The Musso's and Me

The Audition

“Good luck!” shouted dad as I walked out the door. I pulled up and walked in the main entrance.

“Name please” asked the woman at the desk. “Jessica Davis” she scanned the list “We have a Davis Garcia” she said.

“Yeah that’s me” I replied nervously “Follow me” she stated & we walked into a small room with 4 others in. “Wait until your called” I nodded & sat down.

An hour and a half later and everyone else had gone; the last boy had been inside 15 minutes. He walked out with a sad look on his face.

“Jessica Davis Garcia!” shouted an old man and I stood up “Follow me dear” he smiled and I followed him through the door into a large black room with a mirror down one side and at the end a table with 3 people sat behind it.

“Do you have your music with you?” I nodded and handed him a CD, he handed it to a young boy who was sat with a stereo “Tell me when to start” I nodded and put my stuff down and got into position.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. Who am I kidding, Greg couldn’t even get an audition here let alone get in, I wanted to run out the room but I’d come this far.

I looked up and nodded at the boy and the music started.

I finished dancing and they all just stayed sat there.

“Well done, now come and have a seat here and we’ll talk” I walked over and sat on the chair they pulled out.

“So Miss Davis Garcia” “Jess” I said smiling “Jess, you’re from where exactly?” the old man asked.

“I’m originally from just outside Madrid but I moved over here and now I live about 5 minutes away from here” I answered “May we ask what made you move?” asked a young woman sat on the left.

“My mom died so I moved over here to live with my dad” “Oh we’re sorry, how long have you been dancing?” she asked.

“I started ballet at 4 and I’ve had lessons since then in all different forms of dance” I replied.

They all started to talk to each other quietly. “So why do you want to study here?” smiled the older woman on the right.

“It’s close to my house so I don’t have to move, I’ve heard good things about here from people, it looks really nice and also being here there’s a lot of opportunities to get a job” they all nodded.

“Well thank you for coming down, we’ll read your application and review your audition and get in touch” I smiled standing up.

“Thank you” I said smiling and left.