Status: Do-over

Luna Curator


I look at the clock as I take my dish over to the sink. Crap! Lost track of time. I wave bye to everyone and grab my messenger bag and helmet. I rush out and get to the public bus stop just as the bus is rolling into view. I climb aboard. The bus is completely empty except for me and the driver. I stare out the window the rain has stopped but it’s still pretty chilly. The trees blow in the same direction bending with each breeze. My stop is up next. I jump off and walk down cracked sidewalks where the roots of the trees have lifted the cement. Poor tree must be in pain. The streets are mostly deserted except for a few thugs who leave me alone.

Tommy’s shop is a rundown red brick building that used to be a firehouse in the 20’s. the department relocated in the a few block over in the 60’s since then it’s been Tommy’s shop. The owners name is George. Inside is no better than the outside Pale green walls with water stains greet me, along with the odor of armpits and stale pizza. I walk to the back office.
“Hey Margo. Is my bike ready?” Margo a slightly overweight transvestite and George, the owners wife. Scowls at me. “you were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago” she purses her orange red lips.
“I know I’m sorry, family members are over and it was hard to get away” From the cake. The corners of her lips go up.
“don’t worry about it doll. There’s a man that has paid extra to tune up his bike last minute” She purrs as if remembering something pleasant. “mmm let me tell you something doll, when a man as gorgeous as him walks in here, you forget all about time.” I nod and back away slowly leaving her to her…thoughts.

Out back, where the actual shop is, George a skinny short guy wipes his oiled hand with a dirty rag. His dirty blond hair pulled back into a loose pony tail. He squint his eyes like the sun is making it too bright for him to recognize me. There’s no sun its completely clouded. I walk up to him.
“Hey George, is Blair OK?” I ask. Blair is my bikes name. I think the name suits it, there’s something sinister about it.
“yeah, she’s all right darlin’ just needs gas” I nod and walk over to Blair.
“I hear you got your work cut out for you, closing late huh?” I say, absentmindedly stroking my bike.
“yeah, some rich kid came in last minute practically throwing money at me to give his bike a tune up, that’s it over there” he nods his head over to where a beautiful motorcycle stands, all muscle.
“nice” I mutter with jealousy.
“yeah the kid was in a hurry too so I better go and finish up the last touches,” he continues. “ see you around darlin’” I mutter a bye and run in to say bye to Margo who is in her office preoccupied with the phone I wave at her and she waves back. Before I can swing the door open, someone from the outside pushes it open, knocking me back on my butt. I groan as I try to get up but fail miserably. Hands help me up and keep me steady for a while before I pull away and mutter. “watch where your going next time, please”
A deep voice mutters a ‘sorry’ obviously amused. I walk off before I can even look at the accused. The only thing I saw was a ring similar to mine but his gem a lively green, where mine is a luminous white.

I wake early for school so i watch youtube videos on my very slow and pathetic computer.
I'm into my thied video when there's a knock on my door.
"come in" i answer. Larissa head pops in slowly.
"your mom said were leaving in a minute" i nod closing all the open windows on my computer.
As I enter the school parking lot on my bike, the ‘popular’ crowd surround my parking space. I park and turn off the motor. All at once they jump up towards me inviting me to parties and to hang out or to go shopping. I politely decline all of them as I try to break away from them nicely. Calista and Larissa wait for me in the front of the school not at all nervous. In fact they look bored. I smile at there enthusiasm or lack of. I greet them and gesture for them to follow me. I lead them to the front office where they receive there schedules minutes later we stand by my locker looking over there classes. The three of us share none together. We agree to meet me by the main entrance of the cafeteria at lunch so we can at least eat lunch together.

As I walk to my cousin and Larissa people whisper about how they are almost as pretty as me. I disagree they are definitely prettier than me. Calista, though an inch shorter than Larissa and I, has a fierce look that could make chocolate melt. And Larissa her demeanor regal like a queen. Where as Calista is more like a warrior princess. We grab our lunch and head over to an empty table by the jocks and cheerleaders who call me over eagerly, but I decline politely.

“you don’t ave to sit with us, you can go sit with your friends if you like” Calista offers. I shake my head.
“oh, no. they aren’t my friends really, more like acquaintances” Calista nods like she understands.
“so where are your friends?” Larissa asks.
“don’t have any” I can feel all eyes on me through out the cafeteria staring at me sitting with the new pretty girls.
“but everyone says hi to you in the halls” Calista states. I nod. “ but that doesn’t exactly make them friends, I’m more the loner type you know” Larissa nods and adds “ must get lonely” I shrug.
“so were cousins huh?” Calista nods.
“yeah, we’ll talk about that later when there are less ears around” she looks around the cafeteria were everyone is silent trying to overhear our conversation. I nod and laugh. We eat our lunch in very awkward silence.

“Ember, explain what Poe’s character meant in the last line?” I open my mouth to answer but the last bell of the day silences me. I gather my things and follow the rest of the class out the door. Calista and Larissa wait for me at the front steps of the school I wave at them and direct them to there bus. They wave and get on the bus. I walk to the parking lot where a tall guy stands by my bike. When I reach my bike I take out my keys and look up and smile at James. A new student this year as well but he started off in September with the rest of us. He mostly keeps to himself like me, he’s extremely shy and has a nice build. But I think what separates him from the popular crown would be his neon green braces and buddy holly glasses, but other than that he has flawless skin and a boyish smile that makes him handsome.
“hey, James whats up?” I ask fishing my keys out of my overstuffed bag.
“Hi, ember I was uh just wondering if you maybe wanted to you know um… join the archery club” he stumbles on his words swallowing hard.
“what days do you guys meet?” I ask. He brightens at my question. I never pegged him to be the weapon type, but then again I didn’t even know they had an archery club.
“ well the first meeting is the day after tomorrow at lunch in the cafeteria” he grimaces slightly. “ and you and I are the club, that is if you agree”
“oh.” I say.
“I thought that if maybe you joined the club would... increase” he shrugs. “ I’m sorry I bothered you I’ll just go” he mutters turning away. I laugh.
“no wait, James! I’ll join and so will my cousin and her friend if that’s okay with you” he smiles and nods.
“of course, thanks ember you wont regret this it’s not as boring as It sounds” he smiles broadly showing off his braces. He walks off with a pile of books in his arms.

When I get home no one is home yet so I prepare sandwiches and milk shakes. Hmm chef Ember has a nice ring to it, If only I could cook. I laugh at myself as the front door opens and shuts and feet shuffle to the kitchen.
“hey guys I made sandwiches and milkshakes!” I announce as three figures appear in the kitchen. I turn to where a beautiful boy with light brown skin and unnatural blue eyes smiles at me. I smile back. He rushes to me I take a step back but he’s already picked me up. He hugs me tight and twirls me around laughing and saying how much he's missed me. He puts me down and ruffles my hair like I’m some little kid, next to him though I do feel small. He’s towering over me his blue eyes searching mine. He frowns when he notices my confusion and shock. He steps back and gives me a sad smile.
“she doesn’t remember” he says clearly not talking to me.
“what’s your name?” I ask him. His eyes sadden more and he sighs.
“Kaleb, everyone calls me K. except for you” I nod, he doesnt seem like a K.
“I’m Ember. Its nice to meet you. Are you a friend of my cousins?” he nods and adds, “I’m your friend too” I smile and lead them to where the sandwiches await in the living room.

Before I can bite down on my sandwich Calista starts. “Ember there’s some things we have to tell you” I bite into the sandwich and come to the conclusion that I will never be a chef.
“about?” I ask taking another bite thinking the second one will be better. Nope.
“well. You actually” Larissa says.
“hmm I think I know myself pretty well but… I’m open for criticism” I look down at my sandwich and hesitate to take another bite. My stomach growls and I give in.