Status: So sorry to not be updating!!! I'm away for a week, but I'll try to get some up when I get back!



Despite the last bit, I woke happily recalling all the details of my dream, relishing the lightness of it, despite it taking place on the darkest of nights with the brightest of full moons. I rolled over, hoping to return to the dream, and found my neck stiff and achy. I scrunched up my face in annoyance and sat up tiredly, and rolled it around a few times before torturing my eyes with my east-facing window.

I cracked open my eyes just slightly, but they encountered no light. At all! Weird. I always woke up later in the morning. I felt around for my lamp, but couldn’t find it, though it had been in the same place for years.

I swung my legs over my bedside and fumbled around toward my door, but where my door should have been, there was no wall or door. I continued walking in confusion and ended up stubbing my toe on a chair.

I shuddered with chills. I do not have a chair in my room, and my door leads to a hallway. I walked further, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Unfortunately, the blindness stuck around regardless of the time I spent in the darkness or rubbed at my eyes.

“Mom?” I called out, getting extremely worried and spooked.

“Hello,” a very un-Mom-like voice called out. I felt two heavy hands land themselves directly on my shoulders. I dropped to the floor to get away from them, but the hands swept me up. I began to scream before I went unconscious.
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