Don't Take Chances

Take A Long Walk

"You lied."

I turned to my right to meet Gabe's gaze, "What?"

"This morning. You lied."

"About what?" I asked.

"About you and Butcher. I asked if I was interrupting anything and you said 'no'," he elaborated.

Realisation dawned on me and I had to come up with something quickly, "I think you'll find I didn't answer your question," I dodged his accusation.

"You could have told me, you know. That you guys were doing whatever you're doing," he grumbled into his glass.

I watched as he downed his liquor of choice, "You're not exactly known for keeping secrets Gabe."

"I said you could have told me, I didn't say anything about not telling anyone else," he pointed his finger at me.

I smiled at him and looked down at the shiny tabletop in front of us, "I'm sorry we didn't tell you or anyone else for that matter."

"Why didn't you?"

"Why didn't you what?" Andy asked, inadvertently rescuing me from a difficult situation.

"Tell everyone about us," I told him as he sat down next to me and placed an arm around my shoulders.

"We just weren't sure it was going to work out so we thought we'd try dating without you guys knowing. It went from there and as we got more serious there was never the perfect time but everyone knows now, so it's no big deal," he said smoothly.

Gabe continued to grumble and mentioned something about another drink when he stood up and left Andy and I alone at the table.

"You alright?" he asked.

"Yup," I looked at him and smiled, relaxing into his body.

"Gabe wasn't giving you a hard time was he?"

I shook my head, "No, I think he's just a little hurt. How's everyone else taking the big news?"

"Surprisingly well, almost as if it wasn't that big of a shock," Andy mused.

"I guess that's good," I said softly, "Makes it more believable."

Andy made an agreeing noise and kissed my temple softly. I quickly wiped the slightly shocked expression from my face and smiled. This couple thing was coming a lot easier to me than I thought it would. Maybe it was the alcohol flowing through my blood stream or maybe it was because we were friends in the first place, but it was definitely not difficult to pretend to be Andy's fiance.