Status: 10 stars. We love you all <3 It's quite active.

You're So Pretty On the Outside

Get Better Soon...


My phone rang next to me, snapping me out of the nap I had fallen into when I’d got home. I sighed and reached over, picking it up to check ID. I gasped when I saw my boss’ name roll across the screen.

“Shit!” I exclaimed, picking up quickly. “Hello?”

”Jennifer...” he said in a fake sweet tone.

“Yes?” I groaned. Busted.

“Would you stop being late to your God damned job?” he exclaimed. I winced at the sound.

“Yeah, sorry,” I mumbled. “I’ll be there ASAP.”

“You’d better be,” he growled. “Stay until closing why don’t ya?”

I groaned inwardly before answering. “Yes sir.”

“Good,” he ended in that stupid sickly sweet voice. “Now move it!”

With that he hung up. I rolled my eyes at his behaviour and left my room. I moved to the kitchen and ate something quickly, saying hi to Matthieu and Venita. Venita smiled and stood up, hugging me.

“Late again, are we?” she smirked.

“Go to hell,” I laughed. “I thought you were my friend! You didn’t even wake me!”

“I know, I know,” she smiled. “You love me either way, though.”

I rolled my eyes, laughing at her comment. I hugged her tightly and then Mathieu before running back upstairs and getting ready. I passed a brush through my hair and tied it up as I was supposed to. I slipped on the skirt in my uniform followed by a camisole and the shirt I have to wear.

I’m ready within a few minutes. I grabbed my ATL bag again and ran out the door, bolting for the intersection down the street. I ran the whole way, stopping when I realized cars were speeding by and I couldn’t cross without killing myself. That wouldn’t be good now would it?

I ran across the street to and slowed as I reached my destination. I entered the local diner and went to the back, punching myself in before grabbing my apron, notepad and pen. I found out what I was in charge of and walked out to the front, looking around. I saw a couple of boys walking in and walked up to them, smiling.

“Hey,” I smiled.

“Hello, we’d like a place for two,” one of them said, flipping his bangs out of his eye. I

“Got it. Follow me, please,” I said as I grabbed two menus and led them to a table.

“Thanks,” the blond said, smiling at me.

“No problem,” I laughed. “So can I get you any drinks for now?”

“Coke?” the blond asked.

“Okay,” I said, writing it down. “You?”

“Same as him,” his friend replied.

“Alright, I’ll be right back,” I said.

I walked away, slipping the notepad and pen in my pocket as I moved behind the counter to get their drinks. I grabbed two glasses, filling them. I walked back out and froze when I saw the blond kiss the boy across from him on the lips. I smiled softly. Aw! That’s so cute!
I looked down and waited for them to break apart before walking over and setting their drinks down before them. I smiled at them and said, “I know I barely know you guys but are you two dating?”

“Yes,” the blonde blushed. “Fuck you saw us kiss?”

“Yes,” I smiled. “You guys are cute. Oh, and no worries for homophobia from me! I’m bi.”

The two boys relaxed and nodded. “Okay, good.”

“So, you guys ready to order?” I asked.

The bell above the door chimed and I turned to see who had come in. My jaw dropped when Lee looked back at me with the same expression. I looked behind him and saw a guy I’d never seen before, his arms covered in tattoos.

“Umm...” one of the boys called. My gaze snapped around to them.

“Oh, sorry! Something... caught my attention,” I explained.

“It’s okay,” they replied.

“Yeah! So, your orders?” I asked.

“I’ll take vegetarian pizza,” the blond stated and I wrote it down. I glanced up at his boyfriend.

“Caesar salad but don’t put bacon if that’s okay?” he asked. I nodded.

“I’ll do it myself to make sure it’s done right,” I told him.

He grinned and nodded his thanks as I walked away. I walked up to Lee and tattoo guy and smiled at them. Lee grinned. “I didn’t know you worked here.”

“Well now you do,” I laughed. “Just you two?”

“No, the guys are gonna join us later,” Lee replied. I glanced at the guy behind him.

“Are you Oli?” I asked. He frowned.

“Umm... yes,” he confirmed awkwardly.

“Oh, it’s true! You two haven’t met!” Lee blushed. “Oli, this is Jennifer. The girl we told you

“The one who slept with Angel’s e-”

“Yes,” I cut him off, holding up a hand. “I had no clue he was dating her and I haven’t
talked to him since she caught us. Don’t get all bitchy at me.”

“Anyway, yeah,” Lee laughed. “Jennifer, this is our front man.”

I nodded. “Awesome. Now let’s get you guys seated so I could get those guys their meals.”

“Oh, yeah!” Lee laughed, blushing slightly.


Oli and I followed her to a table and we took a seat. She asked what drinks we wanted as
she handed the menus. She hesitated for a moment, glancing between us.

“Either of you vegetarian?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Oli replied.

“Alright, you ever come here before?” she continued. Oli shook his head.

“Okay, the last two pages are more for vegetarians. They’ve got salads and pastas there if
you’d like,” she said. “Drinks?”

“You have any beer?” Oli asked, glancing up at her. She shook her head.

“Sorry, our boss won’t let us sell alcohol,” she replied. He sighed.

“Water,” he mumbled.

“Okay, Lee?” she asked, smiling at me.

“You have any English tea?”

“Yeah,” she nodded.

“Kay I’ll have that then,” she nodded.

She glanced between Oli and me, looking at me worriedly. I shook my head at her and she
walked away getting her orders filled. She came back with my tea and Oli’s water a few minutes later and went back to grab her earlier customers’ meals. She set it in front of them and they smiled up at her in thanks.

She walked over to us and pulled out the notepad. “You guys ready?”

“Yeah,” we replied.

She took our orders and went to back to the kitchen coming back ten minutes later with the
food. She set it down before us and sat down next to me. I smiled and scooted over, giving her space on the seat.

“God, this place is dead,” she groaned, leaning her head back. I smiled.

“You’ll get more business soon. The guys should be here any minute,” I informed her.

“Great,” she laughed. “More work for me.”

“Hey, you’re the one complaining about the lack of customers,” I reminded.

“I wasn’t complaining, I was stating! There’s a difference,” she laughed. “You have no idea how much I wanna go home right now!”

“Well, suck it up princess,” I laughed. “You gotta do your job.”

She laughed and stuck her tongue out at me childishly. “This coming from the guy who get’s month long breaks or more after he’s finished his job.”

“Hey, it’s not that easy! You can’t sleep properly, high chance you get sick, always eating shit food!” I exclaimed.

She laughed. “Oh yeah, that’s a hard life all right!”

“It is!” I laughed.

“What is?” Curtis asked as he walked to the table, sliding in next Oli.

“Touring,” I replied.

“Oh yeah, it’s a major bitch after awhile of no sleep. Particularly with that one,” he stated
motioning to me.

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” I laughed.

“You’re a nice bitch one you’re tired, that’s what!” he smiled back.

The rest of the guys all nodded their agreement, even Oli. I whined and glared at them
angrily. Jennifer laughed from beside me and got up, pulling out her notepad. She smiled at the questioning look on the guys’ faces.

“I work here,” she explained. “I was taking a break because there was no one to serve. Now
that you three have shown up, I sort of have to. Thanks by the way, I was getting tired of the nice break I was having.”

The guys laughed at her comment and grabbed our menus, looking through quickly and giving her their orders. She went back and gave them to the chef. She made her way back to the two guys in the other booth and smiled, going about her task. She set down their bill and walked back to the kitchen to check for the food.

She came back with it quickly and set it down, moving back to the two boys and picking up the bill and money, smiling at the two.


“Thanks for coming guys,” I smiled at the couple. They smiled back.

“Have a good day now,” the blond, who I had learned was Caleb, said to me.

His boyfriend, Kris, winked at me then kissed his boyfriend before the couple walked out. I chuckled at the two. They’re so cute.

I looked at the time and groaned. I still had three hours to go of this. I looked over to Lee’s table and saw that the guys were almost done their meal. I walked over and sat down next to Lee again. The group pulled me into the discussion they were having, asking me about my musical interests. I admitted I was into punk rock, pop rock and softer rock bands.

“Then you don’t know us at all?” Bear asked. I shook my head.

“No sorry,” I replied.

“It’s cool,” he nodded. “Hey, maybe Lee can show you some of it?”

I nodded, agreeing to his suggestion. I glanced at Oli again and frowned. He’d barely touched his food. I touched Lee’s hand, catching his attention. He looked up at me and I gestured that I wanted to talk to him. He nodded and I scooted out, him following close behind. I led him away from the group, curious stares following us.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“She still hasn’t talked to him?” I asked, motioning to Oli with my head. He looked over and

“No, she hasn’t,” he replied glumly. “I really hate seeing him like this.”

“I agree,” I nodded. “And I barely even know him.”

“Yeah,” Lee said.

“Hey, Lee?” Mattie called. We looked up.

“Yeah?” Lee replied.

“We’re going,” he called back. “Can we have a bill?”

“Sure,” I replied.

I walked to the cash and got their bills, figuring they’d pay separately and gave them out. They pulled out their wallets and gave the money before hugging me goodbye except for Oli. He simply thanked me and gave a weak goodbye, walking out of the diner.

I sighed as I hugged Lee, my cheeks darkening slightly at the contact. “I hope he feels better soon.”

“Yeah,” he sighed. “Me too.”

With that he left. I watched the five boys walk out; my eyes glued to Oli the majority of the

*Time elapsed: three hours*

I groaned collapsing on my bed. The only thing I had in mind was that I had to make
sure Angel talked to him. I’ll call her tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, in case this chapter confused anyone, it was set back to the day befor they apologized! I just figured I had to get Jennifer in on what was happening with Oli and making her see how crappy he feels. Also I sorta need to introduce the two to each other so yeah, there ya go. This is long. Sorry if drags on a spots. Anyway, comment and tell me what you think? oh, and I put up a picture of Jennifer in the character page with a description!