The Skittles Rush

Chapter Four

Mikey's POV

I was not happy that Bob wanted to give Sarah my pants. But I got over it seeing as I was busy being shocked at the fact that Bob has a pair of bright pink parachute pants. I mean really...Bob wearing bright pink parachute pants, I must see that.

"Hey Bobblehead, why don't you try on those pants before you give em to Sarah?" I said trying my best not to giggle.

"Oh would you pleeeease???" Frank begged.

Bob cringed at the suggestion.
"No, I don't think Sarah really wants to se that..."

"Acctully, I would like to see that." Sarah giggled.

"What's going on in here?" Ray asked as he and Gerard walked in the room.

"Why hello," Gerard said when he saw Sarah. "I'm Gerard. Oh and this is Raymond."

"Hey! My names not Raymond!" Ray said defending his name. "It's Ray."

"Hi, I'm Sarah." Sarah stated.

"We're trying to get Bob here to model some old bright pink parachute pants for us."
Frank informed Gee and Ray.

"Old parachute pants? Haha no. Not old. I was with him when he bought em last week." Gerard said with a smirk.

"Gee!! How could you?!?" Bob squeeked.
(A.N. Yes he squeeked it. Got a problem with that? I didn't think so...)

Everyone laughed at Bob's squeekyness.

"Come on Bob, just model the pants or I'll tell them what else you bought..." Gee threatened.

"*Gasp* You wouldn't!" Bob said shocked.

"Oh I will, you know I will!" Gerard continued with his threats.

"Fine, I'll do it." Bob pouted and went upstairs.

"So Gee, you gunna tell us what else he bought?" Ray asked curiously.

"Maybah I will, maybah I won't...We'll see." Gee teased.

Frank burst into laughter as I looked up to see Bob at the top of the stairs.


To be continued...

Did Bob put on the pants?
stick around to find out......