Don't Take Chances

Love Me Or Leave Me

"Dude, how many of these things do you need to fill out?" Erica asked as we sat on the living room floor, surrounded by the paperwork the lady at the embassy had given me.

I shrugged, "There's one for an appeal to renew a work visa, another to apply for a normal visa but that takes longer to process and there's one for citizenship but I think that's kind of a last resort. I haven't looked at the rest yet."

Erica nodded, "You know what'd make this easier?"

"What?" I asked, watching her get up and walk out of the room.

The hatch to our minuscule kitchen opened and Erica's face appeared, "Our favorite men, Ben and Jerry."

I smiled as I stood up to collect the tubs of ice cream from her hands. She came back into the room and we sat in silence for a couple of minutes, enjoying the cold, sugary goodness.

"So you and Butcher seem pretty close these days," Erica mused.

I shrugged and licked the back of my spoon, "He's my friend."

"Is that all?" she asked.

I turned to face her with a frown, "What'd you mean by that?"

"It's just... you know, you're both single and seem to really like each other..." she trailed off, digging into her ice-cream with her spoon.

"Well then, what about you and Mike?"

Her head shot up and she turned to look at me, "What about us? Has he said anything?"

I laughed and tried not to choke on my ice cream, "He hasn't said anything. You guys just seem pretty close and, you know, you're both single."

I giggled as Erica rolled her eyes at me, "Okay, so maybe I like Mike but you know you and Butcher have something going on."

It was my turn to roll my eyes but as I opened my mouth to reply there was a knock at the door.

Erica pointed her spoon at me as she stood up, "Hold that thought."

I smiled and shook my head at her as she went to answer the door. Andy and I could never be a couple. Okay so we were both artistic and had creative careers but we were totally opposite personality wise. He was open and confident whereas I was shy and quiet. He was messy and dis-organised and I was tidy and had occasional OCD-like tendencies. The two of us together would never work, like chalk and cheese or oil and water.

My train of thought was interrupted by someone coming flying into the living room.

I looked up to find Andy standing in front of me.

"Lily, I came up with a solution to your problem," he grinned.

"What?" I asked.

"Marry me."