I Want Out

Chapter 2

“Thanks.” I said as John peeled the last bit of tape off of me.

“No problem, now I have some good and bad news.” John said sitting in front of me.

“Okayy.” I asked a little weary.

“I’ll start with the good news, we’ll we’re going on warped tour.” He said smiling.

“That’s great! Does that mean I’m selling merch?” I asked.

“Yup, and now for the not so good news, since a rocket to the moon can really afford a van now, they’ll be sharing a bus with us.” He said. I’m pretty sure my jaw hit the floor.

“No.” I said slowly.





“YES!” John yelled smiling.

“I’d rather burn my hands then share a bus with him.” I spat.

“I thought you’d say something like that so I got you this.” He said walking off and coming back with a white Les Paul guitar. I went to grab it, but he quickly yanked it away. “You only get this if you promise to behave, if you screw up or danger anyone’s life it’s going back where it came from.”

“You mean your closet.” I said smiling.

“Well, yeah.” He said.

“As long as Nick doesn’t bother me, I’ll be good.” I said reaching out for the guitar. He handed it to me and I ran off to the roof, yes the roof. I climbed up the latter and sat myself down. I looked out to the sky to see the sun just setting so; I started to strum some random tune.

“Hey.” Nick said quietly, sitting next to me.

“You know you don’t have to be nice to me until warped starts, right.” I said still staring at the sunset.

“I know.” He whispered. I turned my head to see him staring intently at me.

“What.” I asked harshly.


“What did he give you for being oh so nice.” I said.


“Then why are you talking to me?” I asked.

“Because I’m being bribed with someone not something.” He whispered. I wonder what that means…

“So does this mean I can shove you off the roof and you will still be nice to me.” I said fluttering my eyes.

“Haha good one, but no. You couldn’t even with those arms.” He said.

“Hey! If these arms weren’t holding my lovely bribe your ass would be on that ground.” I said.

“Here let me see it.” He said reaching out for it.

“Are you sure you won’t throw it.” I said. He nodded his head. I hesitated, but then I handed it over. He started playing a song and singing. For as long as I knew him I did not listen to their music of watched them. I really did not want to see Nick’s face.

“Maybe I’m your Mr. Right baby, maybe I’m the one you like.” He sang. When the song was over I was speechless.

“What no sarcastic remarks.” He smirked.

“Way to go, you ruined the moment.” I said. Well I think this nice streak has gone to long. I grabbed my guitar smacked him not to hard on the head with it and ran down the ladder to my room. I locked my door and sat on my bed breathing heavily.Did Nick and I just have a civil moment?
♠ ♠ ♠
That concludes chapter 2! Random, The Ready Set is awesome.