Sequel: A Million to Two
Status: Alive once again! Never leaving a gap like that again if I can help it xD Hugs xx

A Thousand to One

Piggy Back Rides

With the exception of the intense moment Jared and I shared, that dinner was extremely fun and carefree. Shannon told funny stories of things that had happened during staff training, while Ivana and Matt shared their love for Pokémon with the rest of the table.
Once dinner had come to an end, all seven of us piled outside and into the cool night air, Matt stayed slightly further back with me as I struggled to walk down the steps.
“You Okay?” He whispered in my ear, somehow aware that my lack of movement was making me pissed; I nodded and he flashed me a sympathetic smile before wrapping a protective arm around my waist.

“So how'd you like the rest of the group?” I asked him, realising that until tonight, he'd probably only known Jared and I on the table. He chuckled slightly, as if he were remembering some of the random conversations that had taken place,
“Yeah they're all awesome, I mean they seem to like me so...” He trailed off and flashed me a goofy smile, he really was adorable, the kind of guy every girl would wish to have. Well, obviously a straight version of Matt, but you get the idea.
“They love you, honestly you made more conversation than I did tonight.” I gently nudged him in the ribs, for which I earned a small smile. It was true though, I unusually hadn't said much over dinner, I reasoned with myself that I was just tired. Together, we walked the short distance on the raised platform, occasionally asking a question or commenting on something; maintaining a comfortable silence for most of the time, It was just....nice.

A while later we reached the decking steps, leading to the campus below, I knew there was no way I could get down them on my own but Matt definitely couldn't carry me. I sighed and removed his thin arm still securely wrapped around my waist “Matt go ahead, I'll catch up to you.” He looked down at me with a guilty expression, but knew he shouldn't argue.
“Yeah, I'll see you later. Be careful Alibear.” He kissed my forehead lightly, hugging me before heading towards the troublesome flight and jumping down the last few steps with ease, unintentionally mocking me I guess.
“Right,” I sighed to myself, placing my hands on my hips and sizing up the wood steps “where to start?”

For the first few minutes I was hardly successful, many a technique had been tried and either aborted, pain filled or just plain failed. Upon the twelfth try I laughed out loud at myself, accepting that I'd either jump and hurt myself even more or stand here til someone realised I was out there, since all the other paths down had a flight of stairs too.

“Ahh, stuff it, I'm gonna regret this later.” I thought to myself, stepping to the edge of the first step for attempt thirteen. I bent my good knee ready for the jump, knowing full well I couldn't jump eight steps with full fitness and a run up, but what the heck.

A split second before my feet left the ground, I heard a piercing whistle disturb the silence. Looking up I saw a broad figure in the distance, jogging towards me with lightning speed and a cocky grin across his face. Shannon!
“Now now Ali dearest, are we in need of some assistance?” He failed at mimicking my English accent, but it made me smile all the same. He jogged up the evil stairs and hugged me tightly “You're shivering! Jeez how long have you been out here?” Loosening his embrace slightly to get a view of my face, which I'd expect to include a bright red nose right about now; the night wasn't terribly cold, but the mountain wind was very bitter to my T-shirt clad body.
“Bloody steps.” I whispered into his shoulder, he chuckled and let go of me.
“C'mon lets get you inside, can you jump?” He asked, I nodded “Ready?” he placed my hands round his neck and turned away from me. “One, two, three, UP! Ta daa! Piggy back Shanimal style!” He quiped, carefully shifting my weight to a comfortable position for the both of us. I laughed as he sang the Star Wars theme tune while carefully walking down the steps and across the grass, his arms were warm and secure round my thighs, careful not to jostle my injured knee. I silently played with his dark brown hair, grateful to have been found before I froze to death.
“I didn't tell him, by the way.” Shannon turned his head slightly in my direction, catching me off guard by breaking the silence.
“Huh?” Oh lovely literate answer there, Ali. Five stars for intelligence.
He smiled and turned his head to the side so I could see him, “I didn't tell Jared, he doesn't know.” He clarified, referring most likely to our conversation earlier in the hall.
“Oh,” my face altering to that of understanding “thanks.” Relief washed over me, fate was being kind to me I guess.
“Is that why you were so quiet over dinner? I saw that moment you both shared, so cute!” He fluttered his eyelashes and put on a high pitched american accent, making me snort with laughter.
“Shan shut up!” He chuckled but didn't press the topic any further. Silence spaced our conversation, the only sounds being those of his footsteps across the gravelled paths, and the squeals of excited children practicing rock climbing in the music building. I tightened my grip on Shannons neck, the cold sending goosebumps along both of our bodies at the dropping outside temperature, the wood lodge steps came into view as Shannon continued to carry me with ease.

Soon enough, he set me down gently in front of my room, he turned to say goodbye but I stopped him. “How come? I mean, why didn't you tell him?” I asked softly, I'll admit, I hadn't allowed myself to hope that he wouldn't tell, so this piece of news was relieving to say the least.
“C'mon Ali what do ya take me for? I wouldn't do that to you.” He joked, I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms, trying my hardest to hide my smile. “I meant what I said earlier,” the tone of his voice becoming serious, “back when you were painting. He really does like you.” I shook my head in automatic denial,
“I don't even know him that well Shan, so don't get your hopes up.” I mumbled into my shoes, shuffling to get the bandage comfortable again, “Plus, you're staff, aren't you supposed to be preventing boys and girls liking each other in that way?” I punched his shoulder lightly, flashing him a cocky grin. He half smiled and shook his head,

“Take care tonight Ali, don't go jumping any steps.” He teased, stepping backwards and pointing at me like a parent warning his child not to do something. I rolled my eyes and but nodded all the same,
“Night Shannon!” I called, walking into the room ready to greet the others.

“Oh dayum! Guys it wasn't Jared!” I heard Sera shout, her face firmly pressed to the window, making her voice sound nasally as she watched Shannon walk towards the music building. A chorus of 'awwh!'s and a 'No Way! Are you serious?” from Ivana filled the room as they all huddled round the window. I laughed out loud, but they were too fixated to notice I'd heard them for now.

*sigh* This is gonna be a long night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rushed, but I might rewrite this once the whole things finished. Happy New year everyone, this story had reached SEVEN FRICKING STARS thank you all so so so so so much xD I reckon we're coming up to the half way mark with this, so we'll see ;D Hugs xx