I Want Out

Chapter 5

I woke up in the morning to an empty bunk. Great, they all left me again. I cursed under my breath and rolled out of the bunk. I slowly walked my way into the kitchen because I was pretty sure that they were done serving breakfast.

“Good morning.” Nick said from the couch. I jumped.

“What are you-“ I said in a nasty tone, but then corrected myself. “doing here.” I spoke more politely.

“Waiting for you and it seems you are losing so far.” He said putting a slash on a white board under my name. “See every time one of us does something nasty, you put a mark under the name.”

“Um okay so what are we doing today?” I asked.

“We have a day off and the guys left to go to an amusement park already, so I volunteered to stay behind.” He smiled.

“So that means I’m stuck with you the whole day.” I said.

“Yup, now go get dressed.” he said shooing me to the bunks. You know what, I might just like these two weeks. I got dressed in some shorts and a tank top. Nick was already outside waiting for me.

“Come on princess, follow me.” He said grabbing me hand. I blushed, wait since when do I freaking blush.

“Where the fuck are we going.” I sighed as he pulled me along.

“Another strike for Bri! And if you must know it’s a secret.” He said. I groaned, I really did not want to be his…slave ugh. We were running across the warped grounds, but then we reached the end of the fence. Nick let go of my hand and hopped the fence.

“You want me to do that!” I said in disbelief.

“Yes, if you fall I’ll catch you.” I said.

“You better.” I mumbled climbing up the side of the fence. When I reached the top my foot slipped and I fell. Oh shit, this will hurt, but no pain came. I opened my eyes to see that Nick had caught me.

“See that wasn’t so hard.” He smirked. I stuck my tongue out. I was about to curse at him, but I shut my mouth. He put me down and continued to drag me through the woods.

“Why are we going so far! ARE YOU GOING TO RAPE ME!” I shrieked in terror.

“No.” He chuckled.

“Oh okay, WAIT, YOU’RE GOING TO MURDER ME!” I yelled even louder.

“Keep your mouth shut and I won’t.” He said.

“ONE STRIKE FOR NICK!” I screamed.

“Okay, I’m going to need you to close your eyes now.” He said

“You wont rape me?” I asked

“I wont.” He said rolling his eyes.

“Or murder me?” I asked.

“I promise.” He said.

“Fine.” I huffed closing my eyes. I was then pulled up on his back. We walked for ten more minutes and then I was dropped on my ass.

“Oof.” I huffed.

“Sorry.” He snickered.

“ANOTHER STRIKE!” I shouted.

“Just look.” He said and I did. We were sitting of a cliff and below us was a crystal clear waterfall that flowed into a small lagoon. I took off my shirt and saw Nick staring.

“Do you always have a bikini under your clothes.” I said still staring.

“Yes, you’ll never know when you’ll need it.” I said smiling and taking off my pants. “Well, aren’t you going in.” I said. Standing at the edge of the waterfall.

“I didn’t bring a suit.” He whispered.

“You’re wearing boxers, right, dear god I hope you are.” I said.

“Yeah bu-“ He said.

“Good you’ll go in those.”






“YES!” I yelled running over to him and tackling him.


“Yes.” I said straddling him.

“Hell no.”


“Shut up!” Nick and I yelled.

“Oh hey Bri…BRI WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO NICK!” John yelled. I laughed and got off of Nick.

“Hey guys, I thought you were at an amusement park.” I said.

“We were, then we realized who we left alone.” Pat said. “Oooh pretty!” He yelled running to the edge.

‘”How’d you find us?” Nick asked.

“What you didn’t want to be found.” Halvo smirked.

“So why were you on top of him.” John asked with his arms crossed.

“He didn’t want to go in the water with me.” I pouted.

“I’LL GO!” Halvo yelled.

“Well lets go!” I said as he took of his clothes. “See Halvo isn’t scared.” I yelled at Nick while sticking my tongue out. Halvo ran over to me and grabbed my hand.

“Ready!” he yelled.

“Hell Yes!” I responded

“5….4…..3…..2….1!” He yelled and we jumped. The water was so cold, but if felt great.

“Come on losers get in!” I yelled. And this was the start to a wonderful day.
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