The Musso's and Me


I walked down on Saturday morning and went over to the Musso’s.

“It’s a bad sign when a girl’s ready before you boys!” shouted their mom upstairs and I laughed.

“Seriously how long does it take to put a suit on?” their dad joked.

“A long time when you’ve got to straighten your hair to perfection” I said laughing as they all walked downstairs with Mason sulking behind.

“Hey Jess” smiled Marc as he came to stand next to me, “Bad news Mason’s in a bad mood already but on the plus side we’re having a party here tonight and I think Mitch invited Miley” Marc added.

I smiled “I don’t know if it’s a good idea” I replied quietly watching Mason glare at me.

“Jess whether he’s an idiot or not your like my sister and I want you there so your coming” Marc explained and I hugged him.

“When did you grow up Marc” I said stepping back and looking at him.

“Your getting old!” he joked back and I laughed.

“Right come on let’s go and Mason surprise us all by managing to smile all day” his dad teased and he rolled his eyes and we left.

We got to the church and went inside and sat down. The service went well and we went off to the reception.

“Hey you lot thanks for coming and Jess it’s nice to see you again it’s been months. How’s everything going for you now?” smiled Ellie.

“Things are good thanks and thanks for the invite. You look really nice,” I said hugging her.

“Thanks and of course you’re practically part of the family” she replied smiling and walked off.

I sat back down next to Mason and he looked away, he hadn’t spoken to me all day just smiled when people were around and talked to whoever was closest to get out of even looking at me.

We got back and I went home. “J come on!” shouted Marc and I went downstairs after getting changed.

“Marc I don’t feel like partying” I said but he dragged me over. We walked in and Mason was talking to a group of girls.

“Jess!” shouted Miley & I went over “You heard from any colleges?” she asked and I nodded.

“I didn’t get in, but I’m still waiting for CalArts. Oh well I’ve still got UEM.”

I walked outside away from everyone, Mason kept flirting with all the girls and then looking over at me to rub it in.

“I wondered where you’d gone” I heard someone say and looked up as Miley sat next to me. “Good day?” she asked but I shook my head.

“He never spoke to me once, I’ve never known him be like this. He’s not even arguing with me” I explained.

“Is that not a good thing?” I shook my head.

“No I can’t stand it. I hate it; I’d rather he shouted. I know I have Marc and Mitch but it’s not the same” I admitted as I looked round to see Mason walk off.

“What do you mean?” she asked looking confused.

“They’re like family, he’s not. I can’t believe I did it” I said, Mason was acting like a jerk about it but I knew it was my fault, if he'd done it to me I'd be doing the same thing.

“Come on lets go back in” she smiled and walked off.

My phone rang “I’ll be in after this” I shouted after her and she nodded, “Hello.”

“Hi Miss Davis Garcia. It’s Mr. Hardy from Cal Arts” he explained as I sat back down.

“Sorry it’s late we’ve been finishing reviewing our auditions. We’ve had a lot of applications this year and sadly we don’t have many places. The auditions were very good this year. We thought your application was good and your interview went well.”

I sensed there was more “But” I said.

“But we were worried about your ability to cope. You’ve had to cope with your loss, being in a foreign country and also you’ve been home schooled so you might not integrate” he explained.

“I’ve not always been home schooled and I’ve settled well” I explained.

“I know but as I said we have few places & many applications” he explained and I knew what was coming.

“I understand. Well thank you for giving me a chance and seeing me” I explained grateful at the chance but residing to the fact I was going back to Madrid.

“Well we hope to see more of you. Your audition was very good & we believe you’d be a great addition to our dance classes so we’re offering you a place. You have 5 days to let us know if you intend to study here” he explained and I thanked him.

I stood up excited and went running to find Miley.