Status: Writing :D

What I'm Made For.

Zerlina's POV

My name is Zerlina. I'm not your average person, and never have been. This is my story. How I found love, adventure, horrors, joy - even a sort of family.
The last (or I should say the first) thing I remember was waking up. I remember opening my eyes and being underwater. It was cold, but surprisingly not unpleasent. Dark, but not too dark. I had kicked my leg. It wasn't moving yet, so I used my arms to pull myself to the surface. I remember everything. Thinking I had to swim up. Thinking about moving. Thinking about getting to the air. Thinking about how I knew everything already, except who I was.
When I got to the surface, I crossed my arms and put them on the side so I wouldn't slip back down. I looked around. I was in a gray, metal room. I was alone in this prison. The only thing in there was the circular pool I was in. It's diameter was 136.48cm. I had thought it without even realising it.
I jumped put of the pool and looked at the walls. They were shiny enought to be a mirror. I was wearing a black suit type thing that covered me, neck to fingers to toes. The part that covered my feet was hard on the bottem, like a shoe. I balanced on one foot and looked at it. It was a thin high heel. I didn't know what use to me it would be. What is the point of high heels? I thought, when a light from above me started flashing red and an alarm went off. I positioned myself in an attack half crouch, ready for whatever was going to come through any type of entrance.
The big gray door seemed to materialise out of the wall. Three black figures where making their way in. I clenched my fists preparing for a fight. Once I could see the figures, I noticed they were half smiling half frowning. One of them stepped forward slowly, as if not to frighten me.
"Hello, my creation."
I lowered my fists and stood up straight. So, I wasn't exactly normal. I had been created by this random person to do who knows what. One of the other guys stepped forward, faster then my creator.
"You disgusting little maggot! Say a formal greeting to the one who gave you life!" he hissed.
I narrowed my eyes. I hate people bossing me around, something I had just found out. I was about to run forward and kick the second guy right in the nuts, when the third guy stepped forward. He had black hair and deep blue eyes, like the sea (I knew about the sea because, well, some how I knew everything about everything). His face was full of concern and knowing. He mouthed 'Say good evening sir or you'll get, well, zapped!'.
So, as formaly as I could, I stepped forward and said with a smile,
"Good evening sir."
That seemed to satisfy my creator. He said to me,
"My name is Dr. Ukauoh. You will call me master or sir. Your name is Z3R71NA. I created you, as something as smart as you has probably figured out by now."
I flinched as he called me a 'something'. It made me feel worthless, someone who didn't belong here. He ignored it and carried on,
"This is my brother Alem and my son Caleb." He pointed to the man who had bossed me around and then to the boy who had mouthed at me. I smiled at all three of them, stopping on Caleb for a moment as a thank you. He smiled back. I quickly turned back to Sir, who was explaining the rules.
"-I'll tell you about that later. But the biggest rule is that you do not under any circumstances, apart from when I call you, do not leave this room! Do you understand?" By this time Sir had finished, he was about 30cm away from me. Keeping a calm head, I replied,
"Yes, Sir."
"Good girl. Now, Caleb, Alem and I will bring your bed. It's where you-"
"Sleep." I cut him off. I wasn't a toddler, and I was probably smarted than him. "Yes, don't worry master, I know these things, you don't have to explain them to me."
Sir frowned at me.
"Ok, Caleb will show you how to make the bed. You'll be doing this for us until my plan starts."
"Um, sorry for being nosy, but what is your plan, Master?" I questioned.
"Why, I going to rule the world, Z3E71NA."
"One more thing Sir - can I be called Zerlina? As my name spells it, of course."
I couldn't read his expression. It changed every second.
"Yes, yes, I suppose so. It means created, so it's perfect for you."
"Like it was made for her."
That was the first time I had heard Caleb speak. His voice was better than music played on the finest instruments by the best players. I looked at him. His sea eyes were on me, bigger than the last time I saw them - about three minutes ago. I decided - I liked them. And, even though I knew I was crazy, Caleb seemed to be glowing, like a bulb . . .
"Yes I suppose." Sir mumbled, breaking my thoughts. "Well, I'm off to . . . er . . . do . . . stuff. I'll be back to see you soon, Zerlina."
"Goodbye Sir. And good luck with whatever you're going to do."
Sir turned back and looked at me with a half smile on his face, before leaving the room with Alem. Caleb hesitated, then said to Sir,
"I'm just going to teach Zerlina the rules."
"Yes, yes. Don't forget to get Zerlina her bed, son." he called from outside.
"Of course not father."
Caleb turned to look at me.
"Hi." he said, a bit breathlessly.
"Hey. Thanks for that earlier. I appreciate it."
"Yeah, anytime Zerlina. Gosh, that's a bit of a mouthful isn't it? Can I call you . . . Lina?"
"Sure, Caleb."
I liked the sound of Lina. It could be his own nickname for me. A personal nickname no one else can call me . . .
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