Status: Finished! I just have to post all of the chapters on here :)

Now I panic?

Chapter fourteen

I check my hair and makeup for the last time, straightening my top and necklace as well. I have no idea why i'm so nervous...

Well, yes I do. I'm going to my parent's business party, in Cali, and Zach's going to be there. We've talked for a few minutes every day on the phone since i've been back in California, but I haven't seen him.

I hope i'm dressed right. California businessmen are very sharp. I'm going to look so out of place, and then Zach will be embarrassed to be seen with me... and that's the last thing I want.

"Emma? Are you sure I look okay? Shouldn't I be wearing a dress or something?"

Emma is a girl my parents know, who's parents own some major technical company. I have no clue what it is, but it apparently brings in the big bucks, so who am I to judge?

She looks up from her phone, examining me closely. "You look awesome; don't worry so much. I'm sure Zach will be very happy with his fiance."

"It's not just about Zach!" I snap, even though I know that most of it is.

Emma grins, her dark lipstick standing out around her (too-white-to-be-normal) teeth. She seems very properly dressed, in a floor-length, champagne-colored gown, with matching slippers, real diamond earrings(unlike my half-carat ones), and the best makeup.

I, however, and in an emerald halter top that's almost drowned in crystals, black leggings that have parallel lines of silver thread running down the seams, and silver hugh heeled sandals. The high heels... are killing me!! I can't stand them, but mom forced me to buy them.

I sigh, picking at my top nervously, and Emma stands. "Come on. Time to go."

"Emma I can't."

She stops, looking at me, and her gaze softens. "Calm down. What could go wrong?"

"Really want me to name all the things that come to mind? We might miss the party all together."

Silent, she takes my hand, and practically drags me out of the door. "You. Will. Be. Fine." She's careful to pronounce each word separately, to drill them into my head.

Mom and Dad wait downstairs, talking and laughing about something, but stop when they see us. Mom just stares, while dad looks ready to cry at any moment. Finally, Mom steps forward, taking my hands.

"You look beautiful, honey. You honestly do." Her voice catches on the last word, and she moves forward to hug me. I'm silent, just because i'm too stunned to say anything. She's never reacted to anything like this before.

I find my voice at last. "You're acting like i'm about to get married or something. It's just a business party. Don't want to embarrass you guys or anything, you know?"

I feel her nod, and then she pulls back, wiping at her eyes, without smudging her makeup. "Shall we go then?"


As soon as I set foot of the elevator, I regret coming to this party. All I see, are dresses, pantsuits, and diamonds everywhere. Not a pair of jeans or a t-shirt anywhere. Emma puts a hand on my elbow, gently steering me forward, deeper into the throng of people roaming around.

"Don't let them scare you, Kortney. They just look tough, Most of them are really nice. I should know; I grew up around most of them.

Almost exactly after she says this, a woman walks up to us, smiling sweetly. "Hey, Emma! How are you?"

Emma answers her, and they instantly are engaged in some totally ridiculous conversation, so I leave. I knew this would happen.

I wander around for a while, speaking to random people and smiling sweetly, while my ankles start to throb form the demon high heels i'm wearing. I want to leave so badly...


I turn, and come face to face with Josh. "Hey! Finally- someone I actually know!"

He grins, hugging me. "It's really good to see you. I was starting to think I never would again."

I hold my arms out at my sides. "Well here I am." I bite my lip. "So... um, where's Zach?"

Josh's grin gets wider. "Why?"

I shrug, trying to act nonchalant. "No reason. I'm just curious."

"Are you excited to see him? I'll bet you are. You two talk everyday."

I fold arms over my chest, shrugging again. "Are you going to tell me or not?"

His gaze lifts. "You can see how eager she is to see you. I believe you now." He's obvious;y not talking to me.

I turn quickly to face the now grinning Zach behind me. "Missed me, did you? You never said that on the phone."

Naturally, I get defensive. "I didn't miss you! I wanted to know where you were so I could get as far away as possible!"

ZACH'S POV.......................

"I didn't miss you! I wanted to know where you were so I could get as far away as possible!"

Kortney instantly starts to get defensive, which makes her look even cuter. I'm glad she missed me though. She turns on Josh.

"Jerk! You set this up, didn't you? You did! I can't believe you."

Josh just smiles, walking away. "Stay out in the open, you two. No going into some empty room by yourselves. I'll be checking on you."

I feel my face heat, and Kortney stamps a foot in fury, making me laugh. She turns back to me, and I sober up quickly.

On the phone, it was so easy to talk to her, but I find myself out of words now. Fortunately, I don't have to say anything.

"Zach? I just think we should start over. I know you absolutely hate me. But the fact is, i'm not responsible for this whole arrangement, and neither are you. If you want to divorce me right after... then you can, but for now, can't we at least try to get along? For our parents?"

I just stare at her, in complete disbelief.

I had a whole speech ready, full of apologies, and begging, and here she is, begging me to just forget about everything? This must be some crazy dream?

She starts to fidget a bit, obviously nervous about how i'll respond.

Too happy to really express myself in words, I step forward, and gather her in my arms. She stiffens, surprised, but relaxes quickly. I can feel the relief coming off of her in waves, and I smile.

Our moment is broken up, when my Mom runs over to us, grinning excitedly. "Kortney! You're back! Zach is really sorry about what he did, and-"

"Mom! I got this," I growl. She looks at Kortney, who has turned her head around as much as she can, as I wont let her go.

"It's okay. We're good now, I think."

Mom smiles, nodding. "I'm glad. I'll see you later then? We'll all go out to dinner together, okay?"

Kortney nods, turning back to me, and Mom leaves.

"Do you really think this will work? Us?"

I'm quiet for a minute, thinking. "I think... as long as we try our hardest, and manage to quit getting into fights, we'll be fine."

This earns me a laugh, which I join.

"Lets all give a big round of applause to the happy couple!!"

Kortney and I both spin around to face the entire room of people, grinning at us, and they all start clapping. Kortney buries her face in her hands, laughing, and I'm pretty sure my face is redder than anything.

When everyone goes back to regular, I grab Kortney's hand, and turn towards the door. "Why don't we go somewhere? Just you and me?"

She looks surprised, to say the least. "You heard Josh..."

"I mean, like the movies, or... the park."

"Are you okay?"

I laugh. "Yes! Come on. Just once."

Finally, she gives in. "Fine. It better be a public place, though."

We set off towards the elevator at top speed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here you go!!! I was in a good mood today, so here's another chapter for you guys!

Tell me if you feel like this story is going anywhere, or if you think I should speed it up or slow it down. Try to give some detailed comments, please. I'm tired of "this is awesome", and "keep it up"! Nice, but give me some feedback. I'm posting this for you, people.