Sequel: A Million to Two
Status: Alive once again! Never leaving a gap like that again if I can help it xD Hugs xx

A Thousand to One


Julie walked me through the big wooden chalet, every now and then some staff in blue polo shirts would walk past and smile or say hi, the corridors were fairly wide and had rooms all along them. We stopped at room 28, Julie knocked and opened the door. Inside was a large room with four beds dressed in white linen, there was only one girl in the room- she looked up and smiled.

“Finally! I thought you'd put me in a room on my own!” The girl jumped off one of the beds and wrapped me in a hug. I was surprised at first but laughed and hugged back, she was a good four inches taller than me and had medium length dyed blonde hair with a slight American accent. When she smiled it radiated through the whole of her face and her blue green eyes sparkled.

“I'm Ivana!” Wow, Ivana. Cool name, huh?
“Ali” I smiled and turned back to Julie “Is it just the two of us in here?” She studied her clipboard.

“This room takes four, so judging by how well you've both hit it off...” she trailed off as she ran her pencil down the list; “I know just the two.” she smiled then went back to the front of the house to greet the other campers. Ivana turned to me and smiled, dragging me over to the bed she sat on when I walked in, I dumped my suitcase under the bed beside hers and turned to face her.

“So..” Ivana began as I kicked my shoes off and sat cross-legged opposite her, “You're from the UK right? I've always wanted to go there!”

I chuckled, relaxing instantly at how easy Ivana was to talk to “Yeah, but I don't know why you'd want to go there- it rains all the time” she giggled at my honesty.

“True! But it's cooler than the US” I thought about this for a while, Ah hang it, I’ll ask her anyway.

“There's something else in your accent though isn't there? European?” Ivana's eyes lit up as soon as the sentence was out of my mouth, she was so easy to talk to it was unreal.

“My family originate from Sarajevo, I was born there but we moved to Michigan when I was little. There's my mom, my dad, me and my two little brothers,” she rolled her eyes when mentioning them, and I urged her to go on “Fillip's really quiet, keeps his head down and doesn't talk much. Tomislav, everyone just calls him Tomo, he's a sweetie. Reckons he wants to be in a rock band.” She shook her head laughing to herself.

“Well, if he believes he has the talent, he should go for it- right? What does he play?” I'd always believed in following your dreams, I got the feeling not many people supported Tomo.

“That’s what I always say to him, he's a guitarist. I tried piano but my fingers weren't long enough.” She shrugged “He needs a proper band, especially one that'll take him out of his pastry chef training.” Whoa, that's a career change and a half.

We talked like that for a good half hour, I told her about wanting to find new bands away from mainstream and we shared our dreams for the future; turns out she's a teen model and wants to act someday. Julie walked in after around an hour, with a small olive skinned girl who had the shiniest dark hair I’ve ever seen.

“Girls, this is Zeta, she's Italian and her English is pretty patchy- but you'll be good with her right?” Julie barely finished her sentence before me and Ivana both pounced on Zeta. I'll never forget her face, she looked terrified when we were coming towards her! She soon saw we were being friendly though and chose the bed adjacent to mine, after Julie left we returned to mine and Ivana's beds to talk.

“So.. C’mon Ali,” Ivana teased as the flopped back on her bed “who's the lucky guy you got back home? Or are you playing the field?” I knew what she meant. Boyfriends. The one issue I’d always had. Even Zeta found some of her English to add: “Yeah Ali, boyfriend?”

I couldn't help but smile at Zeta, she was trying real hard with her English. “Actually, I'm single,” Zeta looked confused and Ivana's jaw dropped- jeez the concept wasn't hard! “I have no boyfriend.” I clarified to Zeta, her face instantly mirrored Ivana's which made me crack up laughing.

“Nessun modo” Zeta muttered, Ivana just nodded.
“Seriously Ali, how is that even possible?” I rolled my eyes, why couldn't they just drop it?

I shrugged, “I guess I gave up looking, I go for the wrong guys.” It was partially true, I always went for the guys who were always looking for something else.

Ivana changed her position on her bed for the thousandth time, man that girl can't sit still for more than five minutes. “Well Ali, Zeta- can I let you in on something?”

Zeta and I both nodded instantly, Zeta's dark brown eyes searching Ivana's for some insight as to what she was going to say.

Ivana smiled, “I'm slightly psychic!” she jumped up and down on her bed “And Miss Accalia..”


She waved her hand like it didn't matter, god I hated my real name so much.

“I predict right here, right now. That the guy of your dreams is in this very camp!” She yelled at the top of her voice in a sing song manner.

I laughed it off, “Yeah, whatever. Now quit jumping on the bed before Julie kills you!” I jokingly teased. As if on cue, Julie walked in right then. Shit.
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Second chapter ;D