Restless Neighbours

Chicargo Blues

Hello my name is Haylie, today i am moving to Las Vegas from Chicargo. i dont really want to move, yeah you may be thinking well of course you dont want to you cant just pack up and leave all your friends. Truth is i only have one friend. Sad i know, im 16 and i dont have an abundence of friends. My only friend whom i can allways depend on is Jon Walker, his full name is Jonathan Jacob Walker but i only ever call him Jon or JWalk.

I love Jon, he has allways been there for me and has never let me down unlike so many other people in my life. He has taned skin, brown hair and eyes, hes not fat nor is he skinny. Quite like myself he enjoys music. He plays bass guitar in his spare time. I have always told him that he will be famous one day, i mean he's only 16 but god he is one hell of a guitarist. Unlike me I can't play any form of instrument to save myself. Apparently i do have a "unique" voice, i dont think so though, im defiently no Amy-Lee.

Today is a sad day because I will most probably never see my best and only friend again.

"Flight F623 to Las Vegas is now bording, please make your way to the service desk to board your flight."

Crap!, thats the flight I'm on. For the last time i hug and say my goodbys to Jon and his family, also my home city. I sure am going to miss chicargo. I am excited about this new adventure but also sad because i what i am leaving behind.

"Final boarding call for flight F623 to Las Vegas"

Next thing i know is that I'm seated in my seat, row C, seat 5. I look out side the small window to take one last glimpse at my beautiful Chicargo.