The Musso's and Me

Going to America

* Jess’s Pov *

“Mason I’m scared” I admitted as we sat on the plane “What if I don’t like it, I’m not American”I carried on as I squeezed his hand.

“Your half American, I live right next door. Your not going to school so you don’t have that to worry about. Come on” he stood up and we got off.

“Jess!” I heard someone shout and saw Mitch and Marc run towards me and hug me. “We’re so sorry are you okay?” I nodded.

We walked towards the cars and I froze, Mason walked over “You’ll be fine, I’m here” he held out his hand and took it and got in next to him. We were in the car for 10 minutes but it felt like hours, every car that came close by I wanted to get out. I wanted everyone to get out.

We arrived at the houses and dad showed me round his new house and then Mason showed me theirs. Everyone had carried on as though it would be okay but it wouldn’t be okay.

I’d always wanted to live in America but not like this. I wanted mom here too. “I think it’s time you went to bed, you’ll be tired from the flight” said dad and I nodded not really hearing him.

Was this real if I went to bed would I wake up back in Spain with mom shouting at me that I’d be late for school? I lay in bed four hours just staring at the ceiling, this wasn’t a dream this was real.