I Want Out

Chapter 3

2 weeks later.

A meeting has been called for bunk arrangements because today is the day we start heading to California. Currently in our family room held A Rocket To The Moon and The Maine. I was sitting on the couch squished in between my two favorite people, Pat and Garrett.

“Alright, since this bus isn’t meant to hold two bands we are short four bunks. So, someone has to alternate between the couch and the bunk and someone has to share a bunk.” John said. “And just to make this fair I’m drawing names out of a hat.” He stuck his hand in and pulled out the first two names. “Pat and Halvo, you guys will alternate.” Then he picked the last two, please don’t pick me, please don’t pick me, please! “Nick and...Bri.” He said laughing.

“NOOOO!” I yelled a little too dramatically. “You did this on purpose!” I spat. I looked over to Nick whose face was white as a ghost.

“Sorry sis.” He said. “Remember the guitar goes back if you torture him.”

“But why can’t I stay in Halvo’s bunk or even with Garrett!” I said throwing my arms in the air.

“Because Halvo might rape you in your sleep.” John said

“HEY I HEARD THAT!” Halvo screamed from the kitchen.

“And you wouldn’t let Nick try anything because you hate him.” John told me.

“Bu-“ I started. The bus honked outside.

“Everyone grab your shit and get on the bus.” John yelled going up to his room to get his bags. I scooped up my shit and ran for the bus where I threw my stuff on a bottom bunk, but Nick had his on a top.

“I’m not sleeping up there.” I said crossing arms.

“Well I’m not sleeping down there.” He said stepping towards me.

“Yes you are.” I seethed.

“No I’m not.” He said pinning me against the bunks. By this time everyone stopped doing whatever they were doing so they could watch us.

“Yes you fucking are.” I said looking up at him.

“Oh fuck no.” he growled. I had enough; if I had to sleep in the same bunk as him it would be a lower bunk.

“Yes you are!” I yelled slapping him across the face. He stood there stunned so I took his stuff, threw it in the bottom bunk, laid down, and closed the curtains. Then everyone erupted in laughter and I heard some clapping. The curtains of the bunk were flung open and I was faced to faced with a very pissed Nick.

“You little bitch.” He seethed. “This isn’t over.” he yelled walking to the back lounge. I closed the curtains and proceeded to laugh. The curtains were flung open once again.

“What did you do to Nick.” John sighed.

“Hey! Why do you think I had something to do with Nick’s PMSing.” I said. All he did was roll his eyes. “I wanted the bottom bunk, he wanted the top. In the end I got my way.” I smiled.

“No more shit, remember if you want you guitar be nice.” He said seriously.

“Alright fine.” I huffed.

“That a girl.” He chuckled closing the curtains. I really didn’t want to get out of the bunk, I was comfy, and I really didn’t want to see Nick. Before I knew it I was asleep.

Nick’s POV

She’s been asleep for five hours, five fuck hours. Everyone was hungry so we stopped at a Denny’s.

“I’m not waking her up.” Justin said backing away.

“John you wake her up, you’re her brother.” Kennedy said.

“I would but she is fucking cranky if someone wakes her up.” John said.

“Fine someone will have to stay here with her.” John said.

“Wait why.” I asked.

“Because what if a zombie comes on the bus and eats her!” John yelled throwing his arms in the air.

“Well lets’ see Garrett would probably kick his ass.” Pat chirped.

“Ugh! Well someone is staying with her and that’s final.” John yelled.

“Shh! You’ll wake her.” I whispered.

“I vote Nick!” Garrett whispered yelled.

“Wait, what!” I whispered.

“All in favor of Nick say I.” Garrett said. The whole bus said I. Great I’ll be stuck with sleeping beauty…not that I minded.

“Fine, but you better bring me back something.” I shouted. I heard a chorus of yeahs. I yawned; well I guess a nap wont hurt. I got changed into pajamas and slide into the bunk. She looks so peaceful and harmless, why couldn’t she be nice. Well I guess it’s my fault. I started to hum and I soon fell asleep too.


Bri’s POV

“Pat shut up you’re gonna wake her.” I heard Garrett hiss.

“Well then buzznet I’ll make this quick, see that’s Bri John’s sister and everyone knows that’s Nick Santino, we’ll they’re sharing a bunk and they ended up like that.” Pat chuckled. Ended up like what? Well I got my answer; I opened up my eyes and was staring at Nick’s chest while he had his arm around my waist. Hey he’s kinda cute when he sleeps…oh no no no. Bad thoughts Nick is a nasty mean son of a prostitute.

“Pat Kirch if you ever want to call you mother again you will stop fliming and Garrett Nickelsen if you ever want to live to kill a zombie I suggested you get away now.” I growled, they both ran to the back bunk. Well time to wake up the sleeping beauty.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I shrieked very loudly.

“HOLY FUCK!” Nick yelled and in the process hit his head quite hard against the top of the bunk. “What was that for?!” He shouted.

“Welcome to Warped.” I smiled pushing him out of the bunk and stepping on him while getting out.
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Hope you enjoyed reading it! Comments are appreciated ^_^