Status: One-shot. Complete.

When the Light Begins to Change


It was 11 at night when the power in my house cut out. I froze as I was instantly cast into darkness, my limbs setting like instant cement. I could see nothing but the faint outline of the moon through the curtains of my bedroom window, and a whimper escaped from my lips. My eyes darted around my pitch-black surroundings, looking for possible attackers. This is my problem – I can’t control my actions when I’m in the dark. The panic that rises through me overrides everything else, and there’s nothing I can do about it. Only one person can calm me down. Zane. My boyfriend of 2 years.

He’s the light of my life, not meaning to sound cheesy. Blonde surfer hair, a wide pearly smile, and eyes as bright blue as the ocean. Just him being around me shakes me out of my unrelenting state of mind, but he’s not here right now. I’m alone, all by myself, completely isolated. There’s no-one to save me from my inky surroundings.

Then I saw a green light pop-up beside me. My cellphone! I quickly grabbed it, my eyes darting around a bit more, before I flipped it open.

“H-Hello?” I squeaked

“Baby, are you okay?”


“It’s dark, Zane. So dark,” I whispered, pulling my knees to my chest where I sat on my bed.

“It’s a citywide blackout – there won’t be any power for about 6 hours,” Zane explained

“6 hours?!” I whimpered

“Calm down, everything will be okay. I’m coming over to yours,” Zane soothed

“But it’s dark out! What if you get attacked?” I gasped

“I’m more concerned about you right now, my love. Just sit tight okay? I won’t be long,” he chuckled

“O-Okay. But hurry!” I begged

“I will,” he murmured

The call clicked off, and I felt my breathing go shaky as I dropped my cellphone to the floor. No light...for 6 hours...complete darkness...what am I going to do?! A sob tore from my throat as my mind ran through the possibilities of what could happen before Zane gets here.

1) Someone could break in, try to steal something, then attack me.
2) I could fall asleep, and someone could sneak in then stab me when I can't defend myself.
3) I could need the bathroom, but I can’t leave my bedroom in case there’s something there.
4) Zane could never make it here, leaving me alone in the dark for the entire 6 hours.
5) I could go mad.

The list is endless, but I couldn’t focus on any more as a cloud passed over the moon, blacking out my last ghosting of light. Another sob tore from my throat, and I buried myself under my covers, desperate for even this weak form of protection from the monsters of the night. There could be anything out there. Anything. I’m too weak, too skinny, too small to fight anything off, whereas Zane is bigger than me, stronger than me, braver than me. Gods, I wish he’d arrive soon!

I froze upon hearing a noise downstairs. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?! I couldn’t control the tears that fell from my eyes, and I curled into a tighter ball underneath my duvet, my breathing reduced to irregular pants and my nails digging into my palms. This is it. I’m going to be attacked. I’ll never get to see Zane or my parents or my friends again. God damn it, why did my parents have to go away this weekend? Why doesn’t Zane live closer? Why...

I whimpered as I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. God, please don’t come into my room. Please don’t come into my room. Please! Then I heard my door handle being turned and I held my breath. I didn’t get to tell Zane that I loved him when he called...I didn’t get to tell him one last time before this intruder attacks me! I screamed as the duvet was torn off of me, squeezing my eyes tight. Just kill me quickly. Don’t make it hurt!

“Oh Darcy,” a voice whispered

I opened my eyes and lifted my head. Zane! I jumped up and flung my arms around him, sobbing into the crook of his neck.

“Hey, hey, it’s okay. It’s just me, calm down baby,” Zane cooed, rubbing my back.

“I-I thought you w-were someone going t-to attack m-me,” I choked, lifting my head.

“Your damn myctophobia,” Zane mused

He dropped his rucksack to the floor and pulled out two massive flashlights, and turned them on. Light flooded the room, instantly making my heart-rate return to normal pace. He picked up my hands, turning them to see the palms. He frowned at the sight of 4 crimson half-moons on each palm, looking at me with pain in his eyes.

“I hate it when you do this,” Zane sighed

“It was so dark. I was so scared,” I whimpered

“It’s not dark anymore - please don’t do this again,” Zane begged softly

I blushed lightly as he pressed a kiss to each palm.

“I won’t. And thank you. Gods, I was so scared that I’d never see you again,” I confessed sheepishly

“Well you haven’t got to worry about that, because I’m here for the night. And I’m here forever,” Zane said sincerely

“Do you mean that?” I asked shyly

“Of course I do! I love you, my darling Darcy,” Zane said cheesily

I giggled, wiping my cheeks dry.

“I love you too,” I grinned

Zane grinned back and ran his fingers through my jet black hair, before pressing his lips to mine softly. I inhaled sharply through my nose, eagerly kissing him back. His kisses make me feel so safe, so happy, so warm. I can never get enough of them. When I felt the need for air, I broke away, breathing a little heavily.

“I will always be here to protect you. From the dark. From yourself,” Zane murmured in my ear.

“That’s all I can ask,” I murmured back
♠ ♠ ♠
And there's my contest entry!
I had fun with this - myctophobia wasn't anything I'd written about before, so I hope I portrayed it right!
Comments are appreciated =]