Don't Take Chances

This Is The Voice

"So," I glanced over at Andy, "We're getting married."

He nodded slowly, "Yeah."

"For the record, I think you're both insane," Erica said as she entered the room and handed a confused Andy her phone, "Mike wants to talk to you."

After he left the room to speak to his friend Erica sat down beside me.

"You really think I'm crazy?" I asked her quietly.

"Yeah," she nodded with a laugh, "But if it keeps you here, with us, then you're allowed to be as crazy as you want to be."

I smiled, "But if you thought I was making a mistake you'd tell me, right?"

She smiled softly and her blue eyes twinkled in the dim light of our living room, "I wouldn't let you make that big of a mistake. I think this could work out quite nicely."

I rolled my eyes at her grin, "Don't even think about it."

She held her hands up in mock surrender, "All I'm saying is a guy that only sees you as a 'friend' does not ask for your hand in marriage."

"But it's just to help me out," I argued.

"Tell yourself what you want Lil but Andy likes you, a lot."

"Whatever," I scoffed, figuring this was one argument I was never going to win, "Why was Mike calling you anyway?"

Erica shrugged, "No reason. I think he was looking for Butcher."

"Why didn't he call his cell then?" I asked, trying not to grin as a blush swept across her cheeks.

"I don't know, ask Mike," she said irritatedly.

"Ask Mike what?" Andy asked, returning from the hallway.

"Nothing," I smiled.

He glanced between Erica's flushed face and my grin, "Girls are weird. Anyway, Mike said that everyone's going to Angels and Kings and we should 'get our asses down there' as he so eloquently put it."

"Sounds like fun," Erica stood up and looked at me, "You guys can let the world know your exciting news."

"I guess," I grumbled.

This was going to be weird.