I Want Out

Chapter 11

“Hey sunshine.” Nick greeted me at the tent.

“Hey.” I said while folding shirts.

“Do I get a good morning kiss?” He pouted putting his head on my shoulder.

“Sure.” I giggled and gave him a peck while the fan girls squealed. Aw they’re so cute. Isn’t that John’s sister. I can’t believe she’s going out with Nick. Those were the various conversations I heard throughout the day. Just to make my day lovelier Jack Barakat comes running and dancing in briefs with a bow tie on his neck.

“PARTY, PARTY, PARTY ON ALL TIME LOWS BUS TONIGHT! AHAHAH!” He screamed running onto the next tent. I’m so glad I don’t do merch with them, poor Vinny.

“So um I guess we’re going to a party…on All Time Low’s bus?” Pat said still in shock.

“Uh yeah, Hey why don’t you do that?”

“Because being Rat Boy is a full time job.” He said tucking his hair behind his ear and screaming random things.

“I don’t know you.” I sighed walking away only to bump into John. “Piggy back ride?” I pouted.

“Hop on.” He sighed.

“Did I ever tell you how much I love you.” I smiled.

“No, you’re always to busy hitting me.” He grunted.

“Well I love you!” I screamed kissing his cheek.

“Bri cooties.” He said rubbing his face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two, more chapters, possibly a sequel?! Thanks for reading!