Status: Writing :D

What I'm Made For.

Caleb's POV

I'm glad I told Lina what to say to Dad. He gets a bit moody if something doesn't go his way. I know he's created a couple before, and I didn't say anything. But Lina, I knew she was different. From the couple before. From the thousands after. Not because she got out of her pod before Dad even thought of releasing her. Not because she looked completly different from her 'sisters', as Dad calls them.
It was like there was something glowing faintly around her. Like a light was in her body. It's hard to explain what I see everytime I see her. The very first time, it was like nothing in the entire world mattered. It was just her. The lab could catch on fire, get hit by a flood, hurricane and earthquake and I would just stand there with her while we perished.
She was wearing her black suit thing, the colour making her blonde hair stand out. The way her hair looked made you automaticly look at her eyes. They were sky blue, loads lighter than mine. The first time I looked at them, I felt like nothing in the world would be the same without her. I though it was a trick, a new feature to Dad's creations. But nobody else notice it, neither did she apparently. I mentally shook myself. You're going insane Caleb, I thought.
Next thing I knew, she was saying what I told her. Her voice was like a thousand angels.
Oh my God! I thought. I think I love her . . . No! I can't be! That's Dad's creation! As in not human. As Dad taught me, I outrank her, because I'm alive.
But here she was, standing there, breathing, talking, standing . . . flinching at the word something. Bless her, she's got feelings too. I think that makes her alive.
I mentally shook myself. She wasn't born like me. She was made. Wires pumping electricitly around her body replace the blood in my system. She probably doesn't even have a heart. While mine is beating, getting faster every second I see her . . . I couldn't help it.
I smiled, and before I realised it, she was smiling at me back. This must be Lina's way of saying thank you. Wow, polite aswell.
"-Could I be called Zerlina? As my name spells it, of course."
I looked sharply at Dad. This was very new for a creation to ask for a name.
"Yes, yes, I suppose so. It means created, so it's perfect for you."
"Like it was made for her." I suddenly blurted out. Except it sounded normal. Not like I forced it out. Cool.
She looked at me. Like she was going mad. Like there was something she couldn't quite put her finger on . . .
And, even though I knew I was crazy, Caleb seemed to be glowing, like a bulb . . .
What the hell? I thought. Where'd that come from? I didn't think that! Not willingly anyway. Caleb, I thought to my brain. You're INSANE! No, no, no, no you're not. You're hearing voices. That's all. That's what get people locked up in mental homes!
Oh my God, I'm ranting to my brain.
I really am insane.
I saw Dad walking out. I hesitated, not wanting to leave Lina yet.
"Um, I'll explain the rules to her."
"Yes, yes. Don't forget to get Zerlina her bed, son." He called to me.
"Of course not father." I replied. I turned around. "Hi."
She smiled. "Hey. Thanks for that earlier. I appreciate it."
"Yeah, anytime Zerlina." I replied. "Gosh, that's a bit of a mouthful isn't it? Can I call you . . . Lina?"
"Sure, Caleb." she smiled at me again, lost in her own world.
When she said my name, it was like I had been zapped with lightening bolts. In a good way, though.
"So," I said, trying to make convosation. "What are you thinking about?"
I liked the sound of Lina. It could be his own nickname for me. A personal nickname no one else can call me . . .
THE VOICE! Calm, Caleb, calm. Ignore it.
"Well," she hesitated. "I was thinking of the name Lina, to be honest. It's nice."
I nearly dropped to the floor. Am I a mind reader or something? No. Wait, I know what this is . . . OH MY GOD!
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, there's part 2.
Caleb SOUNDS insane, but he's not, honest.
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