Don't Take Chances

I Was Given

"How is this not going to be awkward?" I asked Andy as we, the two of us and Erica, walked to the bar.

He shrugged and buried his hands further into his jacket pockets, "I guess we just tell people."

"It'll take you all night to explain it to everyone," Erica chipped in.

"An announcement?" Andy offered.

I shook my head, "Why don't we just... not say anything? Just act like a couple and let people figure it out for themselves?"

"Sounds good to me," Andy smiled, "But how do we act like a couple?"

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"You're the girl in this relationship," Andy laughed.

Erica rolled her eyes, "You two are pathetic."

She took Andy's hand from his pocket and grabbed my own mittened hand then placed them together. I looked down as his slim fingers wrapped around the soft wool of my glove and smiled.

"There, now all you have to do is act like you love each other," Erica stepped around me, "Not that that should be too difficult," she said under her breath.

I opened my mouth to reply but Andy cut me off, "Time to put your 'Just Engaged' face on."

Glancing across the street at the bright lights of Angels and Kings I took a deep breath, "Yup."

Andy stopped suddenly.

"Are you okay?" I turned to face him, our hands still joined.

"Um, yeah, you?" his gaze shifted from the bar to my face.

I smiled at him, "I'm good. Shall we?" I motioned to Erica on the other side of the street, looking a little annoyed.

"Yeah, yeah, let's get this over with," he nodded.

I tugged him across the busy road and we joined Erica.

"Knock 'em dead," she smirked, pulling the door open.

"I don't have a ring," I suddenly realised as I removed my mittens.

"What?" Andy asked.

I waved my naked left hand at him.

"Oh, that's a point," he rummaged in his pockets until he eventually produced the ring he sometimes wore.

"Are you sure?" I asked as he took my hand and slid the ring on the appropriate finger.

Looking down at the chunk of turquoise set in a silver band I felt a little shock of electricity shoot up my spine.


I blinked back to reality and looked at at him, "As I'll ever be."