Tie It With a Ribbon

These Unclean Hands

I had promised to never again go to the funeral of my family, but this time it was not so much as a promise as it was an undeniable truth. With my mother having passed, there was no one left to lose.

Zanzibar caught my hand, and only then did I realize that I had been shaking. I thanked him mentally, watching with a heavy heart as the ashes were tossed into the breeze, never to be seen again.

“Alena, I won’t let this happen again—not right under my own damn nose,” he whispered in my ear, kissing me chastely.

“She said she just wanted me to be happy,” I told him under my breath. “That’s why she didn’t stop us.”

He nodded, staring over the edge of cliff for a moment.

“Come on.”

He pulled me down the slope, abandoning the silent crowd who watched in silent and invisible heartbreak—Reginald among the few who dared show their grief.

“A lot happened yesterday, and I would completely understand if you would wish to retire home for a moment.”

“What obligations do you have?” I asked, smiling weakly.

“You know me too well, my love.” He kissed me quickly, but the traces of the smile vanished. “I have to handle the soldier responsible. It will not be nearly as gruesome as Alexandros’ execution, but death is never a pleasant subject.”

“How is it that it does not bother you?”

He looked shocked for a moment. “Alena, I cannot stand death, but you lack my need for vengeance. My grudges are held more to my heart than any displeasure associated with killing. You, on the other hand, do not have a drop of retribution in your feathers.”


“Please, do you not need rest?”

I shook my head. “Being alone to my thoughts is the last thing I want. I think I’ll go see Chastity. She surely can raise my spirits.”

He nodded, kissing me in parting. “I’ll come back for you once this is finished.”

I headed for her cottage, knocking gently on the door as the eerie silence consumed me. The marketplace was deserted, and every home was firmly shut off from society.

“Oh, milady Alena, do come in,” Chastity murmured hurriedly, dragging me inside and shutting the door firmly behind me. “Here, have a seat. I’m sorry it is such a mess.”

“It’s not a problem,” I told her, sitting carefully on the sofa. “Zanzibar had to tend to murder, so I thought I’d stop by for a visit.”

She nodded knowingly. “Really? Well, how long will that take?”

I frowned. “You know, he didn’t say. He did mention that it would be simpler than Alexandros’ will be.”

She frowned as well. “Oh, yes: Alex… It is hard to believe that he could have turned out to be so foul. And to think he would have been our King if Zanzibar had not swept you off of your feet.”

“Yes, it is a terrifying thought,” I agreed, running my fingers over the fabric of her sofa.

“And poor William!” she shouted suddenly, tormented. “It is true then, that he was murdered?” I nodded. “Have they found the culprit?”

“I’m afraid not. We know Alexandros had something to do with it, but he was only pulling the strings. Whoever it was truly went to great lengths to torment me, it seems. They buried him in the Aquilan graveyard, and they even misplaced Reginald’s wife.”

She nodded, looking to the window. “And it was just the other day that I joined him for a cup of tea… It’s a shame, it really is. And to move Reginald’s betrothed to a corner like that…”

I nodded, but then something clicked. “Chastity,” I mumbled, watching her curiously. “I did not tell you where they moved her.”

I could not help but notice as her smile faltered for but one second. “Yes, but I have been there myself, to pay my respects.”

“Oh.” I rose to my feet, smoothing my clothes. “Well, I would not like to burden you any longer. I’m sure it will be over soon, and then I must look into my father’s death.”

“But wait!” Chastity cried out, catching my wrist.

I narrowed my eyes, my gaze dropping to her hand. She released me quickly.

“Oh, I just—must you go?”

It was in that moment that I saw hesitation in her eyes, and I jumped at the door, but she grabbed my wrists.

“What are you doing?” I screamed, squirming hopelessly as she twisted my arms behind my back.

“I am sorry that it has come down to this,” she whispered, slapping one hand over my mouth before I could scream again. “It was either you or Zanzibar, and there is no way that I could kill him! He has training. You, on the other hand, do not. It’s not personal, Alena, I truly do like you. We just can’t have this… I’m sorry.”

I slammed my eyes shut, swallowing the lump in my throat. Everyone that I had trusted turned on me!

“I was happy when you and Zanzibar started seeing each other, I truly was. Until… Until you mentioned wanting a child. Oh, but the Heavens! What kind of fool would I be to allow that?” She slammed me against the wall, holding my throat in her hand as I gasped for breaths. “And Alex had an interesting proposition. What he was saying truly made sense, I mean… Only one of our kingdoms can survive without the other getting in the way. There is no middle ground.

“Half-bred children are abominations, Alena! That was your mistake; you were too comfortable. I loved the thought of peace at first, but it is obvious it never would have worked. Once your child took over, it would be faced with the task of choosing a mate. That would be a fight in itself! And you… Oh, you are already a Leonian! What of our Aquilan court? It would disappear until only the lions remained, feigning equal partnership with the birds.”

I shook my head, trying to prove her wrong, but my voice was muffled by my need to breathe. I struggled furiously, gasping a painful breath when she loosened her grip slightly.

“I don’t want to kill you, but I could never be within striking distance of Zanzibar. You’re just too weak and trusting to pass up! I’m truly, truly sorry.”

My eyes widened as she reached into her pocket and produced a vial of red liquid.

“Unfortunately, it won’t affect you as much as I would like, but it will make you less of a hassle. I’ve studied the Leonians for so long, and I suppose now it pays off. Honestly, you could not have made this any easier for me… I suppose this way your father will always be with you.”

I started sobbing then, but I knew I could not cry. With the image of my father in my mind, I waited for her to become too at ease. It did not take long, I realized, and as she tried to pour the liquid in my mouth—that vile, disgusting corpse-desecrator!—so I eased my hand towards the concealed dagger.

Perhaps Zanzibar had been helpful after all.

“Damn it!” she hissed, backing up and holding the new gash on her stomach.

“True, I shouldn’t have trusted the world so carelessly, but you shouldn’t have either! Not all Queens have weaponry skills, but not all Queens have a Leonian husband,” I told her, clutching the hilt firmly. “You deserve every pain the afterworld can bring you for desecrating my father!”

“If I’m going, then you’ll be joining me! I’ve worked too hard to lose now,” she hissed, pulling out a dagger and pouring my father’s blood down the blade.

The liquid clung to the steel, immediately hardening. She looked to me, her face an emotionless mask as she relaxed herself entirely.

“The only thing I have to do is hit you once, and you have to kill me. If you stop now, I promise I’ll try to make it as bearable as I can.”

I lunged at her, kicking out with my leg. She stumbled, but she caught herself with her arm.

“Wrong answer,” she breathed, pushing herself up and swinging wildly, the same tactic that Alex had used. “You know, I trained under the best solider our country has to offer. You, on the other hand, have no training whatsoever.”

“Your master couldn’t kill me, so what makes you think you’ll do any better?” I asked, running out of room to run.

“Simple: your little hubby isn’t here to save you this time!” she shrieked, jumping at me just as my back hit the wall.

I screamed, pushing the dagger forward as I tried to shield myself.

A sickening gasp filled the air, accompanied by the sound of a knife cutting through skin and internal tissues. I let go of my dagger, watching her through horrified eyes as she smiled so cynically. I looked down, but the blade was not in my stomach.

She stopped smiling then, and her blade clattered uselessly to the floor as she grabbed her stomach, her hands being consumed by her own blood.

“You…” She gagged, dropping to her knees. “You bitch! I’m going to…to…”

She tried to stand, but her legs gave out. I whipped my head away as she fell flat on the floor, the blade ripping through her body. She did not make another sound, and I slid to my knees, staring at the blood which covered my hands.