Sequel: A Million to Two
Status: Alive once again! Never leaving a gap like that again if I can help it xD Hugs xx

A Thousand to One


Shannon’s POV:

Her foot found a small jut in the rock, she tried to reach down and point her toe on it for support; while I hauled myself up the familiar rock, only three metres away from her.
“Shan...I...I can't hold..” Her voice was so strained it broke my heart thinking of the pain she was in, her fingertips slipped away from the rock as she tried to stand on one foot.
Knowing the rock wouldn't hold, I made a final push up about a metre- there was no way I was going to get to her. My eyes whipped around the rock surface, looking for a rest hole, a foot hole- anything would do!

It was like those cliché movies you see on TV, where everything goes into slow motion. But it happened. I saw her fear, her fingertips slipping off the rock and how the foot hole gave way to holding her from the inevitable. It wasn't going to happen- it couldn't happen! I couldn't let her get hurt!

“SHANNON GO LEFT!” One of the Bears screamed, instantly piercing into my thoughts. There, on the left, was a ledge just big enough for my feet. I wasted no time leaping the metre gap, to just under where Ali was slipping. Her hands parted with the rock and her leg smashed into it with a gruesome 'crack'. She fell just to the right of me as I reached out and shoved her back to the rock, allowing her to get her left foot on the ledge.

Everyone was silent, holding their breaths for what may happen next. Ali just stood frozen while I hugged her tightly to my torso, “You okay?” I whispered; not daring to loosen my grip on her, she was too fragile. Eventually, she started blinking again, analysing the situation. Her eyes widening as her thoughts pieced together everything, like a deer startled by headlights. Finally, she let out a deep sigh:


Ali's POV:

After spending most of lunch in first aid, the nurse had bandaged my leg and cleaned up the wound as best she could; it’d been agonising picking the bits of stone out, another nurse had to give me something to bite- taking most of the pain out on a small piece of cloth. All while Shannon looked on from the doorway with a deep sadness in his eyes, flinching every time I had to cry or wail from the pain. No matter how much I told him I was fine afterwards, he still blamed himself. My mind ticked back to the eventful morning, it was a miracle I’d made it out alive! All I had to show for it was a bandaged leg, some cuts and a few bruises; I owed Shannon big time.
I heard quick footsteps running up the wooden corridor, coming to a complete stop in the doorway; the runner gasping slightly for breath. My back was to the doorway, but I heard the persons conversation with Shannon clear as day.
“I came as soon as I heard, is she okay?” Jared! I jumped slightly at the sound of his voice, causing me to jerk my bad knee. I let out a small hiss then immediately regretted it, Shannon sighed deeply and walked away from the door- his brother in tow. I could hear them conversing in hushed tones, it sounded like Jared was scolding him, which wasn't fair in any shape or form. I made a mental note to hug Shannon as soon as I could, and thank him for the thousandth time.
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I know this is short! I'm so sorry i've been away- total writers block hit for about a week, slam that together with school work. Sucks. I'll make it up to you i promise xx