I Want Out

Chapter 6

It’s been a few days since the cliff, but Nick is still like freakishly nice to me and I kinda like it. Maybe I should be nice to him more often.

“HEY, GUYS GUESS WHAT, GUESS, GUESS NOW, DO IT!” Garrett screamed running onto the bus.

“I’m guessing you had five red bulls and two monsters.” I said

“IT WAS THREE RED BULLS AND THAT’S NOT THE POINT.” He yelled getting frustrated.

“STOP YELLING AND TELL US ALL READY DAMMNIT!” Jared yelled getting out of his bunk.

“EVERY BAND ON TOUR IS PLAYING MANHUNT, SO LETS GO NOW, NOW, NOW!” Garrett flipped shoving everyone out the door. That kid is crazy, I must remember to never give him red bull ever again. We assembled in the center of the busses. It looks like 3OH!3 were giving out the rules and flashlights.

“HUNTERS: VERSAEMERGE, CHIODOS, A ROCKET TO THE MOON, ALL TIME LOW, AND MERCY MERCEDES. GET YOUR SHIT AND RUN!” Nat screamed. You better believe I ran, I ran fast and into the woods. I hid under a rock and about ten minutes later I heard voices.

“Dude, where is she?” Andrew whispered.

“I saw her run over her.” Nick whispered harshly.

“Well, I’m gonna go look somewhere else, have fun hunting your lover.” Andrew whispered.

“Oh princess, princess where art thou Bri.” He said getting closer to my hiding spot. Shit. Well I didn’t want to be caught especially by Nick so I go up and ran.

“Found you princess!” He yelled.

“Well come and get me!” I screamed back. He followed me for a while, that’s until I heard him fall and curse. I stopped and turned around. He was holding his ankle.

“Shit, are you okay.” I said putting his ankle in my lap.

“FUCK!” He yelled.

“I’ll take that as a no.” I mumbled gently putting his foot down and scooting next to him.

“What are you doing.” He groaned.

“Keeping you company.” I stated.

“No, you’re going to get help.” He said in a very serious tone.

“No. No I’m not, I’m staying with you and that’s final.” I said putting my head on his shoulder.

“No you leaving, now.” He said growing angry.

“NO.” I screamed at him.

“Why do you have to be so stubborn?” He groaned in frustration.

“Because I care about you.” I said and everything went silent.

“Really?” He asked looking into my eyes.

“Yes.” I replied looking down. He tilted my chin up and stared at me for quite awhile.

“Woah, you’re serious.” He mumbled.

“Yeah.” I sighed.

“Can I tell you something.” He asked

“Um sure?” I asked more than said.

“Well I don’t know what’s making me say this probably my ankle.” He said.

“Spit it out Nick.” I said rolling my eyes.

“What if the bet wasn’t really a bet?” He asked.

“You’re confusing me.” I said.

“Never mind, I’ll tell you when this is over.” He sighed.

“Oh okay.” I sadly said.

“Don’t worry about it.” He said putting his arm around me and pulling me in.

“Nick, I’m sorry.”

“About what?” He asked confused.

“For being a pain in the ass, for slapping you, for chasing off your girlfriends, for throwing vases at you, and for making you hurt your ankle.” I quietly said.

“No, I’m the one that should be sorry, I mean I did use your hair as a paint brush.” He said cracking a smile.

“Lets start over then.” I said perking up.

“Alright, but, I’m still winning the bet.” He said.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, its over in two days and you’ll have to tell me your secret” I said.

“Fine.” He huffed.

“I don’t know if they’ll find us, so I’m gonna take a nap.” I yawned putting my head on his shoulder.

“Okay.” He said putting his head on top of mine.
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Hope you enjoyed it and sorry its late, I just finished finals