Status: Finished! I just have to post all of the chapters on here :)

Now I panic?

Chapter Eight

Everyone goes silent at this. Finally realizing that he's completely serious, I stand up, grinning.

"And I refuse to marry him. Well, I have a plane to catch, don't I? Nice to meet you all."

"Kortney,"Mom snaps, making me sit back down.

Mr and Mrs. Thomas stare at their son, perfectly calm.

"You don't really have a say in the matter, so I suggest you sit down." Mr. Thomas goes back to eating.

Zach doesn't budge. "This isn't right. It's the twenty first century! You can't just decide my future for me like this. I will not marry her!"

I stand back up, slightly offended.

"Just what exactly have I done to you? I've been nothing but kind, trying to get along with you"

He looks down, not responding, face blank.

"Why are you so determined to push everyone away who shows an interest in being your friend? I haven't done one thing to you, yet you seem to despise me. Just give me a reason, and I'll leave you alone."

Everyone is silent, waiting for his smart remark, but it doesn't come. I smile softly.

"Then I guess we have to go through with this don't we?"

He looks up, his gaze softening for a split second, before his glare comes back.

I sit down and drink some of my water, while Zach sits down again, finishing his food. Everyone else follows, except me. I'm too nervous to eat again.

Zach looks at me, noticing this.

"I never told you to stop eating."

I shrug. "I'm full anyway," I mumble.Lie

He pushes my plate back towards me. "Eat."

"I'm fu-"

"Eat, Kortney." He makes it sounds like an order.

I pick up my fork and take a small bite of fish, then remember the guys.

"Oh my gosh! Mark?!"


"I forgot you were there. Why didn't you say anything?"

"We were in shock... of how big a jerk your fiance is."

Zach growls under his breath.

"He's not a jerk, Mark," I argue, even though... he's kind of right.

Bryan explodes. "Why are you defending him?! He's treating you like crap!"

Why am I defending him?

"Well..." I think hard an answer. "I mean, he-"

"She's warming to him," Josh says, smirking to himself.


"Yes, Mark?"

"I'm gonna call you later OK? Hopefully when you're alone."

"Alright. Bye guys."

"Bye," they all say, sounding mad.

I slip the phone back into my purse, and look up at Zach, who's finished eating, watching me. Our eyes lock, and for the first time, there's no malice in his. This of course, causes me to remember again how pretty his eyes are, and I can't really look away. He doesn't either.

We're startled out of our intense moment by Mr. Thomas clearing his throat.

"We should get going now. Business meeting. Zachary will drive you home, Kortney. We'll be seeing you soon."

Mrs. Thomas stands with her husband, and I go over to her when she goes to hug me.

"Take care dear. I really think you're just right for my son; don't let him push you away too." They leave.

Mom and dad stand next. "Well, we'll see you later, honey. Be good and don't talk poor Zachary to death." They follow the Mr and Mrs. Thomas.

Josh stares a us for a few seconds, and I beg him not to leave with my eyes. But he stands also.

"Try not to kill each other."

We're left alone, and I'm pretty sure Zach is glaring at me.

"Finish your food, Kortney."

"No thanks, we can go."

"We're not leaving until you finish your food."

I glare at him, exasperated.

"Stop treating me like a little kid."

"Stop acting like one."

"You don't care, so lets go. Drop me off at home, and forget about me."

Something flashes across his face I can't place. "If you don't hurry up an-"

I stand up. "I'll walk home."

I walk away from him, out the door, and am instantly hit by the sun. Ugh! It's too hot to walk home. I take out my phone to call a cab, when it's grabbed out of my hands.

Zach walk away with it, towards the parking lot.


"If you want it back, follow me."

I stomp after him. He leads me to a dark blue 2011 Mustang. My mouth falls open. This is his car?

He walks to the drivers side, and gets in. I hear the locks click; he wants me to get in.

I have to say, I'm more than happy to. This is my dream car. I notice he's put on some shades. The lenses are black, and I can't see his eyes. He hands me my phone.

"Seat belt."

I do, slowly, wanting to enjoy every moment of my time in this car. I run my hands over the seat, and the dashboard, and spot the sunroof. I open it without even asking him.

"What are you doing?" He sounds slightly amused.

"Enjoying my ride in my dream car while it lasts," I say, still admiring everything.

He starts the car, and we drive out of the parking lot, into the street.

Wait a minute... he can drive? That means he's at least sixteen... Oh no...


He doesn't answer. Annoyed, I flick his forehead.

"What," he says tightly. He probably really wants to hurt me.

"How... old are you?"

"How old are you," he counter attacks.

My eyes narrow. "I asked you first."

He shakes his head, and I guess he's rolling his eyes under those shades.

"Almost eighteen."

Oh. Crap. Almost EIGHTEEN?! I'm only fourteen! My breathing picks up a bit, and I grip the sides of my seat.

Zach looks over at me when we stop at a light. "Are you having a seizure or something?"

I don't look at him, knowing that if I do, I'll panic. I obviously misheard him. As long as he doesn't ask me-

"How old are you, Kortney?"

Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap! He asked me!

I squeeze my eyes shut. What do I do? If I tell him, he'll definitely hate me! I start to hyperventilate, shaking.

The car stops moving, and I feel Zach's hand on my shoulder. "Kortney? What-"

I begin to sob at his touch. I can't tell him! That will ruin everything.

I hear him talking, but can't make out one word. Something tells me that he's not talking to me though.

Suddenly, the talking stop, and arms wrap around me. I'm pulled onto someones lap
(Zach's lap?), and things are whispered to me, though I still can't make anything out.

My shaking slows, and I can breath naturally after a few minutes, and my chin is tilted up to look into Zach's beautiful eyes.

It doesn't last long though, because I can slowly feel myself drifting into unconsciousness, slipping into the dark...


I hear a groan, then realize it's me. My eyes fly open and I jerk upright into a sitting position, gasping... in my bed?

How in the world...

My door opens just as I'm about to freak out.

Zach walks in, wearing different clothes than the last time I saw him.

"When did you change clothes?" I feel dizzy, and lay back down.

He looks angry, but he answers anyways. "This morning, at home." He hands me a thermometer. I look at it, then at him in confusion.

"You don't know how to use the thing?!" He's exasperated, but I see in his eyes that he's nervous.

"Yeah, but I'm not sick."

He looks so mad for a second, that I actually get scared.

"Mom!" I scream, burying underneath my covers.

Two sets of feet run up the stars, and my door bursts open again.

"He's gonna kill me," I scream, not emerging from my covers.

"She's being ridiculous," Zach says back.

"Will you at least ACT like a nice person for her?! She's under enough pressure as it is, you heard the doctor said."

At this, I fling the covers off me.

"What doctor? Am I sick? Oh my gosh, do I have cancer?"

Mom comes over to me and takes my temperature, then sighs. "Not anymore. do you remember anything from the past few days?"

I roll my eyes. "Are you guys high or something? I was just in Zach's car a while ago. He took my phone and I had to get it back, then I asked him how old he was... and then I..." What? Then I what? I look up.

"I don't remember."

Everyone is silent for a while, then Zach turns to my parents.


Dad seems to double in size. Before he can say anything though, I stop him.

"Listen to him," I say softly.

They hesitate, but leave. Dad gives Zach a warning glare before he leaves.

I wait patiently for Zach to speak. He actually looks calm.

"You've been asleep for three days," he says finally. My eyes widen slightly, but I stay silent.

"You had a fever of 106 degrees for the first two, and parents brought in a doctor in to make sure you weren't going to die or anything. He said that you were in some sort of... stress induced coma, I think he said."

This is the most he's ever said to me, and I'm not about to stop him now.

"And of course, everyone, including my own family, thought it was my fault."

I don't bother to tell him that it probably was his fault.

He looks up at me, looking slightly pained.

"I'm... sorry, okay? I didn't know, about your... attacks. I..." He's obviously not used to apologizing, but at least he's trying. I put my hand over his, and notice a bruise on his cheek.

"What's that?"

He looks confused, but realizes what I'm looking at. He chuckles lowly.

"Your dad punched me."


"Forget about it; I deserved it. Anyway, I'll try okay? I wont like it at all, but I'll try to be more... pleasant."

He winces, probably thinking that I'm going to get mad. Instead, I leap up and throw my arms around his neck. He peels me off immediately, gently, but I know he's mad.

I sit back, and look down. He clears his throat.

"Are you ever going to tell me how old you are?"

I freeze. Uh oh...

"You act like you're 11. Please don't tell me you're 11."

I shake my head no.

"I'm... 16?"

His eyes narrow.

"15?" I avoid his gaze.

He doesn't move.

"Almost," I whisper, then jump out of bed and bolt, down the stairs and into the kitchen, where mom and dad are eating lunch. There's a plate out for me, and I start to eat, starving.

Zach comes in a moment later, looking amused. "Don't you think that was a bit dramatic?"

I don't answer, just stare down at my lap.

"Just say it."

"Say what?"

I look up, but not at him.

"Go ahead and say: you're just a kid; I don't know what my parents were thinking. I don't want to have to take care of you too." I laugh bitterly.

"I've taken care of my brother and his BAND for almost five years. If I can do that, I can take care of myself, and you if I had to."

I wait, but he says nothing. When I reach for my sandwich though, he stops me.

"Don't eat that. We're eating lunch with my parents."

I lower the sandwich, but don't put it all the way down. "And when exactly did you decide this?"

"I didn't, my parents did. Come on; the faster you get dressed, the faster we can leave, and then you can eat."

I sigh, putting down the sandwich, and go upstairs with Zach in tow to change.

I put on a brown tank, black skinny leg jeans, and tan boots, and walk back out.

"Okay, I'm ready-"

I stop, seeing Zach.

He's asleep, on my bed. Awwwww...

I go over to him, kneeling next to him. He looks so cute when he's asleep. No anger or sarcasm on his face; just calm.

There's a strand of hair in his face, and I brush it away. But before I can pull my hand back, his eyes open.

I wince, pulling my hand back, and wait for him to chew me out, but instead, he moves a piece of of my hair out my face and sits up. "Ready to go?"

I don't answer, genuinely confused. He waves a hand in front of me.

"Hello? Earth to Kortney."

I stand up. "Let's go."
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry to all of the people who hate me for my late updates. I have issues. I'll really try to be better at it from now on.

Gomenasai! ("I'm so sorry", in Japanese) LOL



P.S All of my chapter will be kindof long from now on so... yeah, just though I'd say that