Tie It With a Ribbon

When Words Sink In

“It took around two seconds for what you said to finally register in my head. Alena, I can’t let any more people die, and I can’t imagine putting your life in someone else’s hands; it just didn’t feel right at all. You said earlier that I had your consent, but I wanted a second opinion from your mother. It was very civil, if you were wondering. I don’t know that she was so surprised that you married me, but who knows? Anyway, I asked Chastity to hold you off until I finished talking with Nadia.”

“Are you done being all grumpy?” I asked, glaring at him as he chuckled.

“Yes, I will stop moping now. It’s not worth losing you over.”

I smiled, my arms having a mind of their own as they wrapped themselves around his neck, and I buried my face in his chest, sighing contentedly, as his arms wrapped around me. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“I know a relationship can’t be magically fixed by a few nice gestures in a period of ten minutes, but I want to get through this even if it takes longer than I hope.”

“How long do you hope it will take?”

He smiled sheepishly. “About two seconds from now?”

I smiled. “I don’t know if that’s possible. But all I wanted to know was that you wanted this to work half as much as I do.”

“I love you,” he mumbled quietly, kissing the top of my head, “even though we’re not so similar.” He thought for a moment. “Or maybe it’s because we’re not the same.”

I pressed my ear to his chest, listening to the sound of his heart beating faster than usual. Unfortunately, I realized where we were.

“Zanzibar, we probably shouldn’t be out here. You know how normal birds are,” I told him, a wry smile on my face.

He shook his head, though the smile still remained on his face. “I know, Alena. We probably shouldn’t be in your room either. You know how normal lions are.”

I grinned, embracing him tighter for a moment before he released me, taking my hand without a thought. “Zanzibar—”

“Please, Alena. They know I’m not normal, and they’ll get used to it.”

I just did not see that happening, especially not as Reginald turned away from us in disgust and as the commoners looked away with red faces. But he stood firm in his decision as we walked towards the soldiers’ quarters. Zanzibar knocked on the door of the Nest extension, because the door was not open during the day, as it was on the main section of the Nest. It required a key at all times, because it was where we stored weaponry, regardless of how I felt about it.

“Oh, Queen Alena and…King Zanzibar.” The soldier seemed a bit sick to his stomach, but Zanzibar pulled his hand from mine to bow gracefully, receiving a confused bow in return. “Is something the matter?”

“No, no,” Zanzibar assured him, standing with perfect posture. “But I do promise that we have business here. Might we speak to the soldiers?”

He looked rather shocked, because it was not a very common procedure, and he told us that he needed to speak with his higher-ups for a moment. I turned to Zanzibar, offering some advice.

“I do not know how your Imperial Guard works, Zanzibar, but soldiers typically bow to us to ask to be dismissed. And I don’t know of a King who has ever bowed in return.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

“And one more thing.” He frowned. “I’m sorry, but I want this to go well. It’s just that, well, tell me something. In your guard, is there one leader, or is it more like a group of leaders?”

“The latter. There’s an induction ceremony for a soldier as he rises into the top rank, and they rise once they earn the trust of every member of the royal family.”

I smiled. “I like that. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works here. Most soldiers rise in the ranks when they save someone, though most of the times it ends in their own deaths. But if they show a great amount of promise, it is possible to reach higher ranks without dying. The private guards are the top rank, and they have one leader.”

“Well, who is it?”

“That’s the not-so-fun part.” He gave me a strange look. “It was Alexandros.” That strange face was replaced with one of pure hatred.

“You must not have a very thorough screen check on your soldiers, Alena! They trusted your life to a murder?”

“You don’t know… He was very skilled, Zanzibar. He was the best fighter, and he didn’t fight like a Leonian, which was the strange part. But I’m not sure who is in charge now.”

He still appeared rather angry, so I smiled, standing on my tippy toes and kissing him softly. A smile broke onto his face, and he wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my forehead and mumbling “I love you” into my hair. I laughed softly, holding him tightly.

The sound of a man clearing his throat caused Zanzibar and I to look over to our company. I instinctively tried to pull myself out of his embrace, but he only held tighter, refusing to let go. I couldn’t see who it was, but it was obviously someone Zanzibar didn’t particularly like.

“Zanzibar Giovanni, I am sure you know that our people are entirely different.”

I cringed at the voice. If he was the top soldier, this was not going to be easy.

“I am completely aware, but I am also sure that it is customary to address your King as such, Reginald.”

“Zanzibar, please,” I mumbled, looking up at him through weary eyes.

He frowned. “Okay, but only because you asked nicely.” He kissed my cheek gently before releasing me, not even stealing my hand. To Reginald, he asked, “Are you the man that I should speak to about a request?”

His eyes narrowed, but he nodded slowly. “I know why you’re here, and I think it is the worst thing milady Nadia could have ever asked of me. Unfortunately, she thinks very highly of you.” He turned his attention to me. “Queen Alena, I will not have you put in unnecessary harm merely because your husband wishes to prove himself for some outlandish reason.”

“Reginald, he is your King now, and his reasons are entirely pure. I wouldn’t underestimate him if I were you,” I told him, a playful smile on my face as I glanced to Zanzibar out of the corner of my eye.

“Back at the Den, it is not strange for the Giovanni line to take up lessons with the soldiers. In fact, my sister, Camille, just graduated from the training academy with flying colors.”

“You will find that Leonian and Aquilan fighting styles are entirely different.”

“And you will find that I am no stranger to the battlefield.”

I sighed. “Come tell me when you pass,” I murmured quietly.

He grinned ear-to-ear. “I won’t disappoint you, love.”

I smiled, excusing myself from the two and returning to my room, because it had a perfect view of the training grounds.

Reginald appeared very rigid as the two walked towards the designated area, but perhaps that was only because the graceful lion beside him caused a drastic comparison between the two.

I rested my elbows on the railing of the balcony, my head cradled by my hands as Zanzibar ran the obstacle course, surely coming very close to Alexandros’ record time. I did not know if he noticed, but as he was running, two Aquilan soldiers stalked him, trying to catch him on guard. It was the traditional course, but I think they had hoped to give him a scar at least.

I cringed as they charged at him, but he ducked and kicked his leg out, causing one soldier to lose his footing. He caught the soldier’s foot as he was falling and threw him at his comrade, though he did, oddly, stop to ask if they were alright. I laughed at the spectacle as he dashed through the finish, not looking the least bit drained as Reginald stood in shock as he stared at his stopwatch.

Zanzibar glanced up to my balcony, smiling softly as I grinned, waving. He waved back, rather enthusiastically, before stepping up to Reginald, asking about his time, I’m sure.

Reginald looked rather annoyed as he read it to him, and Zanzibar tried to act shocked, though he failed miserably. I heard Alexandros’ name mentioned, but he managed to remain calm. If breaking the record was not enough to get him into the private guard ranking, then there would be soldier screenings very shortly.

I let out a sigh of relief as Zanzibar hugged Reginald outrageously, and I decided to leave before he received a lecture, for which Reginald was famous. I stepped into my room, leaving the balcony curtains open to allow some airflow as I moved to close my bedroom door.

“Are you proud of me?”

I jumped in my skin before smiling, turning around to see the sneaky kitten leaning against the wall, as if waiting for me to finally notice him. He had closed the curtain entrance without my noticing, somehow.

“I certainly am. But I’m also nervous.” I strode up to him, and he met me halfway, taking me into his arms gently.

“Why’s that?”

“Well, I’m scared you’ll get hurt. I know they can’t allow you onto the battlefield, because you’re their King, but you could still get hurt.”

“But it will be worth it, Alena. My sole purpose is to protect you and our people, but now I’m more bound to you. Reginald just couldn’t say no when he saw my credentials, if you will.” He grinned. “I shaved nearly a whole minute off of that traitor’s time, and I managed to use manners as well.”

I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck. “That was too cute.”

“I’ve been told I’m quite adorable,” he muttered, making a face.

“Well, you are. My cute, little kitten.” I kissed him softly, but he shook his head.

“No. I’m your…ferocious, manly lion.”

I laughed as he kissed me, but then he slipped out of my arms. I almost asked what he was doing, but he took my hand gently, hesitating.

“I know what you said about doing this,” he mumbled, kissing my hand and staring at me with that intensity, “but I’m only trying to show you how much I love you.”

I smiled, a blush crossing my cheeks. I shook my head. “I love you, too.”

He looked uncertain as he kissed up my arm. “Alena, I know a different way to show you that I love you.”

“Do you?” I murmured, meeting him for a quick kiss.

He nodded, kissing my jaw softly. “I understand if I’m on thin ice, but I want you to know that I’m done having an attitude and taking it out on you.”

“Now tell me how pretty I am.”

He smiled, taking me into his arms again, kissing me feverishly. “You’re gorgeous.”

“And you’re forgiven. For now.”

He nodded, that lop-sided grin plastered to his face. “I’ll take it.”
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I just re-posted two chapters! Oops! So I had to go through and fix it, and now I'm updating the new chapters! It was mass confusion on my part. (: