Status: 10 stars. We love you all <3 It's quite active.

You're So Pretty On the Outside

Fix This!


"So do you think the two made up?" Oli asked as we got ready the next morning. I sighed.

"I hope so," I replied.

"Well we'll just have to wait and see," Oli agreed. "By the way, how was your date yesterday?"

I smiled at the memories that question brought on. "We kissed."

Oli grinned. "Oh fuck yeah! Are you serious?"

"Yep," I nodded distantly. "It wasn't anything big though. Just a three second kiss, really."

"Oh!" Oli cooed, wiping imaginary tears from his eyes. "My little Lee is growing up!"

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up you moron!"

"What happened anyway?" he asked. "Like did you kiss her or she kissed you?"

"She kissed me," I answered. "It was her way of telling the two whores that were all over me
to fuck off I guess. They were fucking disgusting."

He smirked. "Someone's jealous!"

I laughed, getting up and shaking my head. I walked to the door with Oli following behind
me and we headed out. We walked up to the room the two Matt's shared and knocked, the
door opening to reveal a very tired looking Kean. I frowned.

"You didn't make up did you?" Oli whispered. He shook his head.

"I don't even fucking know," Matt sighed.

I glanced at Nicholls in time to see him roll his eyes and pull on his shirt. His eyes travelled up and down Kean's back, resting on the back of his head. I frowned at his frustrated expression but let it go.

"Hey let's go to Sarah's!" Curtis called as he came down the stairs, said girl wrapped up in his arms.

"Kay," we all agreed.

My mind drifted to Jennifer, debating if I should go see her or not. Kean noticed my expression and tapped my shoulder, catching my attention.

"What's up?"

"Should I call Jennifer?" I asked. Sarah smiled.

"I don't think Angel would mind having her over and neither do I. She's more than welcome,"
she smiled.

I waited for her to continue, her expression showing that she wanted to. She hesitated for a moment but went forward with her sentence.

"She could bring her friend if she wants," she added.

I frowned. "Why?"

"Well I just want to meet her, she explained.

"Okay," I replied. "I'll call her when we get there."

We got in the rental and drove to Sarah's. I found my mind trailing off to all the negative
effects we were causing. I chuckled. She's really rubbing off on me.

I pulled out my phone and dialled Jen’s number, pressing the phone to my ear. I waited two rings before a deep male voice picked up. He had a deep French accent.

“’Ello?” he answered. I frowned, my heart dropping.

“Uh... hey, who is this?” Did I dial the wrong number?

“Um... Mathieu,” the guy replied. I breathed out, relieved.

“Oh hey, it’s Lee,” I smiled.

“Hey!” he laughed.

“What’s up? How’s Venita?” I asked.

“Nothing, just watching some T.V.,” he replied. “Venita’s doing okay. We’re waiting for
Jennifer so we could do something.”

“Oh, I just remembered why I called in the first place!” I laughed. “Do you three want to hang at Angel’s for a while?”

“Um... Angel?” he asked uncertainly.

“Oh! Is that Lee?” I heard Venita exclaim. “Pass it!”

I laughed with Mathieu as a few crashes sound from the other line followed by curse words
from Venita’s lovely mouth. Finally she got to the phone and pretty much made me deaf.

“Hey!” she exclaimed.

I flinched, pulling the phone away from my ear. Oli and Curtis glanced at me strangely as
they entered the house before me, making me blush. I brought the phone back to my ear and grinned as I answered.

“Hey!” I replied.

“Well, you took your damn time with that one, hey?” she scoffed. I smirked.

“Sorry,” I grinned.

“Oh, I’m kidding! Jennifer’s showering though so she can’t talk! She should be out soon if you li-” she was interrupted.

“Vanay! What the hell are you using my phone for?” Jennifer exclaimed.

“Talking,” Venita replied.

“No shit! Why are you using my phone?”

“Because the person called on your phone?” Venita replied smugly.

“Woah! Which one of you answered my phone?”

“He did it! I swear to God he did it! Kill him!” Venita exclaimed.

I burst out laughing at the comment. “Oh, you’re sentencing your own boyfriend to death? How cruel!”

“Nah, she loves him!” Venita laughed, shrugging it off.

“Mathieu! What did I say about answering my damn cell?” Jennifer snapped.

“Bien là, c’est seulement poli! Je suis désolé!” Mathieu retorted.

“What did I say about using French when we argued?” she snapped.

“Ah câlisse, arête!” Mathieu snapped back.

“Non!” Jennifer exclaimed. “No swearing!”

“Hey, would you shut up, the both of you? Jen, go get ready instead of walking around in
underwear and a bra!” she exclaimed.

I darkened as her words brought a very interesting picture to mind. I got even darker when it travelled down, getting a reaction from me. Shit, think something else! Something gross! Think, think! Oli and Curtis making out! Oh, shit that would be nasty! Shit, I think I’m going to be sick! No, wait!! No time for that! Definitely not!

“Anyway,” I sighed, dragging attention back to me. “You guys could come over to Angel’s and hang out with us. It’s already been given the okay by them. Jennifer should know the way.”

“Okay, we’ll be seeing ya, homie!” she exclaimed trying to sound gangsta.

“That was a fail,” I laughed. "Bye."

"Va chier!" she laughed. "Bye!"

I walked into Sarah’s house and went up to the living room. I sat down next to Kean and stared at Nicholls and him. They obviously hadn’t made up. I leaned into Kean.

“What the hell happened last night?” I whispered, frowning.

He sighed and grabbed my wrist, pulling me out of the house. We sat on the front steps and he started.

“I really don’t know what happened,” he sighed. “He locked himself in the bathroom and started crying. He came out after a half hour and wouldn’t even look at me, much less speak. We had a little disagreement after I tried convincing him to tell me what’s wrong. He won’t talk to me even if I start the conversation. Lee, this is fucking killing me! He’s my best

I looked at up at the tone of voice he used. It sounded a little too desperate for a friend, best or not. I frowned for a moment, staring at Matt as he leaned forward, resting his forehead on his hands. His shoulders slumped forward as he stared at the ground. I thought I caught a glimpse of tears slipping down his cheek. I gasped and leaned forward.

“Are you okay?” I asked worriedly. He cleared his throat, wiping his cheek.

“Y-yeah, I-I’m fine,” he stuttered. He closed his eyes and breathed.

“Why are you crying?” I asked.

“I need him to talk to me,” he murmured. I stared at him, confused.

“Why?” I questioned.

“I don’t know, I just need to hear his voice again! I just have to see him looking at me without wanting to kill me! It’s driving me insane!” he cried, tears slipping down.

I groaned and got up. “Stay here.”

I walked back into the house and stood between Nicholls and the television. He tried looking around me but I snatched the remote from his fingers and shut it off. He glared up at me.

“What the hell is your problem?” he snapped.

“What’s my problem? What the fuck is your problem?” I screeched back.

“What do you mean?”

“What happened between you and Kean? Please fucking enlighten me because
the guy was about to break down in tears outside! What the hell did you two do last night?
Swear fucking hatred on each other and damn each other to fucking hell?” I screamed at him angrily. "You're avoiding him like the fucking plague! Why?"

He groaned and looked away. He fidgeted with his sweater zipper, thinking of an excuse to give me. I growled, getting frustrated.

“Fuck, Nicholls, you are going out there and you are talking this fucking fight out! Am
I understood?” I snapped. He flinched but slowly nodded.

I grabbed his arm and yanked him up, dragging him to the front door. I pulled it open and
pushed him out. Kean looked up shocked but caught the boy before he could fall.

“Work this out,” I snapped. "Now."
♠ ♠ ♠

Bien là, c’est seulement poli! Je suis désolé! = Well it's only polite! I'm sorry!

Ah câlisse, arête! = Ah fuck, stop!

Non! = No!

Va chier! = Go fuck yourself!

Alright, I know this took forever but I was working all week and never got a chance to write. i hope this makes up for it though.