’re going home” I said and I dragged him to his car.