Status: Just started



The darkness surrounded me as I leaned into the comfortable airplane chair. It had to be around midnight and our flight wouldn’t land until around six in the morning. I was flying to England, back to my “home” country as my parents say. My dad got a job there and apparently they didn’t enjoy all that America had to offer. They told me that I was born in England and when I was three after our house burnt down. Apparently there was some huge fire and it completely destroyed all of my baby things.

On our way to the airport I had wondered if it was going to be an issue getting me to England, weird I know but I found out that I had duel-citizenship; you learn something new every day right? I was staring up at the ceiling when I felt my dad move.

“Millie?” He muttered his voice full of sleep.

“Yeah dad I’m here.” I answered; he looked over at me for a quick second and then snuggled closer to my mom.

I wasn’t exactly excited to go to England I mean, British accents come one, that always will up a guys hotness but I was really going to miss my friends and my school; I know you think I’m crazy for that one; but I actually loved it! I went to this boarding school called Ocean Loft Preparatory School for Talented Boys and Girls. Of course the talented students being witches and wizards; there weren’t that many schools on the East coast because of the lack of space, most of them were in the middle of fricking nowhere if you ask me. I went to this one school in like Missouri and trust me the most fun thing they did the entire four weeks I was there was tip cows… and that was without magic.

The way the schools are run in the States is supposedly completely different to the schools in England. I’m a junior or well in 11th grade in the States and in my new school I’m going to be called a sixth year. I think the whole change in systems is going to be quite interesting; not really. I turned up the music on my IPod when my favorite song, Selective by The Starting Line came on and a sad smile pursed my lips. I wasn’t able to bring my I pod to school with me, there was no electric plugs where I was going, no cell phone service and no internet. I really don’t know how these kids survive in the modern world. Well of course according to mom people of the magical world; well a lot of them don’t really become associated with muggles.

It couldn’t be the complete opposite in the States. Many of my best friends are muggles! Most of the time you would meet muggles in town or whatever, and instantly become friends; and because we don’t really separate ourselves we just get along with muggles just fine. U unfortunately there is some people like my father for instance who sticks to the “old” code as we call it. People who still think muggles and wizards should be separated.

I don’t understand how people think like that; it’s like magical prejudice… right or would it be muggles prejudice? Well it doesn’t matter; the point is we’re all the same except for the fact that some of us have wands and can make the most amazing things happen and well others can’t.

After awhile I started to feel sleep coming on and I leaned back my seat, I heard the person behind me growl in protest but like hell I cared I’m tired buddy. I curled up as much as I could in my seat and closed my eyes. I hope everything in my new school is going to be okay.

I wonder how people will feel about a new kid. I wonder if I’ll be hated for being American. I wonder what it’s like to go to Hogwarts. Well I guess I’ll find out soon.
These were the last thoughts that floated in my head as I drifted off to sleep.
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So I'm starting a new story, because I've become obsessed with Harry Potter lately, not the character the books, I'm actually obsessed with George Weasley which is what this story is about♥
Hope you like it so far.
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Dorry lee♥