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Hanru Sazuki

Hanru Sazuki Volume Four Chapter Thirty-Two: Actions of Our Consequences (Winter 2014)

On the previous chapter(s): About a year has passed since the events of the last volume and in that time, a lot has changed. Hanru and Ada are now living together in a new state. Lee is conflicted between a woman who sexually fulfills him and a woman whom he promised to marry but abandoned awhile back who, by the way, is pregnant with his baby. Ada is feeling lonely after seemingly losing Leo and the child she bared from him. She now is suggesting adoption in her last hopes of becoming a mother. Jessica now lives with her new roommate Henrietta, who is very sexually liberated. Jessica on the other hand, is afraid of her sexuality, but Etta is helping her through that. Erika has decided to retire from being in forensics and is now going to pursuing forgiveness from her family and her once abandoned son. A man named Michael lost his child to kidnapping and in attempts to find him, is searching for a private detective to help him. He has been recommended to Kenneth Powell. Kenneth’s former partner Charlie Roads seems to have never fixed his marriage with his wife Karen. An elderly man has been hoarding trash bags with sliced-up body parts of dead women in his home. Each bag has a picture of the victims. A car crashed near the river of a dead forest and a young boy seems to be the only survivor.

(A young 8-12 year old blonde boy walks alone in the blizzard holding himself; tears frozen upon his face. He walks down a frozen dirt trail beside a large frozen lake underneath a highway. A large rusty truck drives down the trail. The women inside stares right at the boy and make eye-contact. The boy’s eyes light up at the idea of being freed from his cold suffering. The woman looks forward and continues on driving. The boy’s hopes instantly fade away. He looks back down and continues to walk forward. After a while, he makes his way to the busy highway and sees a diner across the street. A country woman is in the diner taking someone’s order. She looks out the window and happens to see the boy across the street looking at the heavy traffic driving fast through the snow. The woman goes around the counter and talks to a different waitress with short red hair named Charlie.)

Waitress: Hey, Charlie. Either I’m still suffering side effects from those drinks at Tobey’s party last night or there’s a boy standing out there on the highway.

Charlie: (Looks out the window) Well you definitely ain’t seein’ thangs. There’s a boy out there alright. Cover my table for me; Imma go make sure he’s alright. (Quickly walks away)

Waitress: Okay... Wait, which table is yours?

(Charlie waits for the right moments to quickly dash her way through the speeding vehicles. She gets half way across the street and a car full of stoners pulls over beside the boy. The boy is on the right side of the street so the boy is on the passenger side of the car when it pulls over.)

Female Stoner: Oooh, he’s so cute. Can we take him home with us? We should totally take him home with us. (Laughs)

Male Stoner: (Looks over the passenger side and rolls the window all the way down) Hey, little dude, where ya headed? You need a ride?!

(The boy remains quiet and shivery.)

Female Stoner: (Looks over at the driver) I think he’s all alone. Should we just take him or…?

Male Stoner: (Shrugs) I’m down.

Male Stoner 2: Nah man! What if the kid wants some of this weed man? He didn’t put in on this, man. That’s less helium for us. And what if the cops come looking for this kid and we get busted? I’m in enough trouble already! I don’t need any additional time!

(The third male stoner, unaffected by the world around him, takes a big puff of weed and violently coughs three times before passing it to Male Stoner 2.)

Female Stoner: Come on, don’t be a butt. Let’s help the kid out.

Male Stoner: Hey, kid, hop in if you need a ride!

(Charlie comes out of nowhere and wraps her red scarf around the boy’s neck.)

Charlie: There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you. I told you about running off like that. (Looks up at the stoners for a few seconds) What are you looking at? Get outta here you junkies, before I call the police.

(Male Stoner rolls up his window while quickly driving off.)

Charlie: Let’s go get you warm breakfast.

(Light country music plays in the background while Charlie and the other waitress stand behind the counter watching the boy stare at his food blankly in a booth.)

Charlie: I’m gonna go see if I can get a few words outta him.

(Charlie walks over to the boy and sits across the table from him.)

Charlie: Hey, how ya doing? Where are your parents?

(The boy remains quiet. Charlie looks over at her friend. She shrugs.)

(Apartment in the city)

(Michael and George stand in a hallway and knock on the door of an apartment room. The door opens and it’s a dirty blonde woman who seems to be very timid.)

Woman: Hi, can I help you?

Michael: Hello,ma’am, I’m looking for a Mr. Kenneth Powell. Is he currently present?

Woman: He-

Male voice: Meredith! Who is it?

(The man comes to the door and it is revealed to be Kenneth.)

Meredith: He’s for you. (Quickly runs inside in a panic)

Michael: (Offers Kenneth a handshake) Nice to meet you, sir. My name is Michael Augustine-

Kenneth: How did you find this address?

Michael: (Lowers his hand)Your detective friend Charlie recommended I come see you.

Kenneth: You flew all the way out here to New York from Miami?

Michael: I did, sir, yes. I am in great need of your services.

Kenneth: For what? Charlie didn’t warn me you were coming, so how do I know you weren’t sent here from the Bureau?

(A man yells from inside the apartment.)

Man: By the way, Kenneth, Charlie called yesterday and said some guy was gonna be here with his butler!

Kenneth: (Sighs) Thank you, Shaun!

Shaun: No problem, buddy!

Michael: May we come in to talk?

Kenneth: Just tell me what it is you want from me; there’s no need for you to come inside. (Walks into the hall and closes the door behind him)

Michael: My son was kidnapped and I was wondering if you could help me find him. His name is Ethan and he’s just a boy.

Kenneth: Why should I care? (Takes a moment to himself) Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I retired from all that business long ago. I worked as a private detective but then my wife was supposedly murdered and my obsession with the man I thought killed my wife, caused me to lose my job and ruin the relationship between my daughter and I.

Michael: Well I don’t even have my son.

Kenneth: Yeah, well I don’t either. She moved away. Anyway, I don’t get involved with that stuff anymore. I may know a guy who can help you out, but he’s outta state. Trust me, this guy, won’t reject you. I’ll give him a call right now. Wait here. And watch the floor for fleas; they jump on any pair of legs they see coming their way.

(Ada’s home)

(Ada opens her door and she sees Staci with a big smile on her face and a handsome-looking cherry pie in her had.)

Staci: Howdy, neighbor! I understand it’s getting close to Thanksgiving and I just wanted to come by and give you an early holiday gift. I’ve baked a pie for each neighbor, who I know isn’t crabby. (Laughs) And I’ve baked a pie for you because I understand you are somewhat new to this neighborhood.

Ada: I’ve been here nearly a year actually. We moved here from Miami.

Staci: Oh you’re married?!

Ada: No actually it’s just me and my nephew. I wish I was married though. The single life is so overrated.

Staci: Yeah, I know whatcha mean.

Ada: Oh please, won’t you come inside?

Staci: Oh no I have many more pies to deliver and… Actually you were my last deliverer. (Smiles) I would love to come inside. I’m Staci by the way.

Ada: Ada. It’s nice to meet you, Staci.

(Hanru and Lee are at a motel desk. Lee is fixing his clothes and making sure he looks good. Hanru just sits on the chair bored.)

Lee: Where is this receptionist at? Is he plunging his butt-hole or something?

Hanru: (Cracks a grin) probably. His wife’s cooking must have stopped him up.

Lee: See, you’re supposed to be encouraging me to look forward to all the good things about having a wife; not teasing me about the bad. You’d make a horrible therapist.

Hanru: Would I really?

Lee: Yes! This guy is pissing me off! Where is he?!

Hanru: With my luck, this guy is probably in the back dead and I’ll end up having to be the private detective to solve his murder.

Lee: (Stares at Hanru paranoid) Don’t say that. Seriously do not joke around about that because you know it could happen and if it does, I’m gonna end up getting involved and then I’m gonna get arrested and anally raped and then soon my boyfriend will be using my rear for trafficking and keeping his eggs warm when it’s cold. My anus is not a microwave!

Hanru: It will be in prison so it'll be for bacon and eggs mostly.

Lee: (Paranoid) you- (Squeals like a girl in frustration) I hate you sometimes, you know that?!

Hanru: I am aware of this, Lee.

Lee: Look, I’m going to be late for the airport. I need to go now.

Hanru: That’s such an overused cliché.

Lee: What is?

Hanru: Being late for a flight. Name one movie or show where the characters have to make a flight and something happens to make them late.

Lee: I’m panicking here and you’re making jokes!

Hanru: I’m just pointing out the obvious.

Lee: Yeah you’re a Capricorn. You guys do that.

Hanru: You’re a Gemini, aren’t you?

Lee: (Angry) It doesn’t matter! Please! Someone come to the- Forget this.

(Lee grabs a chair, walks into a corner and smacks out the camera. He goes into the register and breaks it open. He takes all the money out and counts it.)

Lee: 37-Ma… (Throws a tantrum and jumps around everywhere) LET’S GO!

Hanru: (Raises hands in the air) Yes, ma’am.

(Hanru and Lee quickly leave the room.)

(Michael and Scarlet’s home)

(There is a doorbell ring. Scarlet answers is and it appears to be two detectives. One is black and the other is Mexican-American. The Mexican is Dominic and the Black detective is Terrell.)

Terrell: Good evening, Mrs. Augustine. I am detective Smith and this is my partner, detective Ice. May we come in please?

Scarlet: Sure. Come right in.

(The two of them walk in the door and Scarlet closes the door behind them.)

Scarlet: What is this about? Have you found my son?

Ice: Ma’am, is your husband Michael currently in the home?

Scarlet: No, he isn’t at the moment.

Smith: Ma’am has your husband’s behavior at all been out of the ordinary?

Scarlet: No more than usual since the loss of our son.

Ice: Where is he now?

Scarlet: Please, tell me what this is about.

Smith: Ma’am, are you aware of a Miss Audrey Gilden?

Scarlet: I am, yes.

Smith: In your husband’s frustration, he gave us a list of people he personally thinks may be responsible for your son’s kidnapping. Unfortunately, he had no way of proving or even linking them to the crime.

Scarlet: So what’s the problem?

Smith: We got an anonymous call from someone who brought her name to our attention.

Ice: We need to know whether or not your husband is involved in anyway.

Scarlet: I can assure you he’s not.

Ice: All spouses say that, ma’am. That is until they’re proven wrong.

(Erika is seen walking through the cold of a quiet suburban neighborhood. The leaves of fall are blown through the yards, sidewalks, and streets. Hesitant, Erika stands in front of a small white one-story house. She leans her back against a small black car. After a few seconds, she hesitantly walks up to the house and rings the doorbell. A kind and very friendly older blonde woman answers.)

Lady: Hello there; Happy Thanksgiving!

Erika: (Confused) Happy Thanksgiving.

Lady: You know what?! Your face seems so familiar and I can’t even remember where I’ve seen you. This old brain of mine ain’t what it used to be. (Laugh)

Erika: (Smiles) I know this may seem awkward but are you related to Jenna and Marshall?

Lady: The owners? No, I’m afraid not. (Face lights up) Now I recognize you! You’re their daughter who moved away! Oh I’ve always wanted to meet you! Please come in. I’ve got some apple pie heating up in the oven and some milk getting cold in the fridge. Please help yourself to some.

(Erika and the Lady are in the lady’s kitchen. The Lady is getting the pie out of the oven.)

Lady: When I was buying this house, your parents told me about how family oriented you all were and I could just- (Lightly sniffs) smell the aroma of love in the atmosphere. At that moment, I knew this house would be perfect for me and my family! (Puts pie on stove) I met everyone except for you. I only saw pictures of you on the mantles. They really missed you after you moved.

Erika: (Feeling conflicted the entire time) Oh… Well I miss them too. That’s why I’m trying to find them now. Since I moved away, I haven’t seen or even talked to any of them.

Lady: Hmm, I see. Well I have their numbers if you would like to give them a call.

Erika: Do you have their addresses?

Lady: I may have it written down somewhere. Ohh this old brain of mine.

Erika: I really hate to be an inconvenience, I’d just really rather surprise them for Thanksgiving is all.

Lady: (Excited) That would be a wonderful surprise! Let me go find my address book.

Erika: What’s your name by the way? If you don’t mind me asking?

Virginia: Virginia, darling. (Smiling)

(Jessica and Henietta’s apartment)

(Jessica is looking at her beautiful new hair in the mirror. Keith and Etta are in the same room. Etta is extremely excited and as usual, Keith sits bored in the background.)

Etta: (Claps and jumps up and down) Oh! It’s so amazing! This is what we call, the Feast of Texture hairstyle. It is so you. Your guy will love it! You should go visit him now before the wind picks up and messes up your hair. Keith, what do you think? Does Jessi’s new hairstyle make her look approachable? Is she bed-worthy?

Keith: See I feel like that’s a trap question, so I’m gonna choose not to answer that.

Etta: Oh fine, ya big coward. Jessica, I am going to drive you down there to see him right now! Make sure you’re clean and your fishy smell is gone. You want him to recognize the difference between you and a fish taco!

Jessica: It’s comments like that, that really piss me off about you!

Etta: (Makes fierce cat noises) Someone’s a little feisty today. Keith! Girl-time!

Keith: I’ll be in the kitchen. (Leaves the room)

Etta: Alright, so, spill the beans on the table. Why is my roomie bearing attitude today?

Jessica: How about that embarrassing fish taco comment in front of your boyfriend?!

Etta: Hey, we all smell down there, okay, and Keith knows it. It’s a natural thing.

Jessica: For who? Not for me. I don’t want your boyfriend having false thoughts about my personal parts!

Etta: Don’t deny it, okay.

Jessica: Look, now is not the right time for this talk. I’ve gotta get going.

Etta: (Calmed mood) Well let me give you a ride.

Jessica: Thank you. That would really help out a lot.

Etta: (Points at Jessica) You’ve gotta get yourself a new car!

Jessica: I will. I just need to get my license renewed.

(Jessica and Etta walk into the living room and see Keith blankly sitting on the couch.)

Etta: Hey, loser, I’m taking Jessica to see her soon-to-be boy toy. Wait here, okay?

Keith: Sure, yeah. I will be here.

Jessica: You’re always so timid. Open up a little.

Keith: (Feeling awkward) I don’t really like too… Sorry.


(Hanru and Lee are at the terminal. Lee is about to board.)

Lee: Just a few minutes and I’m off to seal my fate. I’m not ready for prison, man!

Hanru: It’s not prison; it’s marriage. There’s a big difference.

Lee: (Paranoid) You’re right, there is. You get more freedom in prison, and more sex.

Hanru: You gotta chill.

Lee: If I wanted to chill, I’d just go outside where It’s like 2 degrees out.

Hanru: You’re doing that thing again where you get nervous and try to make jokes to distract yourself. You’ll be fine.

Lee: (Concentrating on breathing) Yes.

Hanru: Alright?

Lee: (Nervously breathing) Yes. I will be fine. Kaito is not going to bust a cap in me.

Hanru: There you go. Just think positive thoughts.

(Lee looks over and sees people lining up to board the plane.)

Lee: Ah, man I can’t do this. I’m going back to Staci.

Hanru: I’m not gonna give you some speech about facing up to your responsibilities. Just get on the plane and hope for the best. Quit being such a baby. It’s almost Thanksgiving anyway, so spend it with your family.

Lee: I never knew my family. The only family I had were you and Jessica.

Hanru: (Looks him in the eyes with a serious attitude) Quit stalling. Make your flight.

Lee: … Alright. I’ll see you when I see you.

(Hanru and Lee give one another a brotherly hug.)


(The waitress Charlie sits with the lost boy.)

Charlie: I cleaned you up and helped get some of those stains off your clothes. Please, would you do something for me in return? Can you tell me who you are or what your name is? Can you do that for me?

Ethan: (Hesitant and shy) My name is Ethan.

Charlie: How old are you, Ethan?

Ethan: … Twelve.

Charlie: (Smiles) 12! That’s a fun age.

Ethan: Can I go home now?

Charlie: We don’t know where your home is, and no one here has a cell phone.

Ethan: Can you take me home?

(Charlie peaks over at her female co-worker and caught off guard, she shrugs at Charlie.)

Charlie: Well… Sure, honey, where do you live?

(Hanru’s home)

(It is quiet. Michael is seen walking toward Hanru’s house. He looks back and sees George taking his time getting out of the car. Michael walks onto the porch and he stops at the feel of cold steel pressed onto the back of his head. Someone is holding a black pistol up to his head. The man holding the gun sounds young, like in his mid-20’s. His face is not seen.)

Man: I almost didn’t find you in time. What are you doing here?

Michael: I’m here to see your brother.

(The man’s face is revealed to be Lawrence.)

Lawrence: Why?

Michael: To warn him and to help me find my son.

Lawrence: Aiden is not your son, Michael. He was an assignment. Oliver is dead now and you have no one backing you up.

Michael: After Oliver and Erika had their baby, I adopted him on Oliver’s orders, but over the years of taking care of him, I’ve grown to care for him like my own. And his name is Ethan.

(Lawrence roughly turns Michael around and pushes him up against the wall beside the front door. Lawrence keeps his distance and pants a bit.)

Lawrence: I know how that feels. But you know what, giving him up is your only option other than being killed. Jason calls the shots and if we don’t obey him, we and the people we care about all die. That means your wife; that means George.

Michael: Ethan was kidnapped from me and now I’m trying to find him.

Lawrence: After you find him, what are you gonna do? You gonna disappear out the country?

Michael: If I need to, yes.

Lawrence: I don’t think I need to be the one to tell you you’re not getting very far.

Michael: I’m not giving him up.

Lawrence: (Chuckles and paces) Here’s a little twist in this whole situation. The one who kidnapped Aiden, was hired by Jason.

Michael: Why would Jason set this whole thing up?

Lawrence: Because he knew you wouldn’t give him up. So he’s playing a game with you. The person who was hired by Jason was someone you personally thought was a suspect. I’m sure you’re aware of detective Dominic Ice. He’s Jason’s inside man to law enforcement. He’s having the whole station believe you are the one who killed the person responsible for Aiden’s kidnapping. You panicked and gave the police a list of names of people you thought kidnapped your son. That was a mistake because Dominic got ahold of it and that list of suspects has now become a hit list. All those people are gonna die and you’ll be the one to blame. Before you can clear your name, detective Ice will put himself in a scenario to where you’ll be gunned down. You disappearing from your home and jumping from state-to-state, doesn’t help you in your defense either. The person who was hired by Jason was supposed to deliver Aiden to him, but they were involved in a tragic “accident” and died on their way to the meeting point.

Michael: I’m guessing someone you know was somehow witness to this “accident”?

Lawrence: (Rests his back on the beam of the porch) I’m trying to help you out here. A person I know caused the accident. She will take Aiden and deliver her to you. You deliver Aiden to Jason and everyone’s happy. Jason doesn’t kill your wife.

Michael: What about me?

Lawrence: Jason’s going to frame you no matter which way you look at things. If you deliver Aiden to him, at least your wife will live longer.

Michael: Either way, I’m done. (Turns around and leans against the wall)

Lawrence: Jason is just too connected. Now I helped you out, so help me by not remembering this conversation we had. Aiden will be delivered to you by late tonight or early tomorrow. (Walks away)

(As Lawrence is walking off the property, he and Hanru run into one another. The two of them stare at each other in shock for about 4 second. Lawrence cracks a smile and breaks the tension.)

Lawrence: Taking random walks around town in this cold I see.

Hanru: It’s my thing.

Lawrence: (Lightly nods) Just like how disappearing is my thing?

Hanru: (Whispers) Yeah.

(2 seconds of awkward silence.)

Hanru: Are you staying for Thanksgiving?

Lawrence: I got business, little brother. Maybe next time. (Takes a few steps forward and pokes his forehead one good time with his index finger)

(The two of them nervously chuckle in a fail attempt to break the awkwardness between them.)

Lawrence: You know why I left, right?

Hanru: (Cracks a smile) To protect me, right?

Lawrence: That’s right.

Hanru: I’m guessing there’s no alternative.

Lawrence: Not as long as I draw breathe on this earth.

Hanru: You can’t keep this up, Lawrence.

Lawrence: Enough is at stake to prove you wrong.

Hanru: What, me?

Lawrence: Let me do what I need to. I’ll handle my business and you don’t have to worry about a thing.

Hanru: If you walk away from me right now, how do I know I’ll see you alive again?

Lawrence: In truth... If you don’t see me alive ever again, you’ll be dead. (Hugs Hanru) Good seeing you again, little brother. (Walks away)

(Hanru walks straight and doesn’t look back at Lawrence at all. Michael stands in front of Hanru.)

Hanru: Can I help you?

Michael: I needed a detective’s help for finding my son. But your brother Lawrence just helped clear everything up for me.

Hanru: What did my brother say to you?

Michael: You don’t need to know. It was nice meeting you, kid.

Hanru: Did it have something to do with Jason?

Michael: You’re connected to Jason?

Hanru: I have many connections.


(A silver tinted 2014 Volvo s60 parks in the diner parking lot. Out of the car comes two gorgeous women. One looks like she’s in her late-30’s and the other is a blonde who looks like she’s in her mid-20’s. The older women with black hair comes out of the passenger side. The older woman is Natasha and the younger one is Israel, Lawrence’s on an off again girlfriend.)

Israel: So that’s how it feels being rich for a day.

Natasha: You couldn’t have stolen a lower profile vehicle?

Israel: Hey rich people destroy lives, steal what they want, lie to manipulate, and break the law, just like we do. The only difference is they keep the shiny stuff. We deserve nice things too, don’t we?

Natasha: I’m not gonna pretend to understand your logic.

Israel: Of course you can’t. You’re simple-minded. Most Capricorns are.

Natasha: Gemini have their issues too; don’t think you’re so perfect sister.

Israel: Yeah, whatever.

(The two of them walk into the Diner and see Charlie talking with Ethan.)

Israel: (Talks softly) There he is right there. We should have grabbed him after the car he was in crashed about a mile back. Alright so we need to play this smart and think of a plan to get the boy without raising any suspicious. How do you propose we handle this?

(Natasha runs up to Ethan and gives him a huge hug. Playing the role of the over-excited mother relieved over the absence of her lost child.)

Natasha: Aiden! Oh my gosh! You had me worried sick! Aiden, don’t ever disappear like that on me again! Oh gosh! Are you okay?! (Looks Ethan in the eyes) Sweetie, are you alright?

Charlie: We found him across the street freezing and exhausted with frozen blood coming from his forehead. He said he walked about a mile to get here.

Natasha: (Looks at Charlie) Yes, we were driving and had an accident off-road a few hours ago. When I came to, he was gone and I was worried sick about where he might have run off to. (Get a bit angry) Aiden, this is why I always tell you to wear your seatbelt! Do you understand, sweet-heart?! Oh. (Hugs Etha) The accident wasn’t even bad. We just fishtailed off the road and my head smacked against the window.

(Charlie looks outside at the Volvo and notices that all the windows are tinted, and from her point of view, she is unable to see the driver side of the car.)

Charlie: (Suspicious) Volvo’s really are safe cars, aren’t they?

Natasha: That’s why I have one. (Stops hugging Ethan) Aiden, honey, why aren’t you talking?

Ethan: I’m cold, Aunt Tasha. (Hugs Natasha)

Charlie: Well he recognizes you. At least now I know you’re not some creep trying to steal him away. I was getting worried there for a second.

Natasha: It’s good to be worried. We need more people like you looking out for sweet children. Here, let me pay you. (Stands up and quickly searches her pockets) Here, just something for your kind actions.

Charlie: No, thank you. I couldn’t take your money. I know he’s with his family who loves him and knowing that is payment enough.

Natasha: Thank you so much. Come on, Aiden, let’s go see your mother now. I bet she made a big thanksgiving dinner.

(Israel is driving down the highway minutes later. Ethan is in the back seat and Natasha is in the passenger seat. It is quiet and the windshield wipers wipe away the tiny pieces of ice and snow hitting the glass. The car remains quiet for 10 seconds. Natasha has her fingers pressed against her forehead. She seems really stressed out about something.)

Israel: The little psycho is fast asleep. Should we turn the heat down?

Natasha: Leave it on a bit longer; make it toasty in here for him.

Israel: You know technically he’s my brother. He’s actually my half. My father and Erika’s kid.

Natasha: Yeah. Congratulations.

(Israel turns the radio on and keeps it at low volume. A gentle female voice is singing. The song is Storms by Exitmusic.)

Israel: Do you have any siblings?

Natasha: (Turns radio off) Not anymore.

Israel: (Sympathetic) I’m sorry to hear that.

Natasha: They didn’t die, they’re just, not a part of my life anymore. I had little twin brother and sister. They were the twins; not me. (Says a bit bitter) I was always the mess up in the family and they were always the perfect children who would grow up to be college majors and doctors and things like that. I was always the failure in my parent’s eyes.

Israel: I know how that could be.

Natasha: Drugs were involved. And uh… One night, while they were going out, I got high on some meth and I brought over some friends to my house. There were some hookers also involved. And the six of us- me, my friend Tony, his younger brother Dustin, and the three hookers, did some lines in my bedroom. Dustin was the only one who didn’t. He just wanted to go home. It was his first time out and he wasn’t used to the insanity his brother indulged in on a daily basis. I was high outta my mind. I wasn’t thinking. My little brother was in the kitchen. He was hungry. While Tony and Dustin were leaving the house, they found my brother and Tony asked him what he was doing up so late on a school night. I came out of the room and saw them talking. My brother said he wanted a snack before bed. He was hungry and didn’t have anything to eat all day. All that was left in the house was a frozen potpie that he gave to our sister and lied to her, saying he ate his already. Tony agreed to take us to the store on his way to drop off Dustin. I went to get to my coat and my shoes and when I got to my bedroom, I looked out the window and saw Tony speeding out of the driveway with my brother still inside the car. I didn’t know what to do. I panicked. I couldn’t call the cops and risk making the situation worse for everybody. So I waited. Listening to the repetitive sounds of moaning coming from my bedroom, I impatiently waited. Tony left his phone in my room. The walls of my house began to shrink and the noises throughout the house emphasized through my head and sounded like banging against my eardrums. Tony and my brother both came back high. Turns out Dustin’s parents forced Dustin to tell them where he was all night and where Tony was going. A patrol was sent out to scope my neighborhood for Tony’s car but never found it. I thought I was getting off easy, but my brother being high wasn’t a good thing. He freaked out and I had no choice but to call the paramedics. My brother nearly died. My parents completely disowned me and I lost contact altogether with my entire family. I lived my life normal and thankful for not being reported to the police. I met a man who turned out to be no good and gave me two children. I was afraid I was going to mess them up, so I was going to have special prayers done for my children. My son got a prayer, but not my daughter. My daughter became a psychopath and murdered my son. So I murdered her. I literally had nothing in life, and that’s when I found Jason and he recruited me. Out of the entire group, I was most dangerous and most empty. Even he sometimes kept an extra eye on me.

Israel: Wow… Gosh, Natasha, I am so sorry. I never knew about your life before Jason.

Natasha: Not many people care to ask. (Looks back at Ethan for a few seconds then turns back around) The history of our group is dark. It’s very dark. Jason is just trying to create a cult of serial killers.

Israel: With all his connections, there’s not really much we can do about it though.

Natasha: Yes we can. (A tiny tear drop falls from her left eye)

Israel: And what can we do?

Natasha: We can kill every single one of them.

Israel: Jason’s been expecting that to happen for quite awhile; he’ll be prepared.

Natasha: I don’t care. He needs to be put down. Him and his cult.

(The sky is dark and Natasha stands on a high heel within the snowy forest Israel was driving by earlier.) Israel watches the sun setting. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Israel walks up behind her. Natasha opens her eyes.)

Israel: Are you sure you wanna do this?

Natasha: I am sure. Everything happens for a reason, right?

(Lawrence is lying in bed by himself in a cheap motel. His cell phone rings. Lawrence is hesitant to answer.)

Lawrence: Who is this? Why do you keep calling this number?!

Natasha: Lawrence… I know this is your emergency phone, that’s why I called you on it. I’m guessing you know what this call is about. Go see your family for Thanksgiving. Be grateful for them.

(Lawrence knocks on door of Hanru’s home. Ada answers it. Her face lights up in shock.)

Ada: Lawrence? (Roughly hugs him)

(Natasha and Israel continue to watch the sunset.)

Israel: What now?

Natasha: This will be our last Thanksgiving possibly. I’m going to look for my family.

Israel: I suppose I should take Aiden- I mean Ethan back to Michael and Scarlet.

Natasha: Or maybe back to his real mother, Erika.

Israel: Alright then. Let’s get going. We have no reason to be here. The person Jason hired to kidnap Ethan, got into an accident because we sabotaged the car. We killed them. We disposed of the car as evidence. We killed those two women in the truck who drove by Ethan because we didn’t want them being witnesses. We disposed of their truck. Getting rid of that evidence and the bodies in such a short time is what we do best. Ethan doesn't know what's really going on, unfortunately. All he knows is that you and I are the good guys and he listens to us and stays quiet about Jason and us and our plan to turn against Jason. Let’s go now.

Natasha: Fine. Let’s get going.


(Erika is seen walking through someone’s yard. She looks up at the sky and sees the sun is nearly at set. She walks up to the front door and what a surprise, when a blonde Ada answers the door seconds later.)

Ronda: (Attitude) Can I help you?

Erika: Yes, I’m actually looking for someone…

Ronda: Henry?! You looking for Henry?

Erika: Yeah… Um… Ada?

Ronda: Ada’s my twin sister, darling. I’m Ronda.

Erika: (Caught off guard) It is nice to meet you…?

Ronda: (Smiles) Don’t look so surprised. Come on in. Ignore the screaming kids.

Erika: Thank you.

(Erika walks in and sees four children running around the living room shooting fake guns at each other. Erika stares at them a few seconds.)

Ronda: Babysitting while the parents are out shooting needles. I think Henry’s out back.

(Erika walks in the backyard and sees Henry grilling. His face lights up at the site of his old co-worker.)

Henry: Erika! Hey! (Runs up to her and gives her a hug) I’ve missed you! How are things going down at the station?!

Erika: I actually retired from there.

Henry: (Attends to the grill) So soon? You’re only like in your thirties. (Corrects himself) Early, thirties!

Erika: (Laughs) Yeah well, my heart just isn’t in forensics anymore.

Henry: No offense, but the entire time I was there, you were really lacking on your analysis.

Erika: (Chuckles) Thank you.

Henry: (Smiles) Where are my manors? Please have a seat.

(Henry pulls out a white plastic chair from the white lawn table beside the two of them. Erika sits in the seat. Henry pulls a seat out for himself on the left side of Erika.)

Erika: Thank you.

Henry: Ah, just being a gentlemen; no biggie. So what brings you around these parts?

Erika: I’ve decided to make amends with my folks and visit my son again.

Henry: (Surprised look on his face) Your son?

Erika: Yeah. It’s been like 13 years or somewhere around there since I’ve seen him.

Henry: (Trying to hide nervousness) Oh...!

Erika: I was wondering if you could come with me, but that was before I knew you were with Ada’s Yin-sister.

Henry: (Nervously chuckles) Actually she plans on visiting Ada for Thanksgiving as a surprise. I’ll be here all by my lonesome. I’d love to join you on this quest for redemption and forgiveness.

Erika: I’m a bit nervous to go out on my own and you’re the only friend I have who still lives here. Adam is busy enjoying his retirement and of course you know everyone else kinda just scattered.

Henry: Fine. I’ll be your wingman. Speaking of wings, I’ve gotta flip the chicken. (Stands up and walks over toward the grill)

(Erika leaves minutes later and Henry waves goodbye to her as she drives off. Henry closes the door and locks it behind him. He walks into the kitchen and Ronda is seen breaking apart parsley over a bowl in the sink. She glances over at Henry.)

Henry: (Crosses arms) So she’s planning to see her son.

Ronda: I heard.

Henry: It was miraculous when Oliver died and Jason kept Erika off his radar, but now if Erika starts digging up information about Aiden, Jason will reconsider keeping her off his radar.

Ronda: I say that’s her problem. Don’t get involved, Henry.

Henry: I’m going to make sure Erika doesn’t get hurt.

Ronda: Follow my advice; stay out of it.

Henry: You know, I’m sure that is very good advice, but at the moment, I feel as if I should ignore you and do what I think is best.

Ronda: Fine, I support you. Just don’t get yourself or me mixed up in Jason’s affairs.

Henry: Coincidently, Erika’s son lives not too far from where Ada is staying. So maybe we could all have a road trip.

Ronda: Sounds fun; I can’t wait.

(Hanru and Michael are standing in Hanru’s front yard.)

Michael: Jason is nothing but chaos. If I had the power, I would kill him myself.

Hanru: Who knows how many people are connected to him. If you did that, your family would never be safe. After everything you just told me, it sounds like giving up your son is your only option. There’s nothing I can do to help you. I’m sorry.

Michael: (Chuckles) I figured, after the talk your brother had with me. I travelled from state-to-state looking for the best private detective I could find.

Hanru: Why didn’t you just find one in your state?

Michael: It does sound more convenient, doesn’t it? Well I did, and no word and plus they’re limited by what the law allows them to do. George told me about a detective in Miami, who recommended me to his partner and then to you.

Hanru: Sorry but there’s really nothing I can do.

Michael: It was nice meeting you anyway, Hanru. Sazuki. (Reaches hand out)

Hanru: You as well, Michael. (Shakes his hand)

Michael: Now we go our separate ways.


(Lee is seen getting off of the plane. As soon as he enters the airport and takes a few steps through the terminal, two men in shades and tan suits are seen facing Lee’s direction. In his paranoia, he quietly walks over toward the side of the room. The men glare at him like a buzzard waiting for its prey to drop. Lee turns around and sees another man sitting in a chair wearing a blue Hawaiian suit. The man too stares at him. Lee looks over at the men in suits and they hold a sign which says “Leon”. Lee sighs and accepts whatever may come his way. He walks toward the men in suits. He gets to them about 20 seconds later. One of the men has a nametag that says “Koroshi”.)

Lee: You here for me?

Man in suit: At Kaito Zonoda’s request.

Lee: Fine. A good friend of mine told me to fess up to my mistakes like a man, so I will do just that.

Koroshi: Good. Now come with us, and don’t make a seen.

(The two men kindly escort Lee through the Airport.)

(Hanru’s home)

(Hanru is sitting in his tiny bedroom alone, staring at the ceiling. The doorbell rings. Hanru answers it and it is a very friendly Jessica.)

Jessica: (Smiles) Hey, Hanru, How’s it going?

(Hanru walks outside and closes the door behind him.)

Hanru: Hey, Jessica; how’s life?

Jessica: Great as always. How’s life for you?

(Hanru rests his hands on the short concrete wall on his porch.)

Jessica: I’m guessing not too well?

Hanru: (Looks at Jessica for a few seconds) You look beautiful, Jessica.

Jessica: (Stands closer to Hanru and wraps her arms around his shoulders) Hanru, tell me what’s wrong.

Hanru: I don’t need to bother you with my problems. I do that enough already.

Jessica: (Sincere) Hanru… Please?

(Hanru glances at Jessica, then takes a deep breath before looking straight ahead once again. He turns around and stands up as he leans his back against the small wall.)

Hanru: Just look at me; I’m a failure.

Jessica: No you’re not, Han-

Hanru: Please, Jessica… Just… don’t try to make me feel better with lies. I failed through middle and high school because the work was just too difficult for me and I couldn’t focus. I never understood the significance of school work. I just cheated and copied and still failed, yet somehow passed every grade- except for JR year. I needed 25 credits to pass and I had a total of 9 in a half. I was going to just test out of school and get my diploma online, but then money got tight and I never got it. I dropped out not just because of my attendance, incapability of understanding work, or even my short-term memory loss, but I planned on getting my online diploma. Next month in December I will be 21. I dropped out when I was 17. I wasted 4 years of my life doing nothing! Sure I got an under-the-table job, but that money went to useless junk and some bills and the laptop I bought for myself which was $645, and my diploma was only about $350. But not once did it ever occur to me to use that money for my diploma until after I got my laptop. Not once. So I decided to save up for the diploma but after I bought that laptop, I was never called back for another job again so I never made the money back. I’m lazy. Sometimes I take walks or I visit people around the neighborhood who are sick of me coming by all the time. I’ve never had a government job and when I try to apply, I get no response back, or it’s impossible for me to find an application online. When I do find an application, half the time I don’t understand the questions. I have a blank personality. People think I’m creepy and always have. I’m a hopeless romantic, yet afraid of relationships. With Holly all we did was hangout like friends, go to school together, and watch movies rarely. Melissa was my real first girlfriend; we actually kissed. But then she moved. Everyone else I have ever fallen in love with I’ve never met. I don’t know how to love. As much time as I spend alone hating myself and crying inside because of how alone I am, I know I could never have a healthy relationship. I sometimes find myself in a vortex of parental absence and mental confliction. Ada is like my mother, I guess. My brain cannot… fully understand the concept of what Ada is to me or what even a parent is. When I lost my uncle, I didn’t cry. What kind of sheer-cold-hearted monster am I? I’m not the leader of my own world. I always need someone to help push me forward and yet, still I fall. The only thing that matters to me in this world is love and making people happy. But that disconnects me from loving myself. I don’t know how to. I can’t feel ay pleasure in my life without feeling some kind of guilt of me feeling like I don’t deserve this happiness. There are so many issues I try to deal with but just can’t seem to. Despite how much love I can give in this world, I will always be looked down on because I don’t have a job, or a license, or any responsibilities and because of that I’m something less than a human being. People don’t understand my struggles, my way of life, thoughts or my feelings! No one could ever love a failure. I can’t even love myself because I feel like a failure. Look what I’ve been involved with and how many casualties I’ve been connect to. Look how many loved ones I’ve almost gotten killed! In the end, I don’t see what makes life worth living. This is exactly how I felt that night I met Jason. I felt lost and a part of me wanted to see how far I could get to this vicious killer before he murdered me in cold blood. I wanted to go out with a bang. But he never killed me and Natasha reassured me that I wasn’t ready to die yet .Kaito helped make my life interesting and helped me further understand the dark struggles within myself. Shaun was suffering from darkness like I once did, and I wanted to help him through his metamorphosis like Kaito helped me. Kenneth and Teegan were a broken family. I wanted to help the two of them find clarity and move on from grief. I’ve never grieved, I’ve never murdered, I’ve never been a leader. And yet I tried my very best to take in all I possibly could from them and change them for the better. Is this even normal behavior for a sociopath? I don’t know… (Rests his hands on the wall and closes his eyes)

(Jessica walks up to Hanru a wraps her arms around his body to hug him tight endlessly without saying a word. Jessica stops hugging Hanru after about 10 seconds, but in reality over a minute has passed. Hanru turns around and the two of them make eye contact and Jessica talks in a kind and sincere voice.)

Jessica: I may know what you’re going through, Hanru… But I cannot begin to understand how shattered you must feel inside. Hanru, I want to be here for you. Please let me be a part of your burdens. Please… (Blinks twice and tears lightly drip from her eyes)

Hanru: I can’t put you through this, Jessica. Please understand I am sorry. I know you care about me, but I… just can’t.

(Jessica wraps one arm around Hanru’s body and with the other she grasps the back of his head.)

Jessica: You are always willing to handle the burdens of those around you. If you could, you would replace your own happiness with the sadness of a grieving stranger. You deserve to have a woman in your corner that’s willing to share your burdens. (Rubs the back of his hair) Please, let me be that woman.

Hanru: (Closes his eyes tightly in agony and self-disappointment) You are a wonderful woman, Jessica, but I don’t-

Jessica: Shhh… Don’t say you don’t deserve me, because you deserve love just like everybody else. Feeling like you don’t deserve love means you’re guilty about something in your life. What is it you’re guilty about? Tell the truth.

Hanru: I feel guilty… about not being the person I think I know I can be. I rely too much on Ada to take care of me- before it was my uncle and my brother. I don’t even have my license. I have no accomplishments.

Jessica: (Closes her eyes) Be the man you feel you need to be. Just don’t lose touch with who you truly are. Life is too precious to not enjoy the simple pleasures from time-to-time. Don’t always focus on the bad stuff, because one day, these good little things in our world, will be no more. Enjoy these last few years of your life Hanru, because you and I both know what’s coming. Be who you need to, but then come back to me. Come back to me…

(Hanru hugs Jessica and the two of them indulge in a tight intimate embrace.)


(Everything moves in slow motion. Lee walks into a motel room and the two guards throw him to the floor. They walk out of the room. Lee looks up on the bed and sees Kaito sitting on the bed with a mean glare in his eyes. He looks over and sees his pregnant sister Nicky Zonoda standing next to him. Lee stands up and takes a breath, once again ready to accept the punishment of his actions.)


[“Storms” by Exitmusic plays to the end]
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Interesting Trivia-

1. Meredith was the woman from Volume three whose car was found flipped over with the baby still inside. After she and the baby were nursed back to health, both Kenneth and Shaun agreed to take care of the two of them after Meredith unfortunately suffered a permanent concussion.

2. Terrell and the other detective Dominic were both classmates of mine back in high school. They both signed a paper for me to be detectives in Volume Two or Three but their characters ended up being added in Volume Four.

3. The conversation between Jessica and Henrietta in their restroom was written to further explore a more personal domestic sexual issue. Jessica's storyline revolves around sexuality and sexual subjects that most people seem to not want to exploit.

4. Koroshi is actually the only follower Kaito had back in Volume 2 who didn’t turn on him when he lost his position as Don.

5. The rant that Hanru had with Jessica was actually about twice as long but was significantly reduced. Hanru’s entire character was going through a rough trial of dissecting who he was as a person and what burdened him most.

6. Volume Four focuses on origins of the characters and deciphering whether or not they’re limited to living what they’re born into or being able to evolve from their pasts. Hanru, however, seems to struggle with figuring out his origins and also he struggles with trying to live a seemingly normal life away from the chaos which distracted him from having to face the questions of his psychological origins.

7. The song “Storms” by Exitmusic played during the end of this chapter.