Sequel: Meant to Be
Status: Complete <3 Go check out the sequel!

What Once Was, Is No More

Playing Catch Up

It could’ve taken hours, days, maybe even weeks to talk about what had been going on the past five years in Olivia’s life, but luckily for her, there was nothing in her life worth talking about for that much time. It was just a simple three-point situation: school, work, and Jason. However, the latter of the three she was a little pissed off at. Why hadn’t Jason told her about Brendon or at least mention his name. She’d definitely find out when he called her tonight. She circled the top of her glass with her middle finger trying to figure out what to say. He never took his eyes off her.

After taking a sip of her drink, she finally answered, “Nothing really. Just went to school, graduated, became a nurse, in between all that, met Jason and then moved in with him.”

“So, not married, no kids?” He asked bending his straw back and forth.

She furrowed her eyebrows and gave him a mean glare.

“No. I’m only twenty-two. Why would you even ask that or think it?” She asked with a little attitude.

“I don’t know. I remember you once said that after you graduated from college, we’d get married and get started on a family. I just figured you would’ve done it already.” He responded.

She couldn’t believe he remembered something she said over five years ago; something that opened up an old wound.

“That was years ago and I was stupid to even think it. Times change, people change.” She almost whispered.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up.” He began, noticing tears in her eyes. “Okay, forget what I said. Let’s talk about my shitty life.” He said changing the subject.

She looked away and gently wiped away the stream of tears from her cheeks. She was glad she didn’t bother putting on any make-up this morning. Before Brendon could sum up his life, the waitress came back to take their order. Once she left, Brendon began.

“So, after high school, I obviously went on with panic, signed with a label, made an album, toured and everything else that happens with becoming a rock band. Then we started our new album and during that time I met someone, her name was Kayla, and I thought she was the one. But recently, I found out she was cheating on me, I walked in on her and two guys in our bed. So, I ended our two year relationship and now I’m here with you.”

Though, he broke her heart and she wished he’d suffer like she had, there was a small percent of her that hoped the best for him and his dreams; and at that moment, she felt sympathy towards him. No one, not even a jackass like Brendon, deserved to be hurt the way Kayla hurt him.

“I’m sorry to hear about your break-up, but it seems like you finally got what you wanted. The band I mean…Seems like it’s going well. Congrats on that.” She said smiling.

He smiled back at her, knowing it was complete sincerity.

“So, you and Jason…How’d that happen?” He asked.

She didn’t know how to take the question. His tone made it sound like they were all wrong for one another.

She asked curiously, “What do you mean?”

“Don’t get me wrong, you guys look nice together and all, but he’s like the complete opposite of me.” He said leaning back in his chair.

“What? Just because I dated you I can’t date someone who isn’t like you? Aren’t we being a little egotistical?” She said bringing her index finger and thumb together.

“Haha…No, I’m just saying.” He replied.

“Well, if you must know, we met after winter break and we had three classes together. We talked, went out, and got together the next semester. He was the first guy I ever felt comfortable being around after…you.” She answered avoiding eye contact.

He saw it on her face, in her eyes and heard it in her voice-he had really hurt her. He sighed heavily. Their food arrived and during lunch enjoyed small talk, avoiding anything from the past. They finished their meal, paid, and headed for Olivia’s car.

“So, where to now?” She asked him.

“You know where I feel like going?” He said turning his head towards her while they sat in the car.

“Yeah I do, because I can read your mind.” She said sarcastically.

He started to laugh at what she said and she started to laugh.

“You still have that lovely sarcasm I see.” He commented, moving a strand a hair behind her ear.

She smiled and answered, “One thing that hasn’t changed. So, where is it you wanna go?”

“Are there any parks nearby?”

Olivia tensed up. She kept away from any and all parks since they broke up. Just the mention of one brought up many memories they shared at that one park back in Vegas. But she had already let her guard down around him and didn’t want to seem vulnerable, so she drove to a nearby park. There were children everywhere; mothers, nannies, guardians, or whoever was there with them, were watching them close by, and swinging them. Olivia felt the warmth of Brendon’s hand grasp hers as he led them to a bench under a tree. Everything was starting to feel like five years ago and then some. They both watched the children as they laughed and played on the playground.

Brendon turned towards her and asked, “What were you going to name our baby?”
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...Thoughts? Comments? Rude Remarks? (nay the latter, I hope there aren't any) haha =)