Status: 10 stars. We love you all <3 It's quite active.

You're So Pretty On the Outside

Not So Blind Date

“Hey, Oli, you’re not doing anything tonight are you?” Curtis asked.

I thought about it for a second before shaking my head no.


“Because I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date tonight.”

“Sorry, Curtis, I don’t swing that way,” I joked.

“Not me, you ding bat.”

He rolled his eyes and smacked my head slightly.

“Who’s the girl then?”

He looked hesitant to answer.

“It’s supposed to be a blind date.”

I scoffed. “Oh, please. Don’t give me that shit. Who is she?”

“Promise you’ll pretend you don’t know?”

I nodded.

“It’s Anna.”

I could feel my eyes light up as I smiled but I quickly frowned.

“She’s going to be so pissed when she finds out that I’m her date,” I said with a groan.

Curtis just shook his head.

“Sarah is with her right now at the mall. She said that she’s going to try to get her to behave.”


“You’re not dressed for a date,” Lee said disapprovingly.

I looked down at my clothes. “What’s wrong with my clothes?”

“Nothing if you’re just going somewhere normal.” He snorted a little bit.

I just looked at him blankly.

“Oh, you’re hopeless!” he cried. “Here, put this on. It’s better than nothing.”

I caught the suit jacket that he tossed to me and put it on over my shirt.

“Do I look okay now?” I asked.

I was feeling extremely self-conscious because of who I was meeting.

Curtis chuckled. “I was just texting Sarah and you’re worrying about your looks more than Anna.”

I grumbled to myself and grabbed the car keys. Curtis had told me earlier that our reservations were under Sarah’s name so when I arrived at the restaurant I gave her name and I was seated. About 15 minutes later Angel showed up looking wonderful.

I think I died a little bit inside when she glared at me the way she did. She crossed her arms and stomped her foot causing me to raise an eyebrow.

“Why are you here?” she demanded once the waiter guy left.

“I could ask you the same question. Curtis told me to come here.”

I had to keep up the façade that I had no idea she was my date.

“Sarah told me to…”

“I think our friends are trying to conspire against us.”

She sighed. “I’m leaving.”

When she turned to leave, I reached out and gently grabbed her wrist.

“Why don’t you stay? Just see how this all goes and then if it’s as bad as you think, I won’t try to stop you from leaving.”

I couldn’t see her reaction as she was still turned away from me.

“Fine. But I’m going to the bathroom,” she muttered.

“Don’t sneak out, okay?” I questioned with a small smile.

She was in the bathroom for a while so I fidgeted with the edge of the jacket. I could only hope that she didn’t decide to go against my wishes and sneak out.

“Sarah told me that the guy’s name was Scott,” she said once she finally came back.

I laughed. “My middle name is Scott.”

I smiled when she seemed to get it.

“That explains it,” she said with a nod.

The waiter came and after he took our orders, we finally talked for what seemed like the first time.

“I hate salad,” she muttered.

She poked the lettuce with her fork and I looked at her strangely.

“Then why didn’t you order something else?”

“Because like you, I’m a vegetarian, but I also hate vegetables.”

I just laughed at her. “That doesn’t make much sense.”

She smiled cutely and continued to poke at her food.

“Do you want to go somewhere else?”

Angel started to get excited.

“Like where?”

“Ice cream?” I suggested.

I laughed and stood up when she nodded vehemently.

“Do you have your car? Sarah stole mine so that I wouldn’t stand you up.”

I help up the keys to the rental and she nodded as we walked to the front to pay.

“So was tonight as bad as you thought it would be?” i asked.

“No. I thought it would be a disaster from the start since it was a blind date and when I saw you sitting there I thought it would be even worse.”

“Well I’m glad you’ve had a somewhat good time so far.”

“What about you? I haven’t tortured you too much with my presence, have I?”

I just laughed. “You’re fun when you aren’t trying to kill me with your death glares. It’s quite cute, really.”

“You think my death glares are cute?” She was mocking me, but it was entertaining.

No, I mean when you’re being nice.”


“So can we pick up some drinks after we get our ice cream?”

I sighed and rolled my eyes. She really was an alcoholic.

“Jesus, woman, you drink more than I do.”

“Hey! I’m sober right now,” she protested.

“Whatever. We’re just going to stop at a grocery store and buy one bottle.”

“Fine. It’s better than nothing. Can we go back to my house and change first?”

I drove to her house and waited as she ran inside to change.

We stopped at a grocery store for the liquor before going to a random ice cream place. After we got our cones, Oli drove us to the beach. We sat in the sand occasionally taking swigs from the giant bottle that we had bought and talked.

“So why didn’t you like me?” I finally asked.

“I thought I told you already?”

“You just said that you thought I was a dick, but that doesn’t tell me why.”

“Well… I don’t really know. There was the fact that everyone told me that you were an asshole and you seemed so cocky in all of the interviews I had seen. Just because you have nice hair doesn’t mean that you rule the world.”

She began to shiver so I pulled her against me.

“I know I don’t rule the world. I also didn’t know that it came off as if I did.”

“You’re so warm.”

I laughed at her words but frowned when I saw her drinking even more.

“What would you do if I kissed you right now?” I asked.

She just shrugged. “I don’t know. We’ll just have to see.”

I turned toward her before leaning down and kissing her. She kissed back but I quickly pulled away.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. You’re drunk right now.”

I wanted to hit myself. What was I thinking? She had drunk most of the bottle by herself so clearly she wasn’t sober. Kissing her when she was in that state was taking advantage of her and I wasn’t about to do that.

She stopped my thoughts by placing a hand on my cheek and kissing me once more.

“I’m not drunk.”

I looked into her eyes and they looked normal. They weren’t at all bloodshot so I decided that what we were doing was okay. I smiled and kissed her. After about half an hour of acting like we were in a cheesy romance movie, we ended up driving to a hotel.

“You should stop,” she said.

“I don’t want to.”

I pushed her against the wall and kissed her, grinding my hips into her and causing her to moan.

“We shouldn’t be doing this. I hate you!”

Ouch. That one hurt.

“One night of fun never hurt anybody.”

I kissed her neck, trying to get her to agree with me.

“Fine, but if I get pregnant I’m going to kill you. I’m shutting up now.”

“It’s about fucking time.”

“Shut the fuck up.” She pressed her lips against mine and pushed me in the direction of the bed. “Now, hurry and let’s do this.”

“Of course.”


After we finished I held her in my arms. She was half asleep.

"Do you think that I was dressed for a date?" I asked quietly.

She laughed sleepily. "You looked fine Oli."

"Thanks, love."

“I love you,” she murmured.

I looked at her in shock and a grin slowly found its way onto my face.

“Love you too.”

I just stroked her hair until she fell asleep. I stared at her while she was sleeping.
♠ ♠ ♠

The next morning is coming soon :) Haha Oli is a creeper at the end of this ;)

Also, the duck dress isn't terrible, I just needed a reaction out of her :p
