Status: 10 stars. We love you all <3 It's quite active.

You're So Pretty On the Outside

He's ***ed.


“Mathieu?” I called, looking around the room. Lee looked up at me, shaking his head.

“He’s not here,” he replied. I frowned.

“God, is he ever here?” I asked, frustrated. He chuckled.

“No,” he replied. I rolled my eyes.

“You’re not helping!” I snapped. He laughed.

“Baby, calm down,” he said as he got up.

I glared at him as he walked over but allowed him to kiss me on the lips. I wasn’t so immature that I wouldn’t kiss my boyfriend over some stupid remark. He pulled me to the kitchen and motioned to the table. I grumbled, earning a look from him, sitting down with my arms crossed.

“You hungry?” he asked.

“No,” I replied bluntly, “I just want to know where Mathieu is. You already know he’s been pretty fucked up since Venita...”

I couldn’t say it. I dropped my head into my arms, groaning as I started to cry a bit. I missed her a lot and so did Mathieu. I wasn’t sure whether I should be worried about his constant disappearances or not, too.

“You think he’s okay?” I asked. He nodded.

“He’s not an idiot, Jennifer, he won’t go and do something stupid,” he replied. I rolled my eyes.

“The kid is depressed!” I exclaimed. “Who says he won’t try anything? That’s usually when they turn to all the shit that’s available, no?”

Lee turned back to me with arms crossed. “You’ve got to be kidding me, right? You’re not even older than him, Hastings, so stop acting like a mother.”

“Oh, so were using last names now?” I remarked, getting up. “Okay, how’s this; I have barely seen him since we got here. The condition he’s in when I do see him is not convincing nor positive in any way, shape, or form, he avoids me, he locks himself up in that fucking room of his doing God knows what?”

“I actually think you’re worse than a mother,” he commented. I growled.

“Shut the fuck up!” I snapped back.

He laughed, turning back to what he was doing on the counter. To be honest, I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. He had the weirdest things out and if he was trying to make something edible, I had a feeling I’d have to refuse.

“Can we confront him about it? Please?” I asked finally. Lee groaned.

“You’re serious? God, Jen, it’s his life,” the kid groaned.

“So what?” I replied. “What if he’s fucking suicidal and we haven’t even noticed?! Er...uh...knock on wood.”

I hit the table three times then looked back up. Malia stared down at me, his expression screaming ‘why the hell am I with this girl?’. I glared at him, crossing my arms.

“You done staring?” I snapped.

He blinked twice, spinning back to the counter. I laughed when he bumped his head on the open cabinet door. He glared at me over his shoulder before grumbling and getting back to work. I glanced at the time and sighed.

“Wow, Malia, any longer?” I whined. He sent me a look.

“No whining,” he snapped. I laughed.

“Alright, if you insist,” I agreed, crossing my arms.

I was about to start singing about my annoyance when the front door slammed open. We spun around in time to see Mathieu stumble in and kick off his shoes, some random girl following behind him. I shot up from my seat and walked to the staircase, blocking their way. Mathieu whined, the girl glaring.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I hissed. Mathieu shrugged.

“I don’t know,” he replied, his words slurring.

I grimaced when I caught the scent of alcohol on his breath. I looked at the girl behind him and glared back.

“Who is she?” I asked, motioning to the slut. She growled.

“Who’re you?” she hissed.

“I’m Jennifer; I actually live in this house with him and my boyfriend so I’ve got the right to be here. You, on the other hand, don’t,” I snapped. She rolled her eyes.

“Your roommate doesn’t seem to agree,” she smirked.

I rolled my eyes, letting the two push passed me and run upstairs. Lee stared after them from the kitchen doorway, shaking his head disapprovingly.

“You see what I mean?” I asked, pointing in their direction. “The kid is fucked.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah its short, I know, but this time it was intentional. I just wanted to give you guys a taste of what's going on with those two now that Venita's gone. It's going to get interesting :)