Status: One - Shot. Done

Fingers and Rocks

6th of August 2006

“Ha! And John said that I should take it ‘cause he was stronger! Well we managed it! But I think I’m gonna turn it over cause this sides bumpy and I think the other side would be better… OUCH!”

Luke, John and I had been at the beach below Luke’s house working on our fort. We had deiced to make a stone wall on top of a big rock at the front of our fort. We had found a quite big rock that we were going to put on our wall first, just after finding the rock John was called to leave. As he was leaving he told Luke to wait for him to lift the rock as he thought he was stronger than me.

Luke and I had decided to ignore him and moved the rock without him, right after he left. We were doing it quickly because I was being called to go as well. We put the rock down, but I then decided that the side of the rock that was facing up was to bumpy, so I thought I should turn it over, unfortunately, as I was flipping it over it rolled and the bumpy side landed on my hand, sandwiching it between the two rocks. It didn’t hurt too much so I just pulled my hand out from between the rocks.

Luke and I stared at my hand in horror.


My mum couldn’t see us so was thought I had simply chipped a nail and didn’t feel like climbing down an almost-cliff just for that.

“Mer I can’t get down there stop being stupid and come up here. I’m losing patience. “
So I struggled up the almost-cliff, with one hand.

I hadn’t just chipped a nail. I had broken the tip of my finger into 8 pieces and wrecked the nail bed completely. But none of us new that…
♠ ♠ ♠
wow. the injustice of that still stings...

anyways. not the best thing ever, but comments?

constructive critsism?